Volodymyr Zelenskyy: “I will never accept any decisions between the USA and Russia” About Peace in Ukraine

You know, ethnicity is much more flexible feature than, say, gender. Especially "ethnicity" as artificial as "Ukrainians". How many ethnic Californians or Hillbillies live in the USA? "A difference within the range of acceptable differences is not a difference"
My mom was a Ukrainian. Ukrainians are Russians. And Kievan regime still have almost twenty millions of them.

I think you are delusional. Ukrainians never wanted to be Russians, which is why they sided with the Central Powers in 1917 and the Axis in 1941, before they finally rid themselves of you in 1991.

Some of you just can't take "No" for an answer.

Its Poroshenko, previous Ukrainian president. In this speech he describes how exactly he suppose to win the war against rebellious Donbass. By continuous terror mostly against civilians, including children. "Our children will go to schools and kindergarten and their children will be hiding in basements". What is worse - both Europe and America totally approved his approach.

Well, since he's not president anymore, you don't have much of a point.

Can't say about other Russians, but I'm quite pleased. However low are our chances to achieve really reliable peace, Ukrainian and European reactions are priceless.

I guess. If you are easily distracted by a war your country didn't need, over land that you really can't use, because Putin hasn't brought prosperity to your country.
WWII!? So you have to go back 80 years? You’re saying that in the last three years, we’ve spent almost as much on Ukraine as we have over the last three generations on Israel?, LOL.

Right now, we are spending 10x on Ukraine as we are on Israel, yet all you do is bitch about what we spend on the Jews.
He’s a racist pig, better to ignore lowlife loser clowns such as him
I think you are delusional. Ukrainians never wanted to be Russians, which is why they sided with the Central Powers in 1917 and the Axis in 1941, before they finally rid themselves of you in 1991.
Ukrainians (in the wider meaning of the term) are Russians, as Californians and even Canadians are Americans. Some of Ukrainians, are, of course, separatists, but most of them are quite pragmatic. They don't care where exactly is the capital - in Saint-Petersbourg, Moscow or in Kiev, they just want to live in wealth and safety. And that is exactly why, so called Ukrainians were a part of Russia, and lived in it without any problems.

Some of you just can't take "No" for an answer.
It mostly depends on who said it.

Well, since he's not president anymore, you don't have much of a point.
He said it when he was a president and it was official Ukrainian strategy with him. Zelenskiy was elected by almost 80% of votes because he was supposed to finish it, but he (because of his greed) made the things much worse.

I guess. If you are easily distracted by a war your country didn't need,
We need to defend ourselves.

over land that you really can't use,
We can use it and we use it.

because Putin hasn't brought prosperity to your country.
He brought it. But, as usual, prosperity attracted western predators and parasites, and that why we need to defend it.
Ukrainians (in the wider meaning of the term) are Russians, as Californians and even Canadians are Americans. Some of Ukrainians, are, of course, separatists, but most of them are quite pragmatic. They don't care where exactly is the capital - in Saint-Petersbourg, Moscow or in Kiev, they just want to live in wealth and safety. And that is exactly why, so called Ukrainians were a part of Russia, and lived in it without any problems.

Really? Seems to me when they were part of Russia, they were treated pretty shabbily. You know, like when Joe Stalin stole most of their crops and millions of them starved to death.

Ukraine is like a battered wife who leaves an abusive husband, and the husband just won't leave her the fuck alone.

He said it when he was a president and it was official Ukrainian strategy with him. Zelenskiy was elected by almost 80% of votes because he was supposed to finish it, but he (because of his greed) made the things much worse.

Um, okay, whatever, do you have a tape of Zelenskyy saying such things? Didn't think so.

(Not that putting down terrorists is a bad thing, mind you.)

We need to defend ourselves.
From who? A country that wasn't bothering you, over land that you don't need because you have plenty of it?

He brought it. But, as usual, prosperity attracted western predators and parasites, and that why we need to defend it.
"Volodymyr Zelenskyy: “I will never accept any decisions between the USA and Russia” About Peace in Ukraine

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appears on Meet the Press to discuss his position toward ending the conflict with Russia. Within the conversation [04:11], Zelenskyy said, “I will never accept any decisions between the United States and Russia about Ukraine.”

