Video: Second shooter reported in Florida massacre


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Eyewitness Alexa Miednik, who believes there was a second shooter, said she was WALKING with accused suspect Nikolas Cruz (who the media previous spelled as Nicolas) after she heard shots being fired – and told Cruz she was glad “it wasn’t him” who was doing the shooting at the school in Florida:

Video: Second Shooter Reported in Florida Massacre


This was floating around since last night, time will tell if there was a second shooter or not depending on how well they can cover it up if there was a second shooter.........

We can be sure MSM will spin everything and anything out of truth context.
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Fast and Furious...on American soil...

Oh we know these false flags consist of a lot, problem is sheep are to fkn stupid....... Sandy hook included... which msm spun it and said alex said nobody died there which is PURE BS since he NEVER SAID that....they cut and edit videos of him speaking about it to make it sound like he's said that. But there again Democrats are pretty fkn stupid.
From what I've been reading about the incident, the suspect is supposed to have walked with students and teachers, blending in with the crowd.

"There, he roamed the halls he knew so well, allegedly targeting those huddled in classrooms and then blending in with the students and staff evacuating the school."
Florida school shooting: Another 'unspeakable tragedy' leaves 17 dead in Florida - CNN

"Cruz later concealed himself in the crowd of students and teachers running out of the high school, authorities said."
Nikolas Cruz charged in Florida High School shooting

That might not be exactly what this girl is describing. :dunno:

It's very early, at this point it is probably prudent to wait for more information.

Ah, who am I kidding, of course you will assume this was a conspiracy from the get-go.
From what I've been reading about the incident, the suspect is supposed to have walked with students and teachers, blending in with the crowd.

"There, he roamed the halls he knew so well, allegedly targeting those huddled in classrooms and then blending in with the students and staff evacuating the school."
Florida school shooting: Another 'unspeakable tragedy' leaves 17 dead in Florida - CNN

"Cruz later concealed himself in the crowd of students and teachers running out of the high school, authorities said."
Nikolas Cruz charged in Florida High School shooting

That might not be exactly what this girl is describing. :dunno:

It's very early, at this point it is probably prudent to wait for more information.

Ah, who am I kidding, of course you will assume this was a conspiracy from the get-go.

Did you listen to the girl in the video by chance?

Red Alert: Evidence Points To Multiple Shooter Cover Up In Florida
From what I've been reading about the incident, the suspect is supposed to have walked with students and teachers, blending in with the crowd.

"There, he roamed the halls he knew so well, allegedly targeting those huddled in classrooms and then blending in with the students and staff evacuating the school."
Florida school shooting: Another 'unspeakable tragedy' leaves 17 dead in Florida - CNN

"Cruz later concealed himself in the crowd of students and teachers running out of the high school, authorities said."
Nikolas Cruz charged in Florida High School shooting

That might not be exactly what this girl is describing. :dunno:

It's very early, at this point it is probably prudent to wait for more information.

Ah, who am I kidding, of course you will assume this was a conspiracy from the get-go.

Did you listen to the girl in the video by chance?

I did. That's why I said what I posted about might not be what she is describing.

On the other hand, eyewitness testimony can be notoriously unreliable. Her recollection of events might be off; she might be mistaken about the timing of the shots compared to when she walked with the suspect, or possibly even mistaken about who she was walking with. Of course it's also possible she is completely correct and there was a second shooter, but as this is the only thing I've seen indicating that to be the case, and it's early times in getting information about what was surely an extremely chaotic situation, I wouldn't just take her word for it.

I wonder why she smiles, almost laughing, when she says she was speaking to the suspect. I also think that her description sounds like it could very well be the suspect when he was trying to blend in with the crowd, since she was describing it as though it were as she and others were escaping after the event.

How does a sportscaster get moved to coverage of a mass shooting? :p
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From what I've been reading about the incident, the suspect is supposed to have walked with students and teachers, blending in with the crowd.

"There, he roamed the halls he knew so well, allegedly targeting those huddled in classrooms and then blending in with the students and staff evacuating the school."
Florida school shooting: Another 'unspeakable tragedy' leaves 17 dead in Florida - CNN

"Cruz later concealed himself in the crowd of students and teachers running out of the high school, authorities said."
Nikolas Cruz charged in Florida High School shooting

That might not be exactly what this girl is describing. :dunno:

It's very early, at this point it is probably prudent to wait for more information.

