Video: Israeli forces bring terror to Jerusalem hospital... this is crazy!

Nothing in the OP says anything about the man being a terrorist. That is a ploy you people use on every thread to derail the topic from the israeli terrorism, in this case, captured on video and in a damn hospital.

Ask yourself what kind of person supports terrorism in a hospital. Have Palestinians ever entered an israeli hospital with automatic weapons, started beating the doctors and attacking the patients?

LOL what a load of rubbish. So you present information from an organization of antisemites and liars and then you complain that I'm not playing along and discussing the disinformation. Brilliant, simply brilliant.

So did you try any of the links after you claimed the site wasn't referenced, or I hadn't provided sources ? My bet is you couldn't be bothered as your rabid effort to discredit Israel has simply blithered on to some other nonsensical target.

The OP quotes a blatant propaganda site and all you can do is try and sucker someone into pretending there's any real substance. Sorry but you'll have to do a lot better than that ;-)
The moment Israeli security services endangered lives by storming a Palestinian hospital

It's not the first time Undercover Israeli agents storm West Bank hospital and shoot Palestinian man dead
Dr Bassam Abu Libdeh, al-Makassed Medical Director, said that since the protests and ensuing clashes broke out, the hospital had received a stream of patients suffering from tear gas inhalation, beatings or who had been injured by rubber bullets. He described how on 17 July soldiers had chased a 19-year-old young man from Silwan, who had been shot in the thigh wounding an artery and was bleeding severely, through the hospital like “hungry dogs after their prey”.

“They had long weapons and stun grenades and aggressively pushed and shoved through. They chased the injured youth, who’d been brought into the operating room, when a few of us doctors intervened to stop them… Others then began to roam the hospital and to harass anyone they found, staff, nurses, doctors, patients. There are kids in the hospital, old people. This is not acceptable…Why did they want to arrest the kid? He was bleeding to death and in critical shape, he wasn’t going anywhere,” he said.
Israeli forces carry out violent hospital raids in ruthless display of force

Killing a wounded person is a war crime
They didn't kill a wounded person. He died of his wounds.

The question on this thread is whether or not law enforcement officers should be permitted to enter hospitals to arrest or guard people suspected of committing crimes. Of course they should.

The secondary question is what level of force they should use to accomplish this. The obvious answer is: none. But when you are faced with hospitals which collaborate with terrorists, the question becomes a little more complex. The video in question is heavily edited. I suspect what has been edited out are the actions of the Palestinians, especially the family of the wounded and the hospital's security guards. I suspect this was done, as it frequently is, in order to hide the violent actions of those people to which the LEOs reacted. So that Israel can be demonized for attacking "innocent" people.

I've been trying to find other sources for this event. And they are not easy to find. Which again leads me to suspect that the true events are more complex than told in this one-sided story.
Killing a wounded person is a war crime
This is fact and everyone knows that storming a hospital with automatic weapons, let alone attacking doctors and patients is beyond deplorable. I think it's safe to say that this one is pretty simple.
Killing a wounded person is a war crime
This is fact and everyone knows that storming a hospital with automatic weapons, let alone attacking doctors and patients is beyond deplorable. I think it's safe to say that this one is pretty simple.

Preventing a police officer from performing his duty is unacceptable. Here is the full report from B'tselem.

It seems that, as suspected, there is more to this story. Apparently, a large group of youth and hospital security attempted to prevent the law enforcement officers from performing their duty. One report says they threw concrete blocks at the officers. Essentially, it was a riot without and within the hospital. And, as usual, the anti-Israeli media team neglects to mention the complicity of the Palestinians in the events as they occurred.

Do I think the police forces were unnecessarily heavy-handed in this event? Absolutely. Do I think the Palestinians bear some responsibility? Absolutely.

But the true problem with stories like this is the attempt to conceal the full story in order to portray Israel as evil.
The very beginning of YOUR link...

