Video: Israeli forces bring terror to Jerusalem hospital... this is crazy!


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
Thanks again to our honest Jews at B'Tselem.

Let's remember that "the Jewish people®" do not believe in treating people like this, regardless of what the zionists claim and do. How can anyone sit there on their computer and claim that it is even possible to make peace with these "people?"

On 21 July ‘17, dozens of Israeli police raided al-Makassed hospital in East Jerusalem seeking to arrest a critically injured Palestinian. B’Tselem found that armed officers entered various wards. Officers tried to seize the man’s bed on the way to surgery and pushed medical staff and persons protecting him. The man died meanwhile. Such violent, life-endangering conduct cannot be justified. The police can use other means, without harming staff or patients or violating the convention that medical staff and clinics are a safe haven.
Perhaps he might have lived if he had been taken to the much closer Israeli hospital. It appears he was taken to the further hospital because al-Makassee hospital collaborates with terrorists.
al-Makassee hospital collaborates with terrorists.
Another baseless claim and how sick are you? They stormed the hospital, they attacked civilians and medical staff and the man died to their delight I am sure. THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS AS SEEN IN THE VIDEO.

I'm sure the injured terrorist was innocent of any wrongdoing. Damned police.
Thanks again to our honest Jews at B'Tselem.

Let's remember that "the Jewish people®" do not believe in treating people like this, regardless of what the zionists claim and do. How can anyone sit there on their computer and claim that it is even possible to make peace with these "people?"

On 21 July ‘17, dozens of Israeli police raided al-Makassed hospital in East Jerusalem seeking to arrest a critically injured Palestinian. B’Tselem found that armed officers entered various wards. Officers tried to seize the man’s bed on the way to surgery and pushed medical staff and persons protecting him. The man died meanwhile. Such violent, life-endangering conduct cannot be justified. The police can use other means, without harming staff or patients or violating the convention that medical staff and clinics are a safe haven.

What's wrong with those Israelis, trying to apprehend a terrorist? Next time just kill the animal.
As mentioned in the OP lets take a look at this source

B'Selem ? you can't be serious. They are funded primarily by antisemitic organizations and have been caught quoting fabricated stories. They employ antisemites and engage a policy of reporting inflammatory op eds with a marginal basis in reality.