President Zelenskyy represents the interests of the European Union, multinational corporations, various elements of NATO memberships, the World Economic Forum, the CIA division within the U.S. State Dept., western banks and a confab of various western intelligence operations. After that, he represents the interests of Ukrainians. This is why he will not permit elections.

The looming confrontation between President Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, along with all the aforementioned interests Zelenskyy supports, is going to be something very interesting."

If Zelenskyy does not want a peace agreement, then let Zelenskyy Russia without US funding. The EU can pay for the war.
Spoken like a true mob boss. “Hate to see you lose your country, buddy.”
He has the chutzpah to say that after the U.S. gave his country $160 billion?!

Biden must have been getting quite a kickback. A better deal you can’t find: funneling almost $200 billion of American taxypayer money to a corrupt country known for kickbacks and bribes.
Really? Seems to me when they were part of Russia, they were treated pretty shabbily. You know, like when Joe Stalin stole most of their crops and millions of them starved to death.
Not only them. The most severe famine was in Volga region, northern Kazakhstan and, surprised, in Poland-coltrolled part of the Ukraine (said nothing about Great Depression in the USA).
And, you know, Russia build five nuclear plants in Ukraine. How many nuclear plants build England in Ireland or America in Philippines?

Ukraine is like a battered wife who leaves an abusive husband, and the husband just won't leave her the fuck alone.
Of course no.

Um, okay, whatever, do you have a tape of Zelenskyy saying such things? Didn't think so.
Before elections he was talking quite opposite things. But in reality - he increased cooperation with NATO and increased number of forces on the border with Donbass.

(Not that putting down terrorists is a bad thing, mind you.)

Thats what we exactly do. And no, you bombed Serbia and Syria for putting down the terrorists.
From who? A country that wasn't bothering you,
It were murdering us. And those mass murders were (and still is) official government policy. We are Russians (whereever we do live - in the Russian Federation, in Ukraine, in Estonia, in the USA, doesn't matter) - attack against one of us, is attack against all of us. That's why we prefer to kill them first.

over land that you don't need because you have plenty of it?
It's not about territory itself, and never have been. But no, the land with all those resources is quite good bonus. We need a compensation for all our losses and expenses (and a bit more).
He has the chutzpah to say that after the U.S. gave his country $160 billion?!

Biden must have been getting quite a kickback. A better deal you can’t find: funneling almost $200 billion of American taxypayer money to a corrupt country known for kickbacks and bribes.

Yeah, don't you know only Jews are allowed to talk down to their benefactors like that!

Not only them. The most severe famine was in Volga region, northern Kazakhstan and, surprised, in Poland-coltrolled part of the Ukraine (said nothing about Great Depression in the USA).
And, you know, Russia build five nuclear plants in Ukraine. How many nuclear plants build England in Ireland or America in Philippines?

Nuclear plants? Do you mean like "Chernobyl"? "Hey, we built you this nice nuclear plant that was so badly designed that it poisoned the land for miles around!!!"

Before elections he was talking quite opposite things. But in reality - he increased cooperation with NATO and increased number of forces on the border with Donbass.

Um, yeah, that's what you do when terrorists keep fighting.

Thats what we exactly do. And no, you bombed Serbia and Syria for putting down the terrorists.

We bombed Serbia and Syria because those fucks were committing genocide. Just like the Russians are.

It were murdering us. And those mass murders were (and still is) official government policy. We are Russians (whereever we do live - in the Russian Federation, in Ukraine, in Estonia, in the USA, doesn't matter) - attack against one of us, is attack against all of us. That's why we prefer to kill them first.

Again, you guys were the ones who took up arms against Ukraine after they threw out a president you liked. Don't pretend you are the victims here.

It's not about territory itself, and never have been. But no, the land with all those resources is quite good bonus. We need a compensation for all our losses and expenses (and a bit more).

Guy, the problem is, the losses you've taken in this war will never be made up for by the small amount of land you've taken.