Ah, who am I kidding, of course you will assume this was a conspiracy from the get-go.

Did you listen to the girl in the video by chance?

Dear MindWars I listened to her in the video but this was very short and she wasn't asked questions in a lot of detail, so this can esasily be taken out of context.

It is possible she ran into Cruz after he already did shooting, dropped his weapon and blended in to escape.
the gunshots fired elsewhere could be police or swat firing who knows.

You are right, that this could be a case of picking and targeting the most obvious suspect
to calm down the school and public that the shooter has been apprehended.

I guess it depends if any of the surviving witnesses, or the VIDEO and phone cams,
capture Cruz doing the shooting and nobody else. they can't surpress all the videos that were taken.
the authorities are asking for all such footage so they can ascertain who was doing the shooting when.

they have no reason to suppress info.
that will make them look bad.
they are making problems for themselves if they don't piece togrther
the most comprehensive consistent timeline they can, as the public
and people affected will not settle for anything but a solid answer.

if you think authorities have time and energy to play games,
you are sadly and sorely mistaken. they have their hands full,
so only consistent reports are going to help and anything less is wasting their time and energy
they can't afford to waste when they are overwhelmed.
From what I've been reading about the incident, the suspect is supposed to have walked with students and teachers, blending in with the crowd.

"There, he roamed the halls he knew so well, allegedly targeting those huddled in classrooms and then blending in with the students and staff evacuating the school."
Florida school shooting: Another 'unspeakable tragedy' leaves 17 dead in Florida - CNN

"Cruz later concealed himself in the crowd of students and teachers running out of the high school, authorities said."
Nikolas Cruz charged in Florida High School shooting

That might not be exactly what this girl is describing. :dunno:

It's very early, at this point it is probably prudent to wait for more information.

Ah, who am I kidding, of course you will assume this was a conspiracy from the get-go.

Did you listen to the girl in the video by chance?

I did. That's why I said what I posted about might not be what she is describing.

On the other hand, eyewitness testimony can be notoriously unreliable. Her recollection of events might be off; she might be mistaken about the timing of the shots compared to when she walked with the suspect, or possibly even mistaken about who she was walking with. Of course it's also possible she is completely correct and there was a second shooter, but as this is the only thing I've seen indicating that to be the case, and it's early times in getting information about what was surely and extremely chaotic situation, I wouldn't just take her word for it.

I wonder why she smiles, almost laughing, when she says she was speaking to the suspect. I also think that her description sounds like it could very well be the suspect when he was trying to blend in with the crowd, since she was describing it as though it were as she and others were escaping after the event.

How does a sportscaster get moved to coverage of a mass shooting? :p

Infowars has a kid ( JAYLEN MARTIN) on right now who is also speaking about the shooting his name is Jalen . He claims there was another 2nd shooter too.

Just like Sandy Hook there will be stories flying, propaganda will be pushed out to detour people from as close to the truth information as possible.

Just like I just said to someone else, they will take most Alternative media and say they are full of shit, mostly infowars of course but that is what MSM does............

Credible sources often contact alternative media because they know they will get it out untwisted.

I now it's hard to wrap minds around but MSM hides information... They won't hide it when it can't be hidden any longer and even then they will put their own bs spin on it.

We just spoke with a former student, Alexa Miednik, she actually walked down the hall with the accused shooter, Nicholas Cruz, after she heard shots fired. She said, “Hey, Nicolas,” – this is what she told me on camera… – “Hey, I just heard shots fired and I’m surprised it wasn’t you. Just kidding.” He had the reaction “What?” and then they parted ways.

She said “I heard more shots after that.” She thinks there was a second shooter.

Another student also made a reference to “other shooters:”

Already the real story behind the shooting is starting to break wide open, just like the Las Vegas massacre in which the media failed to cover up eyewitness accounts – and video – of multiple shooters:

In Vegas, numerous witnesses reported gunfire from multiple locations – and the acoustics indicate several, overlapping firearms according to veterans of Delta Force, Navy SEALs, Green Berets and other military outfits that Infowars spoke to who have first-hand experience in firefights with automatic weapons.

Additionally, sources said there were ISIS and Antifa paraphernalia inside the hotel room of Stephen Paddock, who our sources also said was involved in gun running.

Sure enough, months later an unsealed search warrant revealed that yes, Paddock was a black market arms dealer.