Lets take a look

NGO Monitor

Lack of Verifiable Sources Regarding Fighting in Gaza 2012-2014
  • B’Tselem played a central role in allegations regarding civilian casualties during the 2014 war in Gaza. B’Tselem presented “initial” and “preliminary” data, which were inherently unverifiable and based solely on information from Palestinian sources in Hamas-controlled Gaza. As the Israeli member of the UNOCHA NGO “Protection Cluster,” B’Tselem provided the appearance of credulity to the casualty claims disseminated by UNRWA/OCHA officials and repeated widely by journalists, political leaders, and others.
  • On September 20, 2016, B’Tselem published a report titled, “Whitewash Protocol: The So-Called Investigation of Operation Protective Edge,” arguing that the IDF investigations are illegitimate because “there has been no investigation of policy issues, including the policy of targeting inhabited homes, which resulted in the Israeli military killing hundreds of people….” On this basis, they argue that in the IDF, “there is no accountability [], only whitewashing.”
    • As documented by NGO Monitor, B’Tselem’s arguments in this report were fundamentally flawed and not fact-based nor legally-based.
  • Two years after the 2014 Gaza war, B’Tselem published what it claimed was “data [] based on a meticulous, exhaustive investigation” into the identities of over 2,200 reported Palestinian fatalities during that conflict, and the circumstances of their deaths. B’Tselem states that the number of fatalities “casts doubt on Israel’s claim that all the targets were legitimate and that the military adhered to the principle of proportionality during the attacks and took precautions to reduce harm to civilians.” B’Tselem, however, presented faulty information on civilian casualties in alleged attacks against “families bombed at home,” such as misleadingly portraying a number of combatants as innocent civilians.
  • On January 28, 2015, published a report, “Black Flag: The legal and moral implication of the policy of attacking residential buildings in the Gaza Strip,” falsely alleging that there was a “black flag of illegality flying over” Israeli military tactics during the 2014 Gaza War. The report was an expansion of a highly inflammatory infographic during the war on “Families bombed at home, Gaza, July-August 2014. ”As extensively documented by NGO Monitor, the report and corresponding infographic were not based on facts, evidence, or serious legal analysis.
  • B’Tselem also demonized Israel with a series of publications during the 2014 Gaza war that repeated false or distorted factual and legal allegations.
  • On May 9, 2013, issued a 30-page report headlined “Human Rights Violations during Operation Pillar of Defense 14-21 November 2012,” together with an accompanying press release. The claims in the press release, however, were inconsistent with the actual report, creating misleading perceptions in the media that the Israeli military, among other allegations, “violated International Humanitarian Law.”
Other Political Activities
  • B’Tselem’s publications reflect its political agenda – “dissent” and opposition to Israeli policy – in contrast to fact-based documentation of human rights violations and sound legal analysis. Under the leadership of Hagai El-Ad, beginning May 2014, dissent was prioritized as “little room is left among the Israeli public to allow for criticism of government policy.”
  • On February 24, 2016, B’Tselem, along with HaMoked, released a report “Backed by the System,” funded by the EU, alleging “Abuse and Torture” in Israeli prisons. The claims come from terrorists and suspected terrorists who were imprisoned in late 2013 and early 2014, and who were referred to the NGOs by their relatives. In contrast to the impression created in this report, only 14 of the 116 prisoners complained about “physical violence” during interrogation, and these allegations cannot be independently confirmed.
  • On July 5, 2016 B’Tselem published a statement purporting to document the events surrounding an attempt to stab Israeli border policemen inside a police position in Hebron. The publication claims that “video footage captured by a Palestinian passerby belies the police claim that the lethal shooting was ‘precise and targeted’.” However, the video shared by B’Tselem does not add any relevant information, and it is impossible to ascertain whether B’Tselem’s account is accurate.
  • Together with nine other Israeli NGOs, submitted a public letter to the Israeli Attorney General (July 21, 2014), accusing Israel of “severe violations of international humanitarian law” and calling for “urgent examination of the suspected violations of the laws of war at the level of offensive policy and the rules of engagement.” This was similarly part of B’Tselem’s broader campaign throughout the war to bring about another UN inquiry, replicating the 2009 Goldstone process.
  • On January 8, 2016, Israeli investigative news program “Uvda” featured an expose showing B’Tselem employee Nasser Nawaja and Ezra Nawi, a radical activist from the NGO “Ta’ayush,” discussing informing the Palestinian Authority security services about a Palestinian man who allegedly intended to sell land to Jews in the West Bank. The sale of Palestinian land to Israelis is punishable by death under Palestinian law, and according to Nawi, suspects are tortured and then killed.
  • In 2014, journalist Tuvia Tenenbom published a book, “Catch the Jew,” in which he recounts a conversation with B’Tselem “researcher” Atef Abu a-Rub, who accused Germany of “giving money to the Jews” and then referred to the Holocaust as “a lie.”
  • Former CEO Jessica Montell has said: “I think the word apartheid is useful for mobilizing people because of its emotional power. In some cases, the situation in the West Bank is worse than apartheid in South Africa.”
  • In April 2010, staff member and NGO activist Lizi Sagie resigned after the organization came under pressure for statements made on her personal blog, including: “The IDF Memorial Day is a pornographic circus of glorifying grief and silencing voices,” “Israel is committing Humanity’s worst atrocities…Israel is proving its devotion to Nazi values…Israel exploits the Holocaust to reap international benefits.”
B'Selem ? you can't be serious. They are funded primarily by antisemitic organizations and have been caught quoting fabricated stories.
TRANSLATION: These people make up the large percentage of honest Jews that the zionists pretend do not exist.