Israeli security forces endangered patients’ lives at al-Makassed hospital, East Jerusalem
10 Aug 2017
B’Tselem’s investigation reveals that in their raid of the hospital, Israeli security forces hampered medical treatment, assaulted staff and intimidated patients.
Killing a wounded person is a war crime
This is fact and everyone knows that storming a hospital with automatic weapons, let alone attacking doctors and patients is beyond deplorable. I think it's safe to say that this one is pretty simple.

Preventing a police officer from performing his duty is unacceptable. Here is the full report from B'tselem.

It seems that, as suspected, there is more to this story. Apparently, a large group of youth and hospital security attempted to prevent the law enforcement officers from performing their duty. One report says they threw concrete blocks at the officers. Essentially, it was a riot without and within the hospital. And, as usual, the anti-Israeli media team neglects to mention the complicity of the Palestinians in the events as they occurred.

Do I think the police forces were unnecessarily heavy-handed in this event? Absolutely. Do I think the Palestinians bear some responsibility? Absolutely.

But the true problem with stories like this is the attempt to conceal the full story in order to portray Israel as evil.
Thanks much for the link. I had no idea the animals gassed the maternity ward.

Who does that?
Dr Bassam Abu Libdeh, al-Makassed Medical Director, said that since the protests and ensuing clashes broke out, the hospital had received a stream of patients suffering from tear gas inhalation, beatings or who had been injured by rubber bullets. He described how on 17 July soldiers had chased a 19-year-old young man from Silwan, who had been shot in the thigh wounding an artery and was bleeding severely, through the hospital like “hungry dogs after their prey”.

“They had long weapons and stun grenades and aggressively pushed and shoved through. They chased the injured youth, who’d been brought into the operating room, when a few of us doctors intervened to stop them… Others then began to roam the hospital and to harass anyone they found, staff, nurses, doctors, patients. There are kids in the hospital, old people. This is not acceptable…Why did they want to arrest the kid? He was bleeding to death and in critical shape, he wasn’t going anywhere,” he said.
Israeli forces carry out violent hospital raids in ruthless display of force

Killing a wounded person is a war crime

Simple.. If they interfered with life-saving medical treatment they are culpable. The amount of police is not the issue. Their presence in the hospital is not the issue.

If the facts unwind that they PREVENTED this man from life-saving emergency treatment -- that's the issue. Won't be determined today on USMB. So don't go all ballistic or spastic about it until the facts arrive.
Their presence in the hospital is not the issue.
So if A BUNCH PALESTINIANS SHOWED UP AT AN ISRAELI HOSPITAL with automatic weapons, grenades, gas... and started assaulting doctors and grabbing a bleeding man off his stretcher, you would have no problem with that?

Do Palestinians even do that or is that just dine by the israelis?
Killing a wounded person is a war crime
This is fact and everyone knows that storming a hospital with automatic weapons, let alone attacking doctors and patients is beyond deplorable. I think it's safe to say that this one is pretty simple.

Preventing a police officer from performing his duty is unacceptable. Here is the full report from B'tselem.

It seems that, as suspected, there is more to this story. Apparently, a large group of youth and hospital security attempted to prevent the law enforcement officers from performing their duty. One report says they threw concrete blocks at the officers. Essentially, it was a riot without and within the hospital. And, as usual, the anti-Israeli media team neglects to mention the complicity of the Palestinians in the events as they occurred.

Do I think the police forces were unnecessarily heavy-handed in this event? Absolutely. Do I think the Palestinians bear some responsibility? Absolutely.

But the true problem with stories like this is the attempt to conceal the full story in order to portray Israel as evil.
Thanks much for the link. I had no idea the animals gassed the maternity ward.

Who does that?

People with reading issues do a lot of stupid things. They pepper sprayed an empty room. Pepper spray doesn't travel very well. Wouldn't suspect you'd know enough to draw that conclusion.
The video doesn't show anything other than Israelis searching for a terrorist dirtbag, which they have a right to.