Going back to the Florida shooting, news outlets are claiming this is the “worst shooting in Florida history,” but it’s not even close: 50 people died, including the perpetrator, at the 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando.

A survivor of that attack said there were multiple shooters in the nightclub, that Omar Mateen didn’t act alone.

Mateen was also a “known quantity” to the FBI and was even introduced to federal informants before the attack.

“FBI investigators investigated Mateen, who was born in New York, for 10

From what I've been reading about the incident, the suspect is supposed to have walked with students and teachers, blending in with the crowd.

"There, he roamed the halls he knew so well, allegedly targeting those huddled in classrooms and then blending in with the students and staff evacuating the school."
Florida school shooting: Another 'unspeakable tragedy' leaves 17 dead in Florida - CNN

"Cruz later concealed himself in the crowd of students and teachers running out of the high school, authorities said."
Nikolas Cruz charged in Florida High School shooting

That might not be exactly what this girl is describing. :dunno:

It's very early, at this point it is probably prudent to wait for more information.

Ah, who am I kidding, of course you will assume this was a conspiracy from the get-go.

Did you listen to the girl in the video by chance?

Dear MindWars I listened to her in the video but this was very short and she wasn't asked questions in a lot of detail, so this can esasily be taken out of context.

It is possible she ran into Cruz after he already did shooting, dropped his weapon and blended in to escape.
the gunshots fired elsewhere could be police or swat firing who knows.

You are right, that this could be a case of picking and targeting the most obvious suspect
to calm down the school and public that the shooter has been apprehended.

I guess it depends if any of the surviving witnesses, or the VIDEO and phone cams,
capture Cruz doing the shooting and nobody else. they can't surpress all the videos that were taken.
the authorities are asking for all such footage so they can ascertain who was doing the shooting when.

they have no reason to suppress info.
that will make them look bad.
they are making problems for themselves if they don't piece togrther
the most comprehensive consistent timeline they can, as the public
and people affected will not settle for anything but a solid answer.

if you think authorities have time and energy to play games,
you are sadly and sorely mistaken. they have their hands full,
so only consistent reports are going to help and anything less is wasting their time and energy
they can't afford to waste when they are overwhelmed.

You don't know the time they have, it's called a " DRILL" and when you can't understand how this is all organized those severely UNINFORMED can't figure out how easily this is and can be all organized.

And if some bothered to listen to infowars decode it and explain " SOME THINGS" . they might not remain such clueless under informed people.

But when it's assumed he talks shit, well that's why peopel REMAIN CLUELESS TO FACTS and HOW THINGS CN BE DONE KNOWN AS FALSE FLAGS..


Eyewitness Alexa Miednik, who believes there was a second shooter, said she was WALKING with accused suspect Nikolas Cruz (who the media previous spelled as Nicolas) after she heard shots being fired – and told Cruz she was glad “it wasn’t him” who was doing the shooting at the school in Florida:

Video: Second Shooter Reported in Florida Massacre


This was floating around since last night, time will tell if there was a second shooter or not depending on how well they can cover it up if there was a second shooter.........

We can be sure MSM will spin everything and anything out of truth context.

Thank you for sharing this with us and ignore the trolls. btw,I hate to tell you this but Trump while he has done some very good things for us,he is ALSO now betraying us as well with some recent actions of his.I and a few others have exposed his corruption and will send you the links to them if you want.
Eyewitness Alexa Miednik, who believes there was a second shooter, said she was WALKING with accused suspect Nikolas Cruz (who the media previous spelled as Nicolas) after she heard shots being fired – and told Cruz she was glad “it wasn’t him” who was doing the shooting at the school in Florida:

Video: Second Shooter Reported in Florida Massacre


This was floating around since last night, time will tell if there was a second shooter or not depending on how well they can cover it up if there was a second shooter.........

We can be sure MSM will spin everything and anything out of truth context.

Thank you for sharing this with us and ignore the trolls. btw,I hate to tell you this but Trump while he has done some very good things for us,he is ALSO now betraying us as well with some recent actions of his.I and a few others have exposed his corruption and will send you the links to them if you want.

The conspiracy theories are the fkn ***** who don't know reality from truth... THOSE VIDOES ARE PEOPEL WHO WERE ACTUALLY INTERVIEWED ON A NEWS CHANNEL... STUPID **** LOSERS
From what I've been reading about the incident, the suspect is supposed to have walked with students and teachers, blending in with the crowd.

