Zone1 Video: Huckabee Breaks Down The Critical Theory Trojan Horse with Dr Carol Swain, including the backdoor new method: "Social Emotional Learning"

America's future will take care of itself if we can resist letting the Christofascists moral panic us into ruin.
that's your opinion...i respect it, but you can't be teaching kids that white people are evil, that'll increase their suicide rates for starters, as the video points out
He needs to take some Relaxium and STFU.
NO. We are not going to sit quietly by and allow ourselves to be silenced as the left teaches white children to be ashamed of themselves and black children that they are oppressed victims.
NO. We are not going to sit quietly by and allow ourselves to be silenced as the left teaches white children to be ashamed of themselves and black children that they are oppressed victims.
You kind of sound like an oppressed victim yourself.
Just the opposite. I’m speaking out instead of being silent, like you want.
Speak out all you want it's still a free country. Now tell me why black people speaking out is such a dire threat to you.
Speak out all you want it's still a free country. Now tell me why black people speaking out is such a dire threat to you.
When did I say that?

You just told a white man to STFU! Why do you find white people speaking out such a dire threat? Can you not see that you accused me (with the obvious implication of racism) of doing what YOU just did?

Oh, right….you’re a leftist. Blacks can speak and whites have to be silent.
When did I say that?

You just told a white man to STFU! Why do you find white people speaking out such a dire threat? Can you not see that you accused me (with the obvious implication of racism) of doing what YOU just did?

Oh, right….you’re a leftist. Blacks can speak and whites have to be silent.
Everyone gets a turn on the soapbox in America. Even you. White victimhood is still a hard sell seeing as how they still own most of the wealth, hold most elected offices and fill corporate boards. If you feel left behind blame them.

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