I was thinking this video could well be a Pallywood production.
Looks too low budget for Pallywood, but could be a new cinematography style for them. Kinda like the Pallywood version of the "Blair Witch Hunt". Ha ha.
Their presence in the hospital is not the issue.
So if A BUNCH PALESTINIANS SHOWED UP AT AN ISRAELI HOSPITAL with automatic weapons, grenades, gas... and started assaulting doctors and grabbing a bleeding man off his stretcher, you would have no problem with that?

Do Palestinians even do that or is that just dine by the israelis?

They did not apparently grab him off his stretcher. In fact, he died in an X-ray room where they were still trying to determine the extent of his injuries. IN FACT -- from the report --- IDF Security has SO LITTLE CONTROL of the situation, that a band of Pali youth managed to carry off his dead body before the police had control of it.

Thats what was reported. All the rest of your interpretation seems to be hysteria. Your normal state.
Their presence in the hospital is not the issue.
So if A BUNCH PALESTINIANS SHOWED UP AT AN ISRAELI HOSPITAL with automatic weapons, grenades, gas... and started assaulting doctors and grabbing a bleeding man off his stretcher, you would have no problem with that?

Do Palestinians even do that or is that just dine by the israelis?

They did not apparently grab him off his stretcher. In fact, he died in an X-ray room where they were still trying to determine the extent of his injuries. IN FACT -- from the report --- IDF Security has SO LITTLE CONTROL of the situation, that a band of Pali youth managed to carry off his dead body before the police had control of it.

Thats what was reported. All the rest of your interpretation seems to be hysteria. Your normal state.

Read shusha's link. This is way more than you are pretending and you avoided the question as to whether Palestinians even do this?
Nothing in the OP says anything about the man being a terrorist. That is a ploy you people use on every thread to derail the topic from the israeli terrorism, in this case, captured on video and in a damn hospital.

Ask yourself what kind of person supports terrorism in a hospital. Have Palestinians ever entered an israeli hospital with automatic weapons, started beating the doctors and attacking the patients?

LOL what a load of rubbish. So you present information from an organization of antisemites and liars and then you complain that I'm not playing along and discussing the disinformation. Brilliant, simply brilliant.

So did you try any of the links after you claimed the site wasn't referenced, or I hadn't provided sources ? My bet is you couldn't be bothered as your rabid effort to discredit Israel has simply blithered on to some other nonsensical target.

The OP quotes a blatant propaganda site and all you can do is try and sucker someone into pretending there's any real substance. Sorry but you'll have to do a lot better than that ;-)
The moment Israeli security services endangered lives by storming a Palestinian hospital

It's not the first time Undercover Israeli agents storm West Bank hospital and shoot Palestinian man dead
Anytime law enforcement are in pursuit of a suspect, those around are in danger. Duh!
Thanks much for the link. I had no idea the animals gassed the maternity ward.

Who does that?

Pepper sprayed it. There is something missing from this part of the story. Why would anyone pepper spray an empty room? Makes no sense. Which means its probably not true. Or there were circumstances which were concealed or have not yet come to light. Seems likely there was someone in the room who was posing a threat.
Their presence in the hospital is not the issue.
So if A BUNCH PALESTINIANS SHOWED UP AT AN ISRAELI HOSPITAL with automatic weapons, grenades, gas... and started assaulting doctors and grabbing a bleeding man off his stretcher, you would have no problem with that?

Do Palestinians even do that or is that just dine by the israelis?

They did not apparently grab him off his stretcher. In fact, he died in an X-ray room where they were still trying to determine the extent of his injuries. IN FACT -- from the report --- IDF Security has SO LITTLE CONTROL of the situation, that a band of Pali youth managed to carry off his dead body before the police had control of it.

Thats what was reported. All the rest of your interpretation seems to be hysteria. Your normal state.

