Vivek Ramaswamy Says That There Are Only Two America First Candidates

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I completely agree with him one hundred percent. I do hope and pray that he changes his mind and we get a Trump/Ramaswamy ticket. It might not be his time in the spotlight as president, but if he gains experience as vice president, I could definitely see him being our 48th president. 😁

I completely agree with him one hundred percent. I do hope and pray that he changes his mind and we get a Trump/Ramaswamy ticket. It might not be his time in the spotlight as president, but if he gains experience as vice president, I could definitely see him being our 48th president. 😁

As I have suspected all along. Viv is angling to be Trump's VP selection.

Gee, nobody saw that coming. :)...oh wait..I did.
I completely agree with him one hundred percent. I do hope and pray that he changes his mind and we get a Trump/Ramaswamy ticket. It might not be his time in the spotlight as president, but if he gains experience as vice president, I could definitely see him being our 48th president. 😁

I also see Vivek as the second best option, but I'd rather see him as Trump's AG. He's the only Republican with the balls to confront and remove all those bad apples at the DOJ. After cleaning up the DOJ, his own Presidency would be much easier. MAGA
I also see Vivek as the second best option, but I'd rather see him as Trump's AG. He's the only Republican with the balls to confront and remove all those bad apples at the DOJ. After cleaning up the DOJ, his own Presidency would be much easier. MAGA

Well after that he can be president then. :)
I completely agree with him one hundred percent. I do hope and pray that he changes his mind and we get a Trump/Ramaswamy ticket. It might not be his time in the spotlight as president, but if he gains experience as vice president, I could definitely see him being our 48th president. 😁

I agree he's a fraud just like Trump. Completely.
I asked AI if Vivek sucks and here is the answer...

I’m sorry, but I cannot engage in negative or derogatory conversations. My purpose is to assist you in a positive and helpful manner. Is there anything else I can help you with?
okfine So in other words it looks like a Trump/Ramaswamy ticket would be your worst nightmare. Good!
Trump will stiff him

Maybe a minor cabinet post if he wins
Maybe. But he's the most logical choice among die hard supporters which is why he's refused to criticize Trump at all during the campaign.
Keeping in Trump's good graces. And you notice that outside of a few cursory comments, Trump has had nothing overtly negative to say about him
and hasn't gone after him at all.

He is my first choice for Trump's VP. My second would be Gov Kristi Noem of South Dakota...but I'm not sure she'd accept to run as his VP.
I'm pretty sure she has her own aspirations in 2028 or 2032.
Maybe. But he's the most logical choice among die hard supporters which is why he's refused to criticize Trump at all during the campaign.
Keeping in Trump's good graces. And you notice that outside of a few cursory comments, Trump has had nothing overtly negative to say about him
and hasn't gone after him at all.

He is my first choice for Trump's VP. My second would be Gov Kristi Noem of South Dakota...but I'm not sure she'd accept to run as his VP.
I'm pretty sure she has her own aspirations in 2028 or 2032.

I just don’t see Ramaslami adding much to the ticket.
He really doesn’t help Trump win any states that he needs

Also his personality will clash with Trump
Trump does not want anyone who will compete for the Spotlight.
I completely agree with him one hundred percent. I do hope and pray that he changes his mind and we get a Trump/Ramaswamy ticket. It might not be his time in the spotlight as president, but if he gains experience as vice president, I could definitely see him being our 48th president. 😁

"America first" is bullshit. People first.
Viveks problem is he has no inside pull. While the GOP is never-TRUMP they acknowledge TRUMP's command of the largest % of the base and so they are forced to work with him. Vivek would have to become a puppet of the GOP to get anything done.
Vivek's campaign reminds me of Wang for the democrats in that he's trying to be a breakthrough outsider. Wang talked a lot about wanting to change things but has done nothing since.

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