Santayana once said, "A fanatic is one who redoubles his effort while losing sight of his goal."

He also said, "Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it."
Nuclear plants? Do you mean like "Chernobyl"? "Hey, we built you this nice nuclear plant that was so badly designed that it poisoned the land for miles around!!!"
Yep. You know, Chernobyl is the smallest of their modern problems. And other nuclear plants are still working.

Um, yeah, that's what you do when terrorists keep fighting.
They say, that the Russians are terrorists, we say that they are terrorists, we say they are committing genocide, they say we are committing genocide. Bertrand Russell said, “War does not determine who is right, only who is left.” But survival is the good enough for me. So, we'll kill them, and, if necessary, we'll kill you (may be, all of you).

We bombed Serbia and Syria because those fucks were committing genocide. Just like the Russians are.
Thats exactly why we are bombing Ukraine and, quite likely, will bomb NATO.

Again, you guys were the ones who took up arms against Ukraine after they threw out a president you liked. Don't pretend you are the victims here.
There are elections to change the power, in at the last more or less free elections more than half of Ukrainian citizens voted for president from Donbass.

Guy, the problem is, the losses you've taken in this war will never be made up for by the small amount of land you've taken.
As I said, it's not about land. It's more about rebuilding the whole system of collective safety.

Santayana once said, "A fanatic is one who redoubles his effort while losing sight of his goal."
We are not losing sight of our goal. Its still the same. Denazification, demilitarization and neutral status for Ukraine. New safety system for Europe. Multipolar order for the world.

He also said, "Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it."
Yep. Exactly this quote I used this morning in another thread.

Post in thread 'A Terrible Milestone in the American Presidency: Trump switches sides in the war for freedom'

And we'll destroy western barbarians as we do at least twice a century during the recent millennium.
Yep. You know, Chernobyl is the smallest of their modern problems. And other nuclear plants are still working.

The Chenobyl meltdown is what preceipiated the fall of the non-lamented USSR.

They say, that the Russians are terrorists, we say that they are terrorists, we say they are committing genocide, they say we are committing genocide. Bertrand Russell said, “War does not determine who is right, only who is left.” But survival is the good enough for me. So, we'll kill them, and, if necessary, we'll kill you (may be, all of you).

That's kind of psychotic. If you guys can't beat Ukraine, you are little threat to the west, except for your nukes.

And that assumes they are in working order, which they probably aren't, given the state of the rest of your military.

Hey, how is that aircraft carrier of yours doing?


There are elections to change the power, in at the last more or less free elections more than half of Ukrainian citizens voted for president from Donbass.

Works on the assumption other elections weren't free.

The thing was, the only reason why Yanukovych won in 2010 (not quite hitting 50%) was because he promised closer ties with the EU, before he started being Putin's bitch.

Then he started doing shit like trying to downplay the Holodomor (the Russian-caused famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians) and tried to make Russian an official language. Then he started shooting the opposition, and wondered why everyone turned on him.

We are not losing sight of our goal. Its still the same. Denazification, demilitarization and neutral status for Ukraine. New safety system for Europe. Multipolar order for the world.

Guy, your time has passed. You are no longer a poll in the world. Your future is being China's bitch, and I'm sure they are already sizing up Outer Mancuria to take back from you guys. Hope you weren't too fond of Vladivostock!
The Chenobyl meltdown is what preceipiated the fall of the non-lamented USSR.
If A precipiated B, it doesn't necessarily means that A caused B.
Yes, there were nice sci-fi (and alternative history) TV-series "Chernobyl" about a team of time-travelers who prevented Chernobyl's incident, and therefore, prevented the fall of the Soviet Union. After their return in 2021, they saw Republic of Alaska as a part of the Soviet Union, Civil war in the United States, the last legitime president Donald Trump, hiding on Hawaii, when the mainland of the former USA are tearing apart by the numerous gangs of marauders, etc ...