Read shusha's link. This is way more than you are pretending and you avoided the question as to whether Palestinians even do this?

I did read the link. You didn't.. Show me the parts where they GASSED a maternity ward. Or took the guy OFF a stretcher. It's not there. It's called facts in evidence. IDF security never even GOT POSSESSION of the body..

You gonna continue to troll this --- or ACTUALLY READ the link??
Thanks much for the link. I had no idea the animals gassed the maternity ward.

Who does that?

Pepper sprayed it. There is something missing from this part of the story. Why would anyone pepper spray an empty room? Makes no sense. Which means its probably not true. Or there were circumstances which were concealed or have not yet come to light. Seems likely there was someone in the room who was posing a threat.

Probably trying to cut off avenues of exit.. A lot of rooms in "ward" are all connected in hospitals. So that the attendents don't spend time using crowded hallways. .
Thanks much for the link. I had no idea the animals gassed the maternity ward.

Who does that?

Pepper sprayed it. There is something missing from this part of the story. Why would anyone pepper spray an empty room? Makes no sense. Which means its probably not true. Or there were circumstances which were concealed or have not yet come to light. Seems likely there was someone in the room who was posing a threat.

Probably trying to cut off avenues of exit.. A lot of rooms in "ward" are all connected in hospitals. So that the attendents don't spend time using crowded hallways. .

But not in an empty room, right? It does no good in an empty room? Or am I wrong about that?
Thanks much for the link. I had no idea the animals gassed the maternity ward.

Who does that?

Pepper sprayed it. There is something missing from this part of the story. Why would anyone pepper spray an empty room? Makes no sense. Which means its probably not true. Or there were circumstances which were concealed or have not yet come to light. Seems likely there was someone in the room who was posing a threat.

Probably trying to cut off avenues of exit.. A lot of rooms in "ward" are all connected in hospitals. So that the attendents don't spend time using crowded hallways. .

But not in an empty room, right? It does no good in an empty room? Or am I wrong about that?

Depends on how diffuse the spray is. The more gaseous, the longer it lingers...
And they may have done the same to cut off other entry and exit.

The part that NEEDS investigation did NOT happen in the Hospital. From your link..

Israeli security forces endangered patients’ lives at al-Makassed hospital, East Jerusalem

Muhammad Ghanam, the youth that the police were seeking, came with his friends earlier that day to a junction between the neighborhoods of a-Tur and a-Swaneh. Four or five Border Police officers were standing in a lot nearby. Shortly before 3:30 P.M., clashes developed between Border Police officers, who fired teargas grenades, and the youths, who threw stones and flares at them. Abu Ghanam and his two friends ran towards a-Sheikh ‘Anbar Street in the neighbourhood. Ghanam paused momentarily and tried to light a flare to throw at four Border Police officers who were several meters away. Some of the officers opened fire, injuring him. After he fell to the ground, they stood by for 5-10 minutes without offering him medical assistance. At that point, a Red Crescent ambulance with three medics approached and was blocked by a Border Police vehicle in the middle of the junction. Officers threw a stun grenade towards the ambulance, without hitting it. The medics got out of the ambulance to tend to Abu Ghanam, and managed to get him into the ambulance and drive away despite attempts by the police to prevent them. The injured Abu Ghanam arrived at al-Makassed hospital at approximately 3:40, at which point the hospital was raided as described above. The doctors found that he had been hit in the chest by a live bullet that entered his spine. Abu Ghanam was pronounced dead some 15-20 minutes after arriving at the hospital.

Now -- maybe Security had called their OWN ambulance and didn't want the suspect transported to the nearest hospital. But interfering with a Red Crescent authorized service is serious business. The guy (as far as I can determine) died within 40 minutes of the shooting. And at that point, you secure the Hospital and let the ambulance take him to the nearest. If you CAN'T do that -- you should rethink your "occupation" strategy...

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