It's complicated when anti-semites can't agree on how to hate Jews (and which ones)...har har

In my view the fact that terrorists are treated in hospitals alongside victims of terrorists is way more than the terrorists deserve, so no complaining will be entertained boys. Be grateful that you aren't a Jew in Ramallah. There would be no medical treatment at all.
It's complicated when anti-semites can't agree on how to hate Jews (and which ones)...har har

I guess anti-semites don't have a simple single-cell brain which lets them just stupidly label things and be done with it. (Jews aren't semites, but even if they were semites, they'd still be haters.)

In my view the fact that terrorists are treated in hospitals alongside victims of terrorists is way more than the terrorists deserve, so no complaining will be entertained boys. Be grateful that you aren't a Jew in Ramallah. There would be no medical treatment at all.

I don't call dying from being denied treatment being "treated in the hospitals...." You're really into oxymorons, aren't you?

Ramallah also doesn't keep Jews under jackboots, as Jews do against Ramallah. Do you exist just to make be feel condescending?
It's complicated when anti-semites can't agree on how to hate Jews (and which ones)...har har

In my view the fact that terrorists are treated in hospitals alongside victims of terrorists is way more than the terrorists deserve, so no complaining will be entertained boys. Be grateful that you aren't a Jew in Ramallah. There would be no medical treatment at all.

All bona fide liberation movements are called "terrorists' by the regimes against which their struggles for freedom are directed. The Nazis, labelled as terrorists the resistance groups opposing Germany's occupation of their lands, the French Resistance, the Balkan partisans etc. In short, all liberation movements are described as terrorists by those who have reduced them to virtual slavery. By condemning `terrorism' the Israel firsters are endorsing the power of the strong over the weak and of the established entity over the non-established oppressed. -- in effect, acting as the defender of the status quo.

Oppressive regimes that hold sway over large populations of the disenfranchised, and their mostly Western allies, seek to deprive oppressed people of the only effective weapon they have with which to oppose `imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism and zionism. It is absurd to call people who are denied the most elementary human rights, dignity, freedom and independence, terrorists. If there is a terrorist in the I/P conflict, it is the occupying colonial power. There is a difference between Islamic terrorists that go to Europe to commit terrorism and non-Jews who are fighting to end colonial oppression in their own land, the land of their ancestors.
B'Selem ? you can't be serious. They are funded primarily by antisemitic organizations and have been caught quoting fabricated stories.
TRANSLATION: These people make up the large percentage of honest Jews that the zionists pretend do not exist.


LOL what an idiot. Did you try any of the links ;-) the site NGO WATCH is extremely well referenced.

I did however just love how your antisemitic resentments come through in all your writings. Must be part of that NAZI movement Trump is supporting.

Anyway I also can't hep but notice you haven't addressed the issues of the OP.
Nothing in the OP says anything about the man being a terrorist. That is a ploy you people use on every thread to derail the topic from the israeli terrorism, in this case, captured on video and in a damn hospital.

Ask yourself what kind of person supports terrorism in a hospital. Have Palestinians ever entered an israeli hospital with automatic weapons, started beating the doctors and attacking the patients?
Nothing in the OP says anything about the man being a terrorist. That is a ploy you people use on every thread to derail the topic from the israeli terrorism, in this case, captured on video and in a damn hospital.

Ask yourself what kind of person supports terrorism in a hospital. Have Palestinians ever entered an israeli hospital with automatic weapons, started beating the doctors and attacking the patients?

LOL what a load of rubbish. So you present information from an organization of antisemites and liars and then you complain that I'm not playing along and discussing the disinformation. Brilliant, simply brilliant.

So did you try any of the links after you claimed the site wasn't referenced, or I hadn't provided sources ? My bet is you couldn't be bothered as your rabid effort to discredit Israel has simply blithered on to some other nonsensical target.

