Vote For Hillary In 2020 If You Know What's Good For You


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Hillary is using the media to take down her competition.
The source of the Joe Biden videos is the not-so-secret Hillary Campaign.

When you start seeing journalists writing opinion pieces that Hillary is the only person that can beat should begin to see who has been pulling the strings all along. Who should run against Trump? How about Hillary Clinton?

Let's face it folks....Hillary tried to rig the 2016 election. She never really wants to actually campaign. She just wants the presidency plopped in her lap by default. Once she has destroyed all of her opponents on the Democrat side....and she's removed Trump and Pence....she thinks she can just be awarded the presidency. She's not going to lift a finger to actually earn it.

This is all that Russian Collusion has been about all along. To get rid of the guy that beat her the last time.

This is why so many stories have been in the news about how Nancy Pelosi has her fingers deep in Ukrainian corruption. Joe Biden is acting like a guilty man when he tries to point a finger at Trump even though he was caught red-handed up to his elbows in Ukrainian corruption. If anyone starts looking like they may win the nomination....Hillary's media friends will slap them down.

The Epstein murder has been totally erased from the news. Hillary murdered this guy while in protective custody. This was a shot across the bow to anyone who starts getting ideas. American media shuts down the Epstein story

Hillary feels that America can stomach another run by a lying, corrupt, murdering asshole. As long as she promises to reverse all of the shit Trump is doing to improve the lives of Americans.....she thinks they'll hold their nose and vote for her. And the millions of illegals that Democrats have smuggled into the US will make sure that this time she gets what she wants.
Odds are she will enter the race when all of the competition is taken out...she wants another crack at Trump....wouldn't that be delicious? see her fall again....not just down the stairs but fall as a candidate again....

Odds are she will enter the race when all of the competition is taken out...she wants another crack at Trump....wouldn't that be delicious? see her fall again....not just down the stairs but fall as a candidate again....

Every single time Trump has been in the news being attacked by Democrats.....Hillary finds herself in front of a sparse crowd talking about how fucked up Trump is.
She's been campaigning against him since the day after she lost.

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Hillary feels that America can stomach another run by a lying, corrupt, murdering asshole.
She knows the idiot Left would vote nine times for her come Sunday because they have been so gullibly lead to believe anything is better than a president who has given us a strong roaring economy, good jobs, lower crime, international stability, reduced terrorism, and improved trade.

And maybe this time, Hillary will succeed in cleaning out all the valuables put in the WH by Jacqueline Kennedy, too. The Democrats won't mind, they are used to being robbed.
Hillary feels that America can stomach another run by a lying, corrupt, murdering asshole.
She knows the idiot Left would vote nine times for her come Sunday because they have been so gullibly lead to believe anything is better than a president who has given us a strong roaring economy, good jobs, lower crime, international stability, reduced terrorism, and improved trade.

And maybe this time, Hillary will succeed in cleaning out all the valuables put in the WH by Jacqueline Kennedy, too. The Democrats won't mind, they are used to being robbed.
I know people are trying to stop her from running....but they just can't change her mind.
Nobody can hold her back from tripping and falling her way back into the WH.


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Take this thread as fair warning.

If you're a current Democrat contender get out now.

Or hire a lawyer to write your last will and testament
'cause you're prone to "suicide".
The Democrats have been insisting since November 2016, that Donald Trump cheated Hillary Clinton out of the Presidency with the help of Uncle Pooty and other Dirty Deeds.

They haven't wavered a centimeter on their claim.

Now, if you stipulate that the D's actually believe this story, I don't see how they can deny her the nomination, along with her running mate , Howdy Doody.

After all, if she had actually won- like they claim she did, she and Doody would be nominated by acclamation next year in Milwaukee.

It would seem to be a miscarriage of justice to deny someone obama said was the "most qualified candidate ever, even better than him", on a technicality.
The OP is on drugs. That criminal Clinton should be in jail.

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Progs have bent over backwards for Hillary. They do not owe her anything more. She has minimum talent and was/is a product of the extreme feminist agendas with the advantage of being married to Bill. You talk about Trump, but she is far worse. She did not heed any advice from anyone while running for President.
The OP is on drugs. That criminal Clinton should be in jail.

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Maybe she "should be" in jail, but she ain't.

And Mrs. Clinton is still a viable candidate for President in 2020.

She’ a viable piece of shit. What is her hit list up to, mid to upper 40’s she has had killed. Viable she is not. She will get beat like a drum again against Trump.

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The OP is on drugs. That criminal Clinton should be in jail.

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Maybe she "should be" in jail, but she ain't.

And Mrs. Clinton is still a viable candidate for President in 2020.

She’ a viable piece of shit. What is her hit list up to, mid to upper 40’s she has had killed. Viable she is not. She will get beat like a drum again against Trump.

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President Trump will schlong any candidate the D's put up in 2020.

The advantage they will have in nominating the Hildawg is that it doesn't hurt any of their candidates for 2024.

Hillary is using the media to take down her competition.
The source of the Joe Biden videos is the not-so-secret Hillary Campaign.

When you start seeing journalists writing opinion pieces that Hillary is the only person that can beat should begin to see who has been pulling the strings all along. Who should run against Trump? How about Hillary Clinton?

Let's face it folks....Hillary tried to rig the 2016 election. She never really wants to actually campaign. She just wants the presidency plopped in her lap by default. Once she has destroyed all of her opponents on the Democrat side....and she's removed Trump and Pence....she thinks she can just be awarded the presidency. She's not going to lift a finger to actually earn it.

This is all that Russian Collusion has been about all along. To get rid of the guy that beat her the last time.

This is why so many stories have been in the news about how Nancy Pelosi has her fingers deep in Ukrainian corruption. Joe Biden is acting like a guilty man when he tries to point a finger at Trump even though he was caught red-handed up to his elbows in Ukrainian corruption. If anyone starts looking like they may win the nomination....Hillary's media friends will slap them down.

The Epstein murder has been totally erased from the news. Hillary murdered this guy while in protective custody. This was a shot across the bow to anyone who starts getting ideas. American media shuts down the Epstein story

Hillary feels that America can stomach another run by a lying, corrupt, murdering asshole. As long as she promises to reverse all of the shit Trump is doing to improve the lives of Americans.....she thinks they'll hold their nose and vote for her. And the millions of illegals that Democrats have smuggled into the US will make sure that this time she gets what she wants.

Hillary isn't running.

You know this, right?
The OP is on drugs. That criminal Clinton should be in jail.

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Maybe she "should be" in jail, but she ain't.

And Mrs. Clinton is still a viable candidate for President in 2020.

She’ a viable piece of shit. What is her hit list up to, mid to upper 40’s she has had killed. Viable she is not. She will get beat like a drum again against Trump.

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President Trump will schlong any candidate the D's put up in 2020.

The advantage they will have in nominating the Hildawg is that it doesn't hurt any of their candidates for 2024.

There candidates will hurt themselves.

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