Yes, this opinion (Chernobyl incident was one of key events, indirectly caused the fall of the Soviet Union) have right to exist, but your humble servant, as well as most of educated people, believe that the problem was deeper than that.
Anyway, its not relevant to our main question - were Ukrainians oppressed in the Soviet Union, or not? At least if you are not falling into crazy conspiracy theories like "Freaking Moscowites have build nuclear plants intentionally to destroy perfect Ukrainian ecology" (part of Rogulizm ideology).

That's kind of psychotic. If you guys can't beat Ukraine, you are little threat to the west, except for your nukes.
We are not "beating" Ukraine, not yet. We are gently slapping her, prolonging pleasure to achive the best practical and educative result with minimal collateral damage.

And who told you, that Russia won't use nukes in the possible war against west? Read Russian military doctrine, its not classified. In the regional (say, European) war Russia will use both nuclear and non-nuclear weapon, in a large-scale war (if the countries of other regions, like North America are involved) Russia will use everything (including chemical and biological weapons).

In the case of a nation whose enemies' avovwed objective is nothing short of physical annihilation, there is no defensive that can be called "extreme".

And that assumes they are in working order, which they probably aren't, given the state of the rest of your military.

Hey, how is that aircraft carrier of yours doing?

View attachment 1084005
Its still in repair, not in priority, as far as I know. Why?

Works on the assumption other elections weren't free.
After Maidan coup, Odessa Massacre and state-ordered terror? Are you kidding?

The thing was, the only reason why Yanukovych won in 2010 (not quite hitting 50%) was because he promised closer ties with the EU, before he started being Putin's bitch.
He tried to play multi-vector politic, balancing between the EU and Russia, and, finally, he failed.

Then he started doing shit like trying to downplay the Holodomor (the Russian-caused famine that killed up to 10 million Ukrainians)
The most severe Holodomor, and the most strong cult of it, was in the Western Ukraine, that, in time, was controlled by Poland. Soviets were not responsible for Western-Ukrainian Holodomor as they weren't responsible for the Great Depression in the USA (at least, not directly). There were famines in Russian controlled part of Ukraine, as well as in other regions of Russia. Those are plain facts. It was not intentional genocide of Ukrainians by evil Russians. It was a more or less necessary sacrifice for the forced industrialization, as well as Great Depression in the USA was, more or less necessary for the modernization of American society.

and tried to make Russian an official language.
He tried to make to make Russian official regional language (as well as Ukrainian now is one of official languages in Crimea and Kherson, or as Spanish is often used in some US regions) because Russian-speaking people (as well as all others) have right to use freely their language. Government should work for people, not people should change themselves to fit the imbecilic demands of the government. That's what the word "democracy" mean. Neither Russia, nor USA arrest people for say, public speaking at Spanish, Chinese, English, Russian, Ukrainians or any other language.

Then he started shooting the opposition, and wondered why everyone turned on him.
Actually, it was the "opposition", who raised the level of violence from "public hate speech" to "strets disorders" and who started to kill cops. First blood is on their hands. And it was Kievan junta, who, after their "victory" and start of street protests in Donbass, raised the level of violence once more - to the level "military operation", by sending the military forces to supress rebellion in Donbass and paramilitary gangs (like "trains of friendship") to supress civil disorders in other Russian-speaking regions.
Guy, your time has passed.
We'll see.

You are no longer a poll in the world. Your future is being China's bitch, and I'm sure they are already sizing up Outer Mancuria to take back from you guys. Hope you weren't too fond of Vladivostock!
So, does it mean, that you are really determined to return us Alaska and California?
"Volodymyr Zelenskyy: “I will never accept any decisions between the USA and Russia” About Peace in Ukraine
Do you want to know what i think ....
If Zelenskyy does not want a peace agreement, then let Zelenskyy Russia without US funding. The EU can pay for the war.
... yes, exactly. If he doesn't want to reach a peace settlement with Russia then stop all American aid, assistance, and advice. Let Putin keep pounding Ukraine further and further untill Zoolinsky cries uncle and if Western Europe wants to join the fight then let them suffer the consequences when Putin takes off the gloves.

