Vote Fraud Allegations Gathers Steam

no1tovote4 said:
I would suggest going to and checking the exit poll numbers used in the report. I don't know which exit polls they used in the report but I suggest that the accuracy of the report is in question.

i'm not sure where realclear gets their data, but he's got it all backed up on page 2 and 3 and in the footnotes.
CivilLiberty said:
Gathering steam, as a metaphor meaning "building up in pressure" - We've been hearing about on the news, so it was worth discussing. I don't know where it's heading. I have said several times I don't think there's anyway it would reverse the outcome of the election.

On the other hand I have wanted to see election reform for some time.

My impression of this tread (paraphrasing):

"I have the gall to suggest that our election system is imperfect, therefore I must be a pinko liberal."

Christ you guys. Perceptual rigidity ring a bell?



Hey Andy cool it with the ugly condescension. Nobody suggested that you were a commie pinko, are you? I believe they are suggesting that you are grasping at straws trying to find a reason for the election of Bush. The reasons are right in front of you, check out the exit polling and find out the reasons people voted Republican. People don't trust Demos, they don't believe they have values and they certainly don't think they can protect America. I mean the facts were all over the place.
jimnyc said:
And the evidence likely won't be fully released as a matter of national security. It doesn't change the fact that these plots have been foiled and thousands of terrorists have been captured or killed as a result.

But we don't *know* it's a fact, do we? No, we do not.


CivilLiberty said:
But we don't *know* it's a fact, do we? No, we do not.



Do you believe Andy you have a right to know every move or decision the government makes, especially concerning national security?
jimnyc said:
What a whole shitload of drivel! :laugh:

The only 'moron' I see here is you. I'm sorry, but you're pathetic.

Wow - I give you what you ask for - specific examples of policy or issues to back up the opinion - and you respond with nothing but an ad hominem.

I'm surprised - we were having such a good debate.


CivilLiberty said:
Gathering steam, as a metaphor meaning "building up in pressure" - We've been hearing about on the news, so it was worth discussing. I don't know where it's heading. I have said several times I don't think there's anyway it would reverse the outcome of the election.

If the steam weren't coming from manure, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

CivilLiberty said:
My impression of this tread (paraphrasing):

"I have the gall to suggest that our election system is imperfect, therefore I must be a pinko liberal."

No. I think the problem is you have the gall to suggest that the re-election of President Bush is brought about by fraud, then try to cover your ass by saying that you are only pointing out "anamolies". If that makes you comfortable in your own world, fine. Don't expect everyone to gobble up the crap you're trying to spoon feed us, then back off when you say you have no spoon.
rtwngAvngr said:
  • You came here
  • You acted like a condescending jerk
  • You got your ass handed to you on a platter

  • I came here
  • The VERY FIRST response to the post was an ad hominem from Mr. P
  • I found that not everyone here were mindless drones
  • I hung around, and some interesting conversations, and beat heads with a few trolls
  • I'm still here.


spillmind said:
i'm not sure where realclear gets their data, but he's got it all backed up on page 2 and 3 and in the footnotes.

Results are different from different polls, therefore selecting ones that support the premise of the article while ignoring the others is pretty clear. realclearpolitics takes an average of the polls and gives you the results.
CivilLiberty said:
  • I came here
  • The VERY FIRST response to the post was an ad hominem from Mr. P
  • I found that not everyone here were mindless drones
  • I hung around, and some interesting conversations, and beat heads with a few trolls
  • I'm still here.



Well, we're all allowed a unique viewpoint. That's one of the good things about america!
jimnyc said:
You were saying what about illiteracy? You shouldn't try to look so stupid while putting down others. :laugh:

Heh - a typo on "teleprompter" - woo hoo! Good for you!

I'll never misunderestimate you....

dilloduck said:
LISTEN -------you have a whole audience of people and and opportunity to share some of your constructive ideas with us yet for some reason you choose only to criticize. Why is that? Do you have no proposals of your own or are you simply afraid to expose them? Kerry tried that too and it was as unsuccessful for him as this "strategy" is becoming for you. LET'S hear it. Your chance to be a star !!!!!!

The "it's pretty freakin' stupid" was a direct response the his like statement.

