Voting against Obama still racist

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
It seems some lefties are getting worried that people might see this ad and think voting for Romney is OK.

[ame=]"It's OK" (TV Ad) - YouTube[/ame]

No, I am not making that up.

Poll after poll, including the just-released Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll, shows that while Obama gets low marks for his fiscal stewardship, people like him personally. And much more than Romney. The WSJ-NBC survey puts Obama’s favorable-unfavorable at 49 percent-43 percent and Romney’s at 35 percent-49 percent.
By telling potential voters “It’s OK to make a change,” the RNC is acknowledging all that I mention above. It’s OK to like the guy personally but not vote for him again. This is not a popularity contest. It’s OK to vote against the black guy. You gave him a shot. He gave it his best shot. He failed. And the most effective message is: “It’s OK to make a change” — and not be thought of as a racist.
Throughout Obama’s presidency, I’ve received more than a few e-mails and tweets from folks complaining that they are branded racist if they disagree with anything the president says or does. And it doesn’t help matters that I have seen more than a few e-mails and tweets from ardent Obama supporters doing exactly that. I have also seen instances of this on television and in print.
That’s why the “It’s OK to make a change” ad is the most dangerous for Obama’s reelection efforts. It give those few, yet crucial, undecided voters the pass they might be looking for to vote against Obama. So, squawk all you want about the unfairness of the “You didn’t build it” knock against Obama. It’s the “It’s OK to make a change” message that the campaign needs to counter as aggressively as the RNC is pushing it.

It’s not OK to ignore this pro-Romney ad - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

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