Visions of Satan and demons.


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
I believe that Satan and demons exist. But can your mind too project visions of demons and Satan, if it is under stress? For example, some people, typically children, are found to be afraid of the dark and believing that there are demons in it.
Many people claim to see and feel demons. Surely we can't discount all of them. They are like half of all people.
We have seen them manifest in people before. For some they can sense the evil spirits but rarely do people actually see them in other people. I've wrote about these experiences and so has Rod but not sure where the writings are at this point as that has been many computers ago.
I was not raised with any religion. I did a lot of studying on philosophy and religions and came to the conclusion that religion evolved from our attempts to rationalize what could begin to understand. Over time they became a vehicle to keep order as civilizations developed. That required significant depression of thought.

Satan is different in that there are no illusions. Once you commit you are his. I knew that going in and have no regrets. Do I see demons? Kinda, but it's usually a sleep deprived illusion.

I do know this. Whenever I invoke his name I feel his presence and the intensity of pleasure is off the charts.q

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Someone will probably be along shortly to address your needs and try to save you.
LOL, I am laughing at you.

And someone is laughing at you ...

isn't satan and demons just the acts/thoughts/etc that humans do that separate us from what is ''normal/good/---acts-thoughts that set in motion what will cause pain/suffering/''separation/etc?

ie: adultery sets in motion-creates pain for the wives/husbands/children/etc
murder creates pain in many--even the offender

sin/demons/satan separates us from what is natural stability/good
isn't satan and demons just the acts/thoughts/etc that humans do that separate us from what is ''normal/good/---acts-thoughts that set in motion what will cause pain/suffering/''separation/etc?

ie: adultery sets in motion-creates pain for the wives/husbands/children/etc
murder creates pain in many--even the offender

sin/demons/satan separates us from what is natural stability/good

Nefesh ha'elokit vs nefesh habehamit.
Reassuring, really that many people get this.

If I get sleep deprived, I start to feel, and a couple times even saw them.
part that makes me think it's real, is one time I was very sleep deprived, and saw "visions" my parents were trying to take me for help, so I ran off, and ran to the neighbors house at the time.
When I used the phone to call 9/11 saying my parents were trying to get me, the 9/11 dispatcher heard multiple voices, even though only 1 person (Myself spoke)

I also get very anti-Jewish when I get these type of visions, and think the Jews are trying to destroy the World, which actually is probably true given by bits, and pieces they've left behind.
When I used the phone to call 9/11 saying my parents were trying to get me,

A WHOLE lot of stuff just started to make sense right then...

They say the biggest trick of the Devil was to convince people he didn't exist.
did that?
Jews like Carl Sagan?

Why should we think Jews are not Demonic?
One of my visions when sleep deprived was the "Creation" of the Universe.
The gist of the vision is that all things in the Universe were created by "Greater beings" we can call them "Angels" they were like programmers of the Universe, and each Angel had a male, and a female paired together facing each other.
that there was a glitch a male, and a female Angel were facing the same way, and the Female Angel was in such pain, and desperation that they rebelled, and programmed Hell.
But, that this desperation, and pain makes "Her" very strong, and because it wasn't their fault, some Angels joined her.

What she created is the Gays, and Lesbians, that's her people, that's why they're wrong.

Yes, it does fit very closely with the story of Lilith, and others, that already hinted at the Devil being a Female.
on my journey to the truth I went the long way around and started with spiritism. I proved the spirit world exists and demons exist long before i 100% believed in god. I knew once this was real then God must be and Satan. of course at first i thought they were spirit guidesor angels an naive as i was at the time but then thye showed their true colors. This is truly the easiest thing to prove there are many ways to do it...
Many people claim to see and feel demons. Surely we can't discount all of them. They are like half of all people.

I think this is a very dangerous belief system, especially if you believe that people are demons. That makes you a danger to society. This is why we have to lock up people who have such "visions" in mental institutions.

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