Voter ID Cards (ha)


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !
Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !

Naw - there's no fraud. Why just today I heard on the radio that Colorado - who has went completely to mail in ballots - has found 300 ballots sent out that had the wrong candidates on them and 200 that were printed with the wrong party by the candidates name.

Now, democrat operatives are going to nursing homes in Denver and asking the folks there to" just sign the ballot" and give it to us. we'll even fill it out for you". fraud whatsoever.........
Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !

Naw - there's no fraud. Why just today I heard on the radio that Colorado - who has went completely to mail in ballots - has found 300 ballots sent out that had the wrong candidates on them and 200 that were printed with the wrong party by the candidates name.

Now, democrat operatives are going to nursing homes in Denver and asking the folks there to" just sign the ballot" and give it to us. we'll even fill it out for you". fraud whatsoever.........

there will be ..

SS Card ... $20
Green Card $20
Voter ID Card $20

get all 3 today for the low low price $49.95 ...ACT NOW AND SAVE !

Randall, that has been going on for years, unfortunately.
Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !

Naw - there's no fraud. Why just today I heard on the radio that Colorado - who has went completely to mail in ballots - has found 300 ballots sent out that had the wrong candidates on them and 200 that were printed with the wrong party by the candidates name.

Now, democrat operatives are going to nursing homes in Denver and asking the folks there to" just sign the ballot" and give it to us. we'll even fill it out for you". fraud whatsoever.........
So you mean it isn't about the money then, it is about fraud. Glad you finally admitted it.
Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !

Naw - there's no fraud. Why just today I heard on the radio that Colorado - who has went completely to mail in ballots - has found 300 ballots sent out that had the wrong candidates on them and 200 that were printed with the wrong party by the candidates name.

Now, democrat operatives are going to nursing homes in Denver and asking the folks there to" just sign the ballot" and give it to us. we'll even fill it out for you". fraud whatsoever.........

there will be ..

SS Card ... $20
Green Card $20
Voter ID Card $20

get all 3 today for the low low price $49.95 ...ACT NOW AND SAVE !

If it came with a free gram of crack cocaine or a free half gallon of mescal, every black and Mexican in the country would have a voter registration card beau coup quick.

Democrats are rotten voter fraud criminals who have no respect for ballot boxes or democracy.
Well, if lets say 250 illegal ballots are cast out of 100,000 votes that is 0.025%!!
Then if its 250 illegal ballots out of 1,000,000 voters that is 0.00025%!!!
How many voters are registered in Colorado?

Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !

Naw - there's no fraud. Why just today I heard on the radio that Colorado - who has went completely to mail in ballots - has found 300 ballots sent out that had the wrong candidates on them and 200 that were printed with the wrong party by the candidates name.

Now, democrat operatives are going to nursing homes in Denver and asking the folks there to" just sign the ballot" and give it to us. we'll even fill it out for you". fraud whatsoever.........
ask and ye shall receive ...

Tough shit. When you go to vote for your favorite left wing moon bat candidate, bring your ID. And shut up

last dem I voted for was Willie ... so stfu.

btw, who will be checking voter id cards , the idiot at the door that makes sure you have a card then lets you vote if you show one? ... uh huh, that'll work.

LMAO ...

RW's are such idiots.

I hope every illegal alien gets a fake ID Card and votes for the Dems, and the Republitards get buried in every election from now on.
Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !
Love it when idiot libtards deflect. It is the retarded dimwits that enable illegal aliens to get licenses and ID's. Don't blame your parties stupidity on the republicans.
ask and ye shall receive ...

Tough shit. When you go to vote for your favorite left wing moon bat candidate, bring your ID. And shut up

last dem I voted for was Willie ... so stfu.

btw, who will be checking voter id cards , the idiot at the door that makes sure you have a card then lets you vote if you show one? ... uh huh, that'll work.

LMAO ...

RW's are such idiots.

I hope every illegal alien gets a fake ID Card and votes for the Dems, and the Republitards get buried in every election from now on.
Not as big as idiots as you libtards. Why doesn't the left want voter id? Because the left love illegal voting, it gets their idiots like franken and obutthurt in office. Idiots.
Once again, you are chasing a problem that does not truly exist.

ask and ye shall receive ...