"There, he roamed the halls he knew so well, allegedly targeting those huddled in classrooms and then blending in with the students and staff evacuating the school."
Florida school shooting: Another 'unspeakable tragedy' leaves 17 dead in Florida - CNN

"Cruz later concealed himself in the crowd of students and teachers running out of the high school, authorities said."
Nikolas Cruz charged in Florida High School shooting

That might not be exactly what this girl is describing. :dunno:

It's very early, at this point it is probably prudent to wait for more information.

Ah, who am I kidding, of course you will assume this was a conspiracy from the get-go.

Did you listen to the girl in the video by chance?

Dear MindWars I listened to her in the video but this was very short and she wasn't asked questions in a lot of detail, so this can esasily be taken out of context.

It is possible she ran into Cruz after he already did shooting, dropped his weapon and blended in to escape.
the gunshots fired elsewhere could be police or swat firing who knows.

You are right, that this could be a case of picking and targeting the most obvious suspect
to calm down the school and public that the shooter has been apprehended.

I guess it depends if any of the surviving witnesses, or the VIDEO and phone cams,
capture Cruz doing the shooting and nobody else. they can't surpress all the videos that were taken.
the authorities are asking for all such footage so they can ascertain who was doing the shooting when.

they have no reason to suppress info.
that will make them look bad.
they are making problems for themselves if they don't piece togrther
the most comprehensive consistent timeline they can, as the public
and people affected will not settle for anything but a solid answer.

if you think authorities have time and energy to play games,
you are sadly and sorely mistaken. they have their hands full,
so only consistent reports are going to help and anything less is wasting their time and energy
they can't afford to waste when they are overwhelmed.

You don't know the time they have, it's called a " DRILL" and when you can't understand how this is all organized those severely UNINFORMED can't figure out how easily this is and can be all organized.

And if some bothered to listen to infowars decode it and explain " SOME THINGS" . they might not remain such clueless under informed people.

But when it's assumed he talks shit, well that's why peopel REMAIN CLUELESS TO FACTS and HOW THINGS CN BE DONE KNOWN AS FALSE FLAGS..



dont waste you breath on this clownl.He cant even stand toe to toe in a discussion that Tom Brady is not even one of the top 20 best quarterbacks ever and Bill BeliCHEAT is not even that good a coach always evading facts and posting irrelevent facts that dont counter the evidence you post. whether it is sports or evil actions taken by our government.

This clown obviously smokes crack everyday his ramblings on Brady and BelicCHEAT.:D
AND it gets even better.STILL
He actually believes the MOB and the mob ALONE was behind the JFK assassination,not the CIA? "AND" IT GETS BETTER YET,THAT 19 MUSLIMS WERE BEHIND THE ATTACKS ON 9/11. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? I AM NOT MAKING ANY OF THIS UP.
Hmm. According to reports, the shooter had been expelled from the school. His presence in a crowd should have been immediately noticed by several people. This girl acted like she talked to him everyday in class. He wasn't in class. I feel this is a case of mistaken identity on her part.

Eyewitness Alexa Miednik, who believes there was a second shooter, said she was WALKING with accused suspect Nikolas Cruz (who the media previous spelled as Nicolas) after she heard shots being fired – and told Cruz she was glad “it wasn’t him” who was doing the shooting at the school in Florida:

Video: Second Shooter Reported in Florida Massacre


This was floating around since last night, time will tell if there was a second shooter or not depending on how well they can cover it up if there was a second shooter.........

We can be sure MSM will spin everything and anything out of truth context.

Thank you for sharing this with us and ignore the trolls. btw,I hate to tell you this but Trump while he has done some very good things for us,he is ALSO now betraying us as well with some recent actions of his.I and a few others have exposed his corruption and will send you the links to them if you want.

The conspiracy theories are the fkn ***** who don't know reality from truth... THOSE VIDOES ARE PEOPEL WHO WERE ACTUALLY INTERVIEWED ON A NEWS CHANNEL... STUPID **** LOSERS

yeah THIS loser clown believes in the unproven conspiracy THEORY that 19 muslims and bin laden were behind the attacks DESPITE the fact the government has failed MISERABLY to prove their case.these are the clowns we are trying to educate here :iyfyus.jpg:
From what I've been reading about the incident, the suspect is supposed to have walked with students and teachers, blending in with the crowd.

