Video: Bahrain security forces shoot directly at protester’s face


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Keep your eyes on my person stalker, Mr. Cuckoo, the Sunni convert who sits on his potty waiting for me all day long. The alerts are coming in. I wish that he could at least speak the language of one of his caretakers at the asylum so that he could have a little tete a tete with him or her. I can just imagine what fatso weighs by now by not getting out and walking around a bit. I thought that the Boston area had great medical personnel, but apparently his psychiarist isn't doing any good in getting him to function as a sane human being. Perhaps a change should be made. No normal man goes around stalking someone constantly on a forum. It would only be a mentally ill man doing something like that. I think many of you would agree with me. However, let us all be thankful that he isn't able to get out since many converts become terrorists.

Video: Bahrain security forces shoot directly at protester’s face


A video has emerged showing Bahrain security forces appearing to shoot a protester in the face at close range, using birdshots. According to activists, the video was filmed Tuesday in the capital Manama's suburb of Bilad al-Qadeem, which has seen daily protests ever since opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman was arrested in late December.

In the video, a man holding up a poster of Salman is standing on a street corner, just a few metres away from an armoured police vehicle. The vehicle is covered in splats of paint, which local residents have taken to throwing from their windows when these vehicles roll through their streets. For a while, nothing happens. But suddenly, a slot opens in the side of the vehicle, and the barrel of a gun emerges. Shots are fired directly at the protester.

He then starts to run and collapses in the street. He can be seen bleeding profusely from his face. Several protesters rush to carry him away, and the camera cuts off. In another scene – which France 24 has decided not to show here, as it is quite graphic – the same man is being treated at an unknown location. His face is riddled with what appear to be small birdshot wounds. Birdshots are commonly used by Bahraini security forces against protesters.

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Video Bahrain security forces shoot directly at protester s face The FRANCE 24 Observers

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