The OP quotes a blatant propaganda site and all you can do is try and sucker someone into pretending there's any real substance. Sorry but you'll have to do a lot better than that ;-)
Nothing in the OP says anything about the man being a terrorist. That is a ploy you people use on every thread to derail the topic from the israeli terrorism, in this case, captured on video and in a damn hospital.

Ask yourself what kind of person supports terrorism in a hospital. Have Palestinians ever entered an israeli hospital with automatic weapons, started beating the doctors and attacking the patients?
Israelis were there looking for a terror suspect. Just like law enforcement would be looking for a n injured murder suspect or terrorist in a hospital. Period end of story.

This highlights why it is always better to take out a terrorist animal.
The video doesn't show anything other than Israelis searching for a terrorist dirtbag, which they have a right to.
The video doesn't show anything other than Israelis searching for a terrorist dirtbag, which they have a right to.

I was thinking this video could well be a Pallywood production.
As mentioned in the OP lets take a look at this source

B'Selem ? you can't be serious. They are funded primarily by antisemitic organizations and have been caught quoting fabricated stories. They employ antisemites and engage a policy of reporting inflammatory op eds with a marginal basis in reality.

Lets take a look

NGO Monitor

Lack of Verifiable Sources Regarding Fighting in Gaza 2012-2014
  • B’Tselem played a central role in allegations regarding civilian casualties during the 2014 war in Gaza. B’Tselem presented “initial” and “preliminary” data, which were inherently unverifiable and based solely on information from Palestinian sources in Hamas-controlled Gaza. As the Israeli member of the UNOCHA NGO “Protection Cluster,” B’Tselem provided the appearance of credulity to the casualty claims disseminated by UNRWA/OCHA officials and repeated widely by journalists, political leaders, and others.
  • On September 20, 2016, B’Tselem published a report titled, “Whitewash Protocol: The So-Called Investigation of Operation Protective Edge,” arguing that the IDF investigations are illegitimate because “there has been no investigation of policy issues, including the policy of targeting inhabited homes, which resulted in the Israeli military killing hundreds of people….” On this basis, they argue that in the IDF, “there is no accountability [], only whitewashing.”
    • As documented by NGO Monitor, B’Tselem’s arguments in this report were fundamentally flawed and not fact-based nor legally-based.
  • Two years after the 2014 Gaza war, B’Tselem published what it claimed was “data [] based on a meticulous, exhaustive investigation” into the identities of over 2,200 reported Palestinian fatalities during that conflict, and the circumstances of their deaths. B’Tselem states that the number of fatalities “casts doubt on Israel’s claim that all the targets were legitimate and that the military adhered to the principle of proportionality during the attacks and took precautions to reduce harm to civilians.” B’Tselem, however, presented faulty information on civilian casualties in alleged attacks against “families bombed at home,” such as misleadingly portraying a number of combatants as innocent civilians.
  • On January 28, 2015, published a report, “Black Flag: The legal and moral implication of the policy of attacking residential buildings in the Gaza Strip,” falsely alleging that there was a “black flag of illegality flying over” Israeli military tactics during the 2014 Gaza War. The report was an expansion of a highly inflammatory infographic during the war on “Families bombed at home, Gaza, July-August 2014. ”As extensively documented by NGO Monitor, the report and corresponding infographic were not based on facts, evidence, or serious legal analysis.
  • B’Tselem also demonized Israel with a series of publications during the 2014 Gaza war that repeated false or distorted factual and legal allegations.
  • On May 9, 2013, issued a 30-page report headlined “Human Rights Violations during Operation Pillar of Defense 14-21 November 2012,” together with an accompanying press release. The claims in the press release, however, were inconsistent with the actual report, creating misleading perceptions in the media that the Israeli military, among other allegations, “violated International Humanitarian Law.”
Other Political Activities
  • B’Tselem’s publications reflect its political agenda – “dissent” and opposition to Israeli policy – in contrast to fact-based documentation of human rights violations and sound legal analysis. Under the leadership of Hagai El-Ad, beginning May 2014, dissent was prioritized as “little room is left among the Israeli public to allow for criticism of government policy.”
  • On February 24, 2016, B’Tselem, along with HaMoked, released a report “Backed by the System,” funded by the EU, alleging “Abuse and Torture” in Israeli prisons. The claims come from terrorists and suspected terrorists who were imprisoned in late 2013 and early 2014, and who were referred to the NGOs by their relatives. In contrast to the impression created in this report, only 14 of the 116 prisoners complained about “physical violence” during interrogation, and these allegations cannot be independently confirmed.
  • On July 5, 2016 B’Tselem published a statement purporting to document the events surrounding an attempt to stab Israeli border policemen inside a police position in Hebron. The publication claims that “video footage captured by a Palestinian passerby belies the police claim that the lethal shooting was ‘precise and targeted’.” However, the video shared by B’Tselem does not add any relevant information, and it is impossible to ascertain whether B’Tselem’s account is accurate.
  • Together with nine other Israeli NGOs, submitted a public letter to the Israeli Attorney General (July 21, 2014), accusing Israel of “severe violations of international humanitarian law” and calling for “urgent examination of the suspected violations of the laws of war at the level of offensive policy and the rules of engagement.” This was similarly part of B’Tselem’s broader campaign throughout the war to bring about another UN inquiry, replicating the 2009 Goldstone process.
  • On January 8, 2016, Israeli investigative news program “Uvda” featured an expose showing B’Tselem employee Nasser Nawaja and Ezra Nawi, a radical activist from the NGO “Ta’ayush,” discussing informing the Palestinian Authority security services about a Palestinian man who allegedly intended to sell land to Jews in the West Bank. The sale of Palestinian land to Israelis is punishable by death under Palestinian law, and according to Nawi, suspects are tortured and then killed.
  • In 2014, journalist Tuvia Tenenbom published a book, “Catch the Jew,” in which he recounts a conversation with B’Tselem “researcher” Atef Abu a-Rub, who accused Germany of “giving money to the Jews” and then referred to the Holocaust as “a lie.”
  • Former CEO Jessica Montell has said: “I think the word apartheid is useful for mobilizing people because of its emotional power. In some cases, the situation in the West Bank is worse than apartheid in South Africa.”
  • In April 2010, staff member and NGO activist Lizi Sagie resigned after the organization came under pressure for statements made on her personal blog, including: “The IDF Memorial Day is a pornographic circus of glorifying grief and silencing voices,” “Israel is committing Humanity’s worst atrocities…Israel is proving its devotion to Nazi values…Israel exploits the Holocaust to reap international benefits.”
NGO Monitor
So you post from an Israeli propaganda organization.

