Video/Audio proof of a Tea Partier throwing racial slurs

Does anyone have it from sunday? I heard it happened and have seen multiple threads for it on the forum. I haven't seen a video or heard it yet.

Did it really even happen? toss me a link.

There's no video of OJ murdering two people. That must be why he was found innocent.

You're comparing Murder to a Public Protest with thousands of people around? :cuckoo:
You have to wonder how many more days they can milk this shit.

what are we going on now.?:lol:
Does anyone have it from sunday? I heard it happened and have seen multiple threads for it on the forum. I haven't seen a video or heard it yet.

Did it really even happen? toss me a link.

There's no video of OJ murdering two people. That must be why he was found innocent.

There were not dozens of news crews and cameras at the murder scene when the murder took place. If there were, we would have seen video of it.

Very lame attmept to rationlaize the validity of the "tall tale".
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I've seen the video, of the so called spitting incident, on fox, but have not been able to find a link to one. The link below from Fox. - Tea Party Protesters Dispute Reports of Slurs, Spitting Against Dem Lawmakers

could you hear it in the video you saw? Theres no video in that link only a story.

I wanna hear it/see it.
You can't hear or see what didn't happen.

Everytime there are protests against democrats they claim there is racism, and everytime they fail to show it really happened, outside of silly signs.
You have to wonder how many more days they can milk this shit.

what are we going on now.?:lol:

It's all they got.

Everyday, some right wing nut does something dumb, and its all WE got?

How many isolated incidents will it take before you see a trend?

300 million people dickhead.

And even YOU use the term "isolated incidents".

Every hockey game has someojne tossing beer on the fans below...each one an isolated incident.

So I guess based on your logic, there is a trend implying it is a conspiracy...and in reality ALL hockey fans are beer tossers.

What a left wing nut you prove yourself to be in every post you write.
If liberals are going to start crying "racists" then they should be prepared when others point out the pot calling the kettle black.

Liberal racists bear a heavy burden for having helped destroy the black family and create a black underclass by their romanticization of ghetto behavior, and their insistence that blacks are victims who cannot be held responsible for what they do. They reject the idea that culture rather than race may help explain the disadvantages those in the black underclass face. It is true, as they point out, that some 40 percent of America's black children are born poor, and that this fact affects their life chances. But it is also true that 85 percent of these poor children come from single-parent homes. It is this circumstance—studies show that children born into single-parent families are more likely to be poor, regardless of race, than children with two parents—rather than "institutional racism" that actually handicaps them. Yet in the liberal view, any policy aimed at countering illegitimacy and single parenthood among the black underclass is "blaming the victim."

I've seen the video, of the so called spitting incident, on fox, but have not been able to find a link to one. The link below from Fox. - Tea Party Protesters Dispute Reports of Slurs, Spitting Against Dem Lawmakers

could you hear it in the video you saw? Theres no video in that link only a story.

I wanna hear it/see it.
You can't hear or see what didn't happen.

Everytime there are protests against democrats they claim there is racism, and everytime they fail to show it really happened, outside of silly signs.
It doesn't matter if it's true to the liberals, they accomplished their goal which is to get political points from it.
Does anyone have it from sunday? I heard it happened and have seen multiple threads for it on the forum. I haven't seen a video or heard it yet.

Did it really even happen? toss me a link.

No video available but Phil Hendrie had "the guy who said it" on his show the other night and it was hilarious.

The key words here are:

"No Video Available"

With secondary assurances being advanced on the merit of the 'but'...

So no actual evidence that it happened... 'but' rest assured that it did happen and that the happening reflects the essence of the Tea- Party Movement...

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