VP debate tonight

Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

Why would that come into play? You don't care about Trump paying for sex.

This is a debate between Pence and Harris, Trump is not involved.

In any event, there is no proof that the President pays for sex. Except perhaps the word of Convicted Extortionist Mike Avenatti.
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

there is about a 110% chance that the moderator and harris will accuse pence of being a racist, because that is all that the Dem know how do
Pence will be asked about his far right views on homosexuality

What "far right" view is that? Whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden or that is was Adam and Steve? Homosexual Marriage failed repeatedly in the polls, even in California, the people said "no" to sodomy.

God made Adam and Steve

That's the Religious Left dogma I know, but the plain word of the Holy Bible would seem as if it was Adam and Eve. The Leftist view doesn't explain how the world was populated.
Tomorrow night. But Harris will still smoke him. She's a former prosecutor.
And he's got this thing about his wife being alone with another man...in a public place. :)

So you would rather have an adulteress as VP instead of a one-woman man?

Considering the fact that Kamala is a lot younger than Willie Brown's legal old lady, she isn't going to look that great to the broad population IMHO.

So you believe him when he says he's a one woman man? But you believe Trump who would fuck anything that walked, creeped or crawled.
Anything but you.
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

Why would that come into play? You don't care about Trump paying for sex.

This is a debate between Pence and Harris, Trump is not involved.

In any event, there is no proof that the President pays for sex. Except perhaps the word of Convicted Extortionist Mike Avenatti.

The debate will be about Trump

Pence is the proxy
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

there is about a 110% chance that the moderator and harris will accuse pence of being a racist, because that is all that the Dem know how do
Pence will be asked about his far right views on homosexuality

What "far right" view is that? Whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden or that is was Adam and Steve? Homosexual Marriage failed repeatedly in the polls, even in California, the people said "no" to sodomy.

God made Adam and Steve

That's the Religious Left dogma I know, but the plain word of the Holy Bible would seem as if it was Adam and Eve. The Leftist view doesn't explain how the world was populated.

People are allowed to love the person of their choice.

God made it that way
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

there is about a 110% chance that the moderator and harris will accuse pence of being a racist, because that is all that the Dem know how do
Pence will be asked about his far right views on homosexuality

What "far right" view is that? Whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden or that is was Adam and Steve? Homosexual Marriage failed repeatedly in the polls, even in California, the people said "no" to sodomy.

God made Adam and Steve

That's the Religious Left dogma I know, but the plain word of the Holy Bible would seem as if it was Adam and Eve. The Leftist view doesn't explain how the world was populated.

People are allowed to love the person of their choice.

God made it that way

If some dude wants to wear womens clothes and shove gerbils up their caboose, who am I to say they shouldn't? The problem I have is with pretending that this kind of behavior is normative.
VP debates are worthless.

I wonder if Kamala will be wearing knee pads?

Mike Pence sold out his Christian values and Conservatism to support Trump.

He is the one wearing knee pads
He has been wearing them for four years
You obviously don't know your history.
One of the main christ figures (the Galilean Christ called Yehuda of Galilee) used for creating the compiled character Jesus was liken to todays antifa. His followers would rob and burn houses of anyone who paid their tax to Rome and supported their governance.
So by claiming Pence sold out his Christian values -thus not lie for power and money and not terrorize =a compliment.
You just have a knack for being on the wrong side of every argument don't you? *L*

Yehuda who died 6bc:
The Galilean christ tax revolter Yehuda in the time of Herod was hated by Rome for his revolt but also the people Josephus wrote were bullied by Yehuda and his followers, if they paid the tax the flock would burn down their house or rob them.
NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.
Kamala is a cum catcher. Ask Willie.

It is Trump who dates and marries whores

Kamala is a whore--Have you not researched her and her previous jobs and court cases. She obviously has been exchanging sex for things like a diploma since atleast her college days.
Melania is a top model.
Why do the Trump haters feel a need to attack Melania who has done nothing to anybody? You are deep down just bullies who failing to get President Trump decide to target a smaller victim--his wife. You really should seek some help with your personality flaws.
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Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

Why would that come into play? You don't care about Trump paying for sex.

This is a debate between Pence and Harris, Trump is not involved.

In any event, there is no proof that the President pays for sex. Except perhaps the word of Convicted Extortionist Mike Avenatti.

He admitted it.
I'm hoping Harris gets asked about her remarks calling Quid Pro Quo Joe a virulent racist.
That should prove interesting.
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

Why would that come into play? You don't care about Trump paying for sex.

This is a debate between Pence and Harris, Trump is not involved.

In any event, there is no proof that the President pays for sex. Except perhaps the word of Convicted Extortionist Mike Avenatti.

He admitted it.

Actually, the President only admitted to paying hush money, not for prostitution.

Mr. Trump denied having relations with Ms. Daniels. And the evidence indicates she was mistaken. Daniels said that the man she was with had a small penis. President Trump testified in his debate with Little Marco that there is no problem there.
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

Why would that come into play? You don't care about Trump paying for sex.

This