Vote for stupid Democrats and their Policies - Win Stupid Prizes


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
The most dangerous places in the nation seem to always be the most Democrat / most "Progressive" (joke) / most liberal places.

Teens have learned from Democrats to disrespect authority, take what you want by force, defend your criminal actions and then accuse others of that which they are guilty. Too bad they forgot to tell their scum offspring not to do so to their own......which 90% of the time it is.

Off-duty California police officer attacked by teens after helping woman who said phone was stolen
Off-duty California police officer attacked by teens after helping woman who said phone was stolen

Democrats Liberals Progressives are wreaking havoc on the nation...all the while blaming you, the Conservative for it all.

Mob mentality has been glamorized and promoted by Democrats from Maxine Waters to Nancy Pelosi to Schiff etc. Now they are paying the price. And rightfully so. How long before savage mobs of teens in liberal stronghold cities descend on the homes of prominent Democrats and drag them into the streets? I predict it won't be long.
No wonder the Obamas and Nancy Pelosi live behind such high fences with armed guards.

The only silver lining may be in the fact that nearly all the immigrant crimes and teen savagery is directed right back at the imbeciles defending such insanity. Darwinism at it's best.
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According to the article he had to resist that temptation....but he thought about it.

So many teens in mobs these days in malls, looting convenience stores, beating people.

Democrats have created a monster.
Modern day lynching # 187,638

I think we are owed a lot of reparations from the black community at this point.
Modern day lynching # 187,638
I think we are owed a lot of reparations from the black community at this point.

IM2 would say that whitey had it coming....failing to realize this will all eventually lead to a worse place for minorities.
In any event, it's a bad situation getting worse.

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