American people! Make some popcorn and enjoy the show! You're always criticizing Europe and this time (for the first time) I agree with you! :hyper:
"Volodymyr Zelenskyy: “I will never accept any decisions between the USA and Russia” About Peace in Ukraine

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appears on Meet the Press to discuss his position toward ending the conflict with Russia. Within the conversation [04:11], Zelenskyy said, “I will never accept any decisions between the United States and Russia about Ukraine.”

President Zelenskyy represents the interests of the European Union, multinational corporations, various elements of NATO memberships, the World Economic Forum, the CIA division within the U.S. State Dept., western banks and a confab of various western intelligence operations. After that, he represents the interests of Ukrainians. This is why he will not permit elections.

The looming confrontation between President Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, along with all the aforementioned interests Zelenskyy supports, is going to be something very interesting."

If Zelenskyy does not want a peace agreement, then let Zelenskyy Russia without US funding. The EU can pay for the war.
I thought he said he would step down if that means peace? guess he changed his mind
Yes, this opinion (Chernobyl incident was one of key events, indirectly caused the fall of the Soviet Union) have right to exist, but your humble servant, as well as most of educated people, believe that the problem was deeper than that.

Oh, I agree the USSR had a lot of problems. They lived under the delusion that Communism actually works. (it doesn't). It was also the last great Colonial empire, with 150 million Russians trying to rule over hundreds of millions of non-Russians, and it didn't work. Why they are trying to go back to that is mind-boggling. Perhaps because they have nothing else going on as a country.

Anyway, its not relevant to our main question - were Ukrainians oppressed in the Soviet Union, or not? At least if you are not falling into crazy conspiracy theories like "Freaking Moscowites have build nuclear plants intentionally to destroy perfect Ukrainian ecology" (part of Rogulizm ideology).

I agree, but the problem was that you think they did Ukraine a "favor" by building a defective nuclear plant, and that somehow makes up for the Holodomor and worse.

We are not "beating" Ukraine, not yet. We are gently slapping her, prolonging pleasure to achive the best practical and educative result with minimal collateral damage.

Um, let's get real. The Ukes are destroying your tanks faster than you can build them, to the point you are dragging old ones out of museums to use. You've emptied out the prisons because people won't tolerate more conscription, and now you are using poor unsuspecting North Koreans for cannon fodder.

The only hope you have right now is that Trump is enough of a buffoon to sell Ukraine out.

And who told you, that Russia won't use nukes in the possible war against west? Read Russian military doctrine, its not classified. In the regional (say, European) war Russia will use both nuclear and non-nuclear weapon, in a large-scale war (if the countries of other regions, like North America are involved) Russia will use everything (including chemical and biological weapons).

Yes, I heard that crap when I was in the military back in the 1980's, when you guys were kind of a threat, and I really didn't believe it then. You have nothing to gain in a nuclear war.

The most likely scenario, is that the Russian people will finally get sick of Putin's shit, and overthrow him. Heck, it almost happened with the Wagner Group last year.

In the case of a nation whose enemies' avovwed objective is nothing short of physical annihilation, there is no defensive that can be called "extreme".
Except no one is calling for that. Go back behind the borders you agreed to in 1991, we don't have an issue.
Its still in repair, not in priority, as far as I know. Why?
It hasn't sailed in 8 years, that's what a joke it is.

Oh, and they pulled off it's crew to go fight in Ukraine. That's a good use of resources.

The most severe Holodomor, and the most strong cult of it, was in the Western Ukraine, that, in time, was controlled by Poland. Soviets were not responsible for Western-Ukrainian Holodomor as they weren't responsible for the Great Depression in the USA (at least, not directly). There were famines in Russian controlled part of Ukraine, as well as in other regions of Russia. Those are plain facts. It was not intentional genocide of Ukrainians by evil Russians. It was a more or less necessary sacrifice for the forced industrialization, as well as Great Depression in the USA was, more or less necessary for the modernization of American society.

Millions of Americans didn't starve during the Great Depression. The reason why the Holodomor was was bad was not because of crop failures, but because your Boy Stalin stole that grain to sell abroad for quick cash when his people needed it.

So, does it mean, that you are really determined to return us Alaska and California?
Nope, we aren't a nation in decline like you are.
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