Tough shit. When you go to vote for your favorite left wing moon bat candidate, bring your ID. And shut up

last dem I voted for was Willie ... so stfu.

btw, who will be checking voter id cards , the idiot at the door that makes sure you have a card then lets you vote if you show one? ... uh huh, that'll work.

LMAO ...

RW's are such idiots.

I hope every illegal alien gets a fake ID Card and votes for the Dems, and the Republitards get buried in every election from now on.
Not as big as idiots as you libtards. Why doesn't the left want voter id? Because the left love illegal voting, it gets their idiots like franken and obutthurt in office. Idiots.
Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !
Love it when idiot libtards deflect. It is the retarded dimwits that enable illegal aliens to get licenses and ID's. Don't blame your parties stupidity on the republicans.

I'm not a Dem so ...

Republitards are natural born stupid, I don't blame them, I laugh at them. Idiots on parade.
Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !
Love it when idiot libtards deflect. It is the retarded dimwits that enable illegal aliens to get licenses and ID's. Don't blame your parties stupidity on the republicans.

I'm not a Dem so ...

Republitards are natural born stupid, I don't blame them, I laugh at them. Idiots on parade.
Smarter than dimwits.
Once again, you are chasing a problem that does not truly exist.

ask and ye shall receive ...

Tough shit. When you go to vote for your favorite left wing moon bat candidate, bring your ID. And shut up

last dem I voted for was Willie ... so stfu.

btw, who will be checking voter id cards , the idiot at the door that makes sure you have a card then lets you vote if you show one? ... uh huh, that'll work.

since 2000, 2068 VARIFIED cases of voter fraud have been recorded. 10 of those cases were voter IMPERSONATION at the poll ... the vast majority of the rest of the cases were verified ABSENTEE VOTING CASES.. MAILED IN .

AND THE MORON RW's S WANT ID cards to stop voter fraud at the poll ... all 10 of them..


LMAO ...

RW's are such idiots.

I hope every illegal alien gets a fake ID Card and votes for the Dems, and the Republitards get buried in every election from now on.
Not as big as idiots as you libtards. Why doesn't the left want voter id? Because the left love illegal voting, it gets their idiots like franken and obutthurt in office. Idiots.
since 2000, 2068 VARIFIED cases of voter fraud have been recorded. 10 of those cases were voter IMPERSONATION at the poll ... the vast majority of the rest of the cases were verified ABSENTEE VOTING CASES.. MAILED IN .
AND THE MORON RW's S WANT ID cards to stop voter fraud at the poll ... all 10 of them..

Fake SS Cards
Fake Green Cards

and by request of idiot RW's..


giving illegal aliens the advantage AND ability to sway elections in favor of the Democrats.

If voter fraud was as widespread as idiot RW's imagine it really is, which it isn't, it WILL be when making and selling fake voter ID cards to illegal aliens becomes a business for the dregs of the country.

RW's you want em, you can have them, just don't bitch when the minority vote doubles OR triples for the Dems.

Voter ID Cards .... BRILLIANT !

So your position is "you can't stop us from cheating?"

For people more rational, it has actually been an interesting dynamic in Virginia. The democrat screamed racism, poll taxes and all the usual herrings and proclaimed 400K Virginians would be disenfranchised. The number was not so loudly proclaimed when it dropped to a pool of about 90K people who could be affected. Virginia however gives free ID for voters. So far an overwhelming couple thousand people state wide actually went out an got one their free ID. In my minority-majority city, it was reported at 40 something people. In addition, it also was reported both state and locally that most of those folks were seniors. Now the real test will be election day because if you do not have ID you have to cast a provisional ballot and then come to the registrar with proof of your ID before they will count your ballot.

The only conclusion I can logically conclude at this point is that the democrats don't care about blacks voting in states where the Senator is a safe dem thereby showing by their lack of organization of blacks without ID's that they only care about black suffrage in close races or they have zero facts to support their tired old poll tax/racism memes. which is it dem apologists? Surely one of you must be getting paid to defend against truth.

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