"There, he roamed the halls he knew so well, allegedly targeting those huddled in classrooms and then blending in with the students and staff evacuating the school."
Florida school shooting: Another 'unspeakable tragedy' leaves 17 dead in Florida - CNN

"Cruz later concealed himself in the crowd of students and teachers running out of the high school, authorities said."
Nikolas Cruz charged in Florida High School shooting

That might not be exactly what this girl is describing. :dunno:

It's very early, at this point it is probably prudent to wait for more information.

Ah, who am I kidding, of course you will assume this was a conspiracy from the get-go.

Did you listen to the girl in the video by chance?

Dear MindWars I listened to her in the video but this was very short and she wasn't asked questions in a lot of detail, so this can esasily be taken out of context.

It is possible she ran into Cruz after he already did shooting, dropped his weapon and blended in to escape.
the gunshots fired elsewhere could be police or swat firing who knows.

You are right, that this could be a case of picking and targeting the most obvious suspect
to calm down the school and public that the shooter has been apprehended.

I guess it depends if any of the surviving witnesses, or the VIDEO and phone cams,
capture Cruz doing the shooting and nobody else. they can't surpress all the videos that were taken.
the authorities are asking for all such footage so they can ascertain who was doing the shooting when.

they have no reason to suppress info.
that will make them look bad.
they are making problems for themselves if they don't piece togrther
the most comprehensive consistent timeline they can, as the public
and people affected will not settle for anything but a solid answer.

if you think authorities have time and energy to play games,
you are sadly and sorely mistaken. they have their hands full,
so only consistent reports are going to help and anything less is wasting their time and energy
they can't afford to waste when they are overwhelmed.

You don't know the time they have, it's called a " DRILL" and when you can't understand how this is all organized those severely UNINFORMED can't figure out how easily this is and can be all organized.

And if some bothered to listen to infowars decode it and explain " SOME THINGS" . they might not remain such clueless under informed people.

But when it's assumed he talks shit, well that's why peopel REMAIN CLUELESS TO FACTS and HOW THINGS CN BE DONE KNOWN AS FALSE FLAGS..



dont waste you breath on this clownl.He cant even stand toe to toe in a discussion that Tom Brady is not even one of the top 20 best quarterbacks ever and Bill BeliCHEAT is not even that good a coach always evading facts and posting irrelevent facts that dont counter the evidence you post. whether it is sports or evil actions taken by our government.

This clown obviously smokes crack everyday his ramblings on Brady and BelicCHEAT.:D
AND it gets even better.STILL
He actually believes the MOB and the mob ALONE was behind the JFK assassination,not the CIA? "AND" IT GETS BETTER YET,THAT 19 MUSLIMS WERE BEHIND THE ATTACKS ON 9/11. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS? I AM NOT MAKING ANY OF THIS UP.

Yeah that's why it takes an asshole to move something into conspiracy theory when they haven't got a fkn clue nor proof it's not even true FK THEM no wonder they are idiots. And in FEW HOURS . AFTER MOVING IT HERE...




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Eyewitness Alexa Miednik, who believes there was a second shooter, said she was WALKING with accused suspect Nikolas Cruz (who the media previous spelled as Nicolas) after she heard shots being fired – and told Cruz she was glad “it wasn’t him” who was doing the shooting at the school in Florida:

Video: Second Shooter Reported in Florida Massacre


This was floating around since last night, time will tell if there was a second shooter or not depending on how well they can cover it up if there was a second shooter.........

We can be sure MSM will spin everything and anything out of truth context.

Thank you for sharing this with us and ignore the trolls. btw,I hate to tell you this but Trump while he has done some very good things for us,he is ALSO now betraying us as well with some recent actions of his.I and a few others have exposed his corruption and will send you the links to them if you want.

The conspiracy theories are the fkn ***** who don't know reality from truth... THOSE VIDOES ARE PEOPEL WHO WERE ACTUALLY INTERVIEWED ON A NEWS CHANNEL... STUPID **** LOSERS

yeah THIS loser clown believes in the unproven conspiracy THEORY that 19 muslims and bin laden were behind the attacks DESPITE the fact the government has failed MISERABLY to prove their case.these are the clowns we are trying to educate here :iyfyus.jpg:

They probably laugh their asses off when I go off on them when they move my shit into Conspiracy :abgg2q.jpg:

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