I was throwing it back at him in his own language, which you've taken out of context.

I do have proposals of my own, they are on my site.

rtwngAvngr said:
Don't be so bitter.

There's always a narrative in reality tv and, you're right the editor "finds it" with their editing. reality tv is often superior because the emotional realism is always there, because these ARE the characters, and THIS is what they say and do in these situations. Editing is important, I'll give you that. But your implication that there is no narrative here is typical leftwing writer wannabeism. You just don't get it.

I never ever said that there was "no narrative" in reality TV.

CivilLiberty said:
  • I came here
  • The VERY FIRST response to the post was an ad hominem from Mr. P
  • I found that not everyone here were mindless drones
  • I hung around, and some interesting conversations, and beat heads with a few trolls
  • I'm still here.



Well great----I hope you stay and give us something to think about from time to time. Sorry you had a bad experience with ad hominems right off the bat. I'll be eagerly awaiting your postive and constructive ideas. I'm sure you understand that everything you post will not be given an immediate stamp of approval but know that you realize that the board is not full of idiots, you may be able to move on without your preconcieved ideas that trip up intelligent conversation
good luck!
spillmind said:
you mean you CAN'T dispute the math, because is was ONE IN A 250 MILLION CHANCE kerry would receive that low percentage of votership across the three states. trying to say that the battleground states' math was off, while all others were well withing margin of error just doesn't add up.

it adds up to a heavily biased partisan agenda, but not sound logic. go ahead, deny this, too. :rolleyes:

why don't you tell us why we even use exit polls? or why they are used around the world? if they are so unreliable? i'd love to hear the spin on that. :smoke:

the real losers are the people. and the good old american set of values.. as it pertains to a free and fair election. ....all a thing of the past

Ok, how about we ask you to show PROOF of any wrongdoing. Not just weird exit polls or theories, PROOF!
CivilLiberty said:
Wow - I give you what you ask for - specific examples of policy or issues to back up the opinion - and you respond with nothing but an ad hominem.

I'm surprised - we were having such a good debate.



No, we weren't. You are too busy kissing your own ass. I think you are a condescending, pompous ass. I think you are full of theories and short on facts.
CivilLiberty said:
The "it's pretty freakin' stupid" was a direct response the his like statement.

I was throwing it back at him in his own language, which you've taken out of context.

I do have proposals of my own, they are on my site.


Is there a reason that you can't share them here or are you just using USMB a sounding board?
CivilLiberty said:
Heh - a typo on "teleprompter" - woo hoo! Good for you!

I'll never misunderestimate you....


Yes, I always find it funny when some self proclaimed genius can't get the simplest of words correct. You have an edge on me possibly as an editor, other than that you don't have shit on anyone here. You lack something that is easier to attain than fancy degrees or writing awards - common sense.
Hey Jim, Civil Liberty called you a Nancy behind your back!
Hey Civil, Jim called you a pinko commie lunatic!

Dance puppets, DANCE!
OCA said:
Hey Andy cool it with the ugly condescension.

I'm throwing it back from where I'm getting it.

OCA said:
Nobody suggested that you were a commie pinko, are you? I believe they are suggesting that you are grasping at straws trying to find a reason for the election of Bush. The reasons are right in front of you, check out the exit polling and find out the reasons people voted Republican.

As I wrote after the election, I noted that Bush won because Kerry lost - Kerry lost because he was a weak candidate. Kerry lost because he put up a weak fight, with no clear vision or direction.

copyrighted material excerpt - Link to original article as per rule 5 of the US MessBrd

"In 2003, When Bush's approval rating was higher (before Iraq turned into this egregious debacle), none of the "strong" Democrats were willing to step forward into the ring. The result were weaker candidates, like Kerry - a career politician with an unremarkable record....And here seems to be the dividing factor in America - many people were voting for Kerry specifically to see Bush gone, with many voting for Bush were doing so because they didn't want Kerry."

OCA said:
People don't trust Demos, they don't believe they have values and they certainly don't think they can protect America. I mean the facts were all over the place.

People don't trust Repubs, either - though apparently 3% more voters trust Repubs more than Dems.



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