....views on pardoning the J6 attackers ?....

It was one of the Trump cult trash on 1/6. He planted several pipe bombs the previous day. And according to Lisa558, he wasn't a terrorist he was a non-violent protester.

I don't think that actually happened.
The planter of pipe bombs was a fed
Do you have a name?
It wasn’t terrorism. It was a protest to delay the certification of an election many thought fraudulent, with a few getting out of hand.

YOUR lies about terrorism, and fascists, and Hitler, and Nazi rallies, etc., didn’t work. Stop it already.

They created a wave of Republican victory that we haven't seen since Reagan.
They should definitely keep going with that strategy.
Day 1: Get 'em out. All of 'em.
Explain yourself poster Smoke.

many have not been charged with anything, but have been held in prison for years with no access to lawyers. no indictments, and no court dates.
How many?
What are their names?
What were they arrested for?
Which jurisdiction is holding them in prison?
Provide credible sourcing from informed individuals or organizations.
Batter up, my friend.
Show the forum if you can overcome your prior foot shootings.
Good luck.


The guy who planted pipe bombs already served four years. He should be released.

I didn't know that.
Who was he?
What was he convicted of?
In which jurisdiction?

Or, is this another case of not knowing who Officer Byrd is?

Show us your homework good poster Lisa.
Prove your slice of MAGAstan has credibility.
And your avatar too.
The left wants to keep Jan 6 demonstrators in prison if they are associated with right wing groups like "Oath keepers" and Proud Boys"? Isn't that the kind of skewed political thinking the left has been fighting against since the days of McCarthyism?
Explain yourself poster Smoke.


How many?
What are their names?
What were they arrested for?
Which jurisdiction is holding them in prison?
Provide credible sourcing from informed individuals or organizations.
Batter up, my friend.
Show the forum if you can overcome your prior foot shootings.
Good luck.


I didn't know that.
Who was he?
What was he convicted of?
In which jurisdiction?

Or, is this another case of not knowing who Officer Byrd is?

Show us your homework good poster Lisa.
Prove your slice of MAGAstan has credibility.
And your avatar too.
We are not here to educate you, that is your responsibility. If you actually want answers to your questions, look them up. Google and Duck Duck Go have the answers. WE are not your momma
"If you actually want answers to your questions......

So go to Answer Man, good poster Redfish.
To wit:

  • Poster Redfish states: Not one police officer was hurt by the mob on J6.
  • Redfish states: Ashli Babbitt was doing nothing illegal when shot.
  • Redfish doesn't know who Officer Byrd is.
Some Answer Man!

Redfish, like poster EMH, is becoming one of my favs.
A good example of a bad example.
MAGAland must be proud of such.

I love this bar!
So go to Answer Man, good poster Redfish.
To wit:

  • Poster Redfish states: Not one police officer was hurt by the mob on J6.
  • Redfish states: Ashli Babbitt was doing nothing illegal when shot.
  • Redfish doesn't know who Officer Byrd is.
Some Answer Man!

Redfish, like poster EMH, is becoming one of my favs.
A good example of a bad example.
MAGAland must be proud of such.

I love this bar!
screw you , you arrogant asshole.

it is true that no capital cops were harmed by the people'
it is true that the capital cops escorted the people into the building and made no efforts to stop them
it is true that Ashli was doing nothing wrong when she was murdered by Byrd (capital cop)

It is also true that Trump won both the EC and the popular vote on Nov 5.

it is also true that Kamala was the worst candidate in the dem history of bad candidates.
  • I tell it like it is,

Like this?

  • Not one police officer was injured during the J6 MAGA attack on the Capitol.?
  • Ashli Babbitt was doing nothing wrong when she participated in battering down the barricade?
  • Who is officer Byrd?

Forgive my poor avatar, Redfish.....but your avatar seems to have a special place in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

And you honestly believe that your view of "like-it-is" can make America great?

I'm mildly confident that the individual ---man or woman ---behind the fake name 'Redfish' is a somewhat productive individual to their local society; however, the avatar he/she has chosen to speak for 'em ...... is a fringie RWNJ conspiracy junkie. Even by typical MAGA standards.


Like this?

  • Not one police officer was injured during the J6 MAGA attack on the Capitol.?
  • Ashli Babbitt was doing nothing wrong when she participated in battering down the barricade?
  • Who is officer Byrd?

Forgive my poor avatar, Redfish.....but your avatar seems to have a special place in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

And you honestly believe that your view of "like-it-is" can make America great?

I'm mildly confident that the individual ---man or woman ---behind the fake name 'Redfish' is a somewhat productive individual to their local society; however, the avatar he/she has chosen to speak for 'em ...... is a fringie RWNJ conspiracy junkie. Even by typical MAGA standards.

my comments are factual, as is my avatar. yours??? not so much.
They weren't anarchists, they were mom and pop demonstrators who were guilty of misdemeanors at best. Democrat administrations are turning robbery suspects loose and releasing gang members without bail for violent crimes. Who do we see about the murder of Ashley Babbitt?
They weren't anarchists, they were mom and pop demonstrators who were guilty of misdemeanors at best. Democrat administrations are turning robbery suspects loose and releasing gang members without bail for violent crimes. Who do we see about the murder of Ashley Babbitt?
It was all designed to discourage people from dissenting from or even questioning the Leftist Regime.
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