Virus alert number 2


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
I can not respond in threads and since Kat cant seem to find the first OPEN and AVAILABLE Virus thread in announcements here is another,Mcaffee reports that this board on all pages registers a potentially dangerous or suspicious site AS IN A VIRUS and in the other thread on this they said it was the ads cause they had ad blocker it it wasn't showing for them but had in the past.
Don't care who or what is causing it. USMB has a responsibility to fix the problem. I'm pretty sure ads can't be shown without the site's approval. They should block all that cause a problem.
Don't care who or what is causing it. USMB has a responsibility to fix the problem. I'm pretty sure ads can't be shown without the site's approval. They should block all that cause a problem.
Normally, ads are shown automatically and according to a user´s behavior.
The entire web is being ruined by ads...popup ads you are being forced to watch the ad....I will never purchase from a hard sale like that...
I can not respond in threads and since Kat cant seem to find the first OPEN and AVAILABLE Virus thread in announcements here is another,Mcaffee reports that this board on all pages registers a potentially dangerous or suspicious site AS IN A VIRUS and in the other thread on this they said it was the ads cause they had ad blocker it it wasn't showing for them but had in the past.

Not having a virus outbreak anytime soon on USMB.. The forum and thread content itself cannot contain a virus without having the USMB servers hacked and someone spending time modifying the Xenforo application.. Which really doesn't pay unless you're pissed off at the mods or something and got a week to kill...

HOWEVER --- if you go and poke at the click bait and LEAVE USMB to do it --- you might catch a nasty case of something filthy...

If you follow links out of USMB threads -- LOOK at the URL by mousing it over and checking the bottom of your browser.. If it's going some place you've NEVER BEEN before -- use common sense...

Kaspersky and McCaffee want you scared to buy more stuff. I recommend Spyhunter or a few others that I've used on my office machines.. PM me if you don't have protection...
Don't care who or what is causing it. USMB has a responsibility to fix the problem. I'm pretty sure ads can't be shown without the site's approval. They should block all that cause a problem.

Sites like USMB use a service that decides what ads get served. And they are PERSONALLY tailored to YOUR total browsing history.. Not OUR preferences.. I'd prefer all the ads be for power tools and snack items, but I got no say in the matter..

So -- the service asks US to comply with a few censoring types of things (no private parts, no N,S or K words, etc --- and we reserve the right (as I understand it) to REJECT any ads that cause interference with our site or just don't fit our culture...

HA !! As IF --- USMB had any culture or class..... :abgg2q.jpg:
Don't care who or what is causing it. USMB has a responsibility to fix the problem. I'm pretty sure ads can't be shown without the site's approval. They should block all that cause a problem.

Sites like USMB use a service that decides what ads get served. And they are PERSONALLY tailored to YOUR total browsing history.. Not OUR preferences.. I'd prefer all the ads be for power tools and snack items, but I got no say in the matter..

So -- the service asks US to comply with a few censoring types of things (no private parts, no N,S or K words, etc --- and we reserve the right (as I understand it) to REJECT any ads that cause interference with our site or just don't fit our culture...

HA !! As IF --- USMB had any culture or class..... :abgg2q.jpg:

Great. All you have to do is reject the ads that are causing the problems. Problem solved.
Don't care who or what is causing it. USMB has a responsibility to fix the problem. I'm pretty sure ads can't be shown without the site's approval. They should block all that cause a problem.
Normally, ads are shown automatically and according to a user´s behavior.

If they can ban members, they should be able to ban ads that cause problems. If they just don't give a shit about their members, they should just say that instead of giving excuses.
Is USMB getting paid for the ads that are causing all the warnings? Is that why you refuse to fix the problem?
Don't care who or what is causing it. USMB has a responsibility to fix the problem. I'm pretty sure ads can't be shown without the site's approval. They should block all that cause a problem.
Normally, ads are shown automatically and according to a user´s behavior.

If they can ban members, they should be able to ban ads that cause problems. If they just don't give a shit about their members, they should just say that instead of giving excuses.
It is the system that controls what ads you see. You must ask the providers for improvement. Google ect.
My experience is that most 'anti-virus' software are viruses themselves, and merely cashing in on paranoia. Today's browsers and a couple of free add-ons work quite nicely, as well as merely stop disabling automatic updates crap and anything else allows programs to download stuff to your computer. It's annoying,but takes far less time than whining and calling McAffee all the time. Just stay away from spam sites and porn sites already.
Don't care who or what is causing it. USMB has a responsibility to fix the problem. I'm pretty sure ads can't be shown without the site's approval. They should block all that cause a problem.

Sites like USMB use a service that decides what ads get served. And they are PERSONALLY tailored to YOUR total browsing history.. Not OUR preferences.. I'd prefer all the ads be for power tools and snack items, but I got no say in the matter..

So -- the service asks US to comply with a few censoring types of things (no private parts, no N,S or K words, etc --- and we reserve the right (as I understand it) to REJECT any ads that cause interference with our site or just don't fit our culture...

HA !! As IF --- USMB had any culture or class..... :abgg2q.jpg:

Great. All you have to do is reject the ads that are causing the problems. Problem solved.

If the problems occur off our site once you've succumbed to the click bait -- that's beyond our control.. And we'd need a special cyber counter-measures staff with hardened equipment to go INVESTIGATE EACH AND EVERY ad served...

It aint even possible, because as I've told you the ads are PERSONALIZED to YOUR browsing history that you've willfully given up to dozens of companies specialized in commerce spying and data mining your actions on the web.. No two members get served the same exact ad content...

If I buy a monitor stand or a pressure washer or a Dutch hedgehog, I'll get served ads on USMB for WEEKS from companies selling those and similar products... If I type Russia Russia Russia a lot I'll get served ads saying that "Hot Russian Ladies Want to Meet You"..

It anarchy out there. It's not ALL bad, but it aint a place for the naive and trusting....
Don't care who or what is causing it. USMB has a responsibility to fix the problem. I'm pretty sure ads can't be shown without the site's approval. They should block all that cause a problem.
Normally, ads are shown automatically and according to a user´s behavior.

If they can ban members, they should be able to ban ads that cause problems. If they just don't give a shit about their members, they should just say that instead of giving excuses.
It is the system that controls what ads you see. You must ask the providers for improvement. Google ect.

That's correct.. Google is the largest "compiler and server" of advertising content on the Web.. They truly are the people you'd expect to VET and "sanitize for your protection" every ad they accept and broadcast...
Don't care who or what is causing it. USMB has a responsibility to fix the problem. I'm pretty sure ads can't be shown without the site's approval. They should block all that cause a problem.

Sites like USMB use a service that decides what ads get served. And they are PERSONALLY tailored to YOUR total browsing history.. Not OUR preferences.. I'd prefer all the ads be for power tools and snack items, but I got no say in the matter..

So -- the service asks US to comply with a few censoring types of things (no private parts, no N,S or K words, etc --- and we reserve the right (as I understand it) to REJECT any ads that cause interference with our site or just don't fit our culture...

HA !! As IF --- USMB had any culture or class..... :abgg2q.jpg:
I do have a fever...
My experience is that most 'anti-virus' software are viruses themselves, and merely cashing in on paranoia. Today's browsers and a couple of free add-ons work quite nicely, as well as merely stop disabling automatic updates crap and anything else allows programs to download stuff to your computer. It's annoying,but takes far less time than whining and calling McAffee all the time. Just stay away from spam sites and porn sites already.

I agree. I don't use an anti-virus or any kind of software that claims it's there to protect me. And I've never once had a virus or malware. Ever.

That said, I'm a network guy whose skillset takes me to work in many a DoD and other sensitive private contractor facilities throughout the years/decades.

Take it for whatever it's worth.
I do know from experience that an administrator can be selective with what ads are shown/blocked on vBulletin. Dunno how it works with this forum software, though, probably the same.

But even that requires informed feedback from forum users as to what's going on with them and genuine concern from staff to act on it and block the ad in question.

They're killing flash this year, so. That's good.
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Don't care who or what is causing it. USMB has a responsibility to fix the problem. I'm pretty sure ads can't be shown without the site's approval. They should block all that cause a problem.

Sites like USMB use a service that decides what ads get served. And they are PERSONALLY tailored to YOUR total browsing history.. Not OUR preferences.. I'd prefer all the ads be for power tools and snack items, but I got no say in the matter..

So -- the service asks US to comply with a few censoring types of things (no private parts, no N,S or K words, etc --- and we reserve the right (as I understand it) to REJECT any ads that cause interference with our site or just don't fit our culture...

HA !! As IF --- USMB had any culture or class..... :abgg2q.jpg:

Great. All you have to do is reject the ads that are causing the problems. Problem solved.

If the problems occur off our site once you've succumbed to the click bait -- that's beyond our control.. And we'd need a special cyber counter-measures staff with hardened equipment to go INVESTIGATE EACH AND EVERY ad served...

It aint even possible, because as I've told you the ads are PERSONALIZED to YOUR browsing history that you've willfully given up to dozens of companies specialized in commerce spying and data mining your actions on the web.. No two members get served the same exact ad content...

If I buy a monitor stand or a pressure washer or a Dutch hedgehog, I'll get served ads on USMB for WEEKS from companies selling those and similar products... If I type Russia Russia Russia a lot I'll get served ads saying that "Hot Russian Ladies Want to Meet You"..

It anarchy out there. It's not ALL bad, but it aint a place for the naive and trusting....

Perhaps I'm wrong, and USMB has no control over which ads appear on this site. Anyone can place an ad here at will with no way to prevent it. That just doesn't pass the smell test, but I guess it doesn't matter anyway. I have my answer, and there will be nothing done by his site to fix it.
My experience is that most 'anti-virus' software are viruses themselves, and merely cashing in on paranoia. Today's browsers and a couple of free add-ons work quite nicely, as well as merely stop disabling automatic updates crap and anything else allows programs to download stuff to your computer. It's annoying,but takes far less time than whining and calling McAffee all the time. Just stay away from spam sites and porn sites already.

I agree. I don't use an anti-virus or any kind of software that claims it's there to protect me. And I've never once had a virus or malware. Ever.

That said, I'm a network guy whose skillset takes me to work in many a DoD and other sensitive private contractor facilities throughout the years/decades.

Take it for whatever it's worth.

I don't actually know much, I just read through all those little check boxes, found out what the hell they mean, and used trial and error, along with reading a little on networking, what viruses can and can't do to operating systems and software, how to keep my boot record intact and basically simple stuff like that, along with some light Linux hacking a a hobby. Most of my experience is in communications hardware and electro-optical tech, not PCs, just used PC's for operations and managing stuff. Most of my programming experience is in assembly language, which went out of 'style' many years ago, and playing around with C Builder suites and some SDK's, enough to know I hate programming. I've also worked on DoD projects and at labs, and in other countries for both private and government sector contracts, the last one in Singapore on their new liquid gas storage port, which is one of the few new building projects that have impressed and awed me in the last few years, outside of Korean shipyards.
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