Virus Protocols


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Only the sick people and vulnerable people should be quarantined during a pandemic.
We are doing this backwards.
You have to wear a mask to grocery shop.
But, all of the items that you buy are being handled by a clerk who has handled hundreds of items before you, and then you take them home and handle them again.
You handle your mail that was handled by the mailman who is going door to door touching other people's mail boxes.
You have to wear a mask at a restaurant but your food has been handled by many other people before you eat it.
Yes we should be cautious, but it all seems totally illogical.

Only the sick people and vulnerable people should be quarantined during a pandemic.
We are doing this backwards.
You have to wear a mask to grocery shop.
But, all of the items that you buy are being handled by a clerk who has handled hundreds of items before you, and then you take them home and handle them again.
You handle your mail that was handled by the mailman who is going door to door touching other people's mail boxes.
You have to wear a mask at a restaurant but your food has been handled by many other people before you eat it.
Yes we should be cautious, but it all seems totally illogical.

That's why any thinking person knows the mask is a farce. Every time I see someone on TV wearing one talking to the camera, they touch their face every 15 seconds fiddling with it as it slides down.

You get viruses by someone coughing in your face. Other than that, you pick them up by touching things, then touching your face, your food, your eyes, mouth, etc.

We've known this for years. During Flu season your mother always told you to wash your hands well, not wear a mask.

The entire nation has been paralyzed by the idiot Left.
The clerk here cleans everything before bagging. Then cleans my debit card, then my housekeeper re-cleans everything when she grts back from the store. Total cases in my county > 13 since march(imported)
The clerk here cleans everything before bagging. Then cleans my debit card, then my housekeeper re-cleans everything when she grts back from the store. Total cases in my county > 13 since march(imported)

Simple tip: whatever you bring home that doesn't need put away immediately (frozen/refrigerated stuff), let it sit around for a few days in your car. Viruses can only live a few hours to a few days on surfaces.

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