It's complicated when anti-semites can't agree on how to hate Jews (and which ones)...har har

In my view the fact that terrorists are treated in hospitals alongside victims of terrorists is way more than the terrorists deserve, so no complaining will be entertained boys. Be grateful that you aren't a Jew in Ramallah. There would be no medical treatment at all.

All bona fide liberation movements are called "terrorists' by the regimes against which their struggles for freedom are directed. The Nazis, labelled as terrorists the resistance groups opposing Germany's occupation of their lands, the French Resistance, the Balkan partisans etc. In short, all liberation movements are described as terrorists by those who have reduced them to virtual slavery. By condemning `terrorism' the Israel firsters are endorsing the power of the strong over the weak and of the established entity over the non-established oppressed. -- in effect, acting as the defender of the status quo.

Oppressive regimes that hold sway over large populations of the disenfranchised, and their mostly Western allies, seek to deprive oppressed people of the only effective weapon they have with which to oppose `imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism and zionism. It is absurd to call people who are denied the most elementary human rights, dignity, freedom and independence, terrorists. If there is a terrorist in the I/P conflict, it is the occupying colonial power. There is a difference between Islamic terrorists that go to Europe to commit terrorism and non-Jews who are fighting to end colonial oppression in their own land, the land of their ancestors.
Israel has a propaganda campaign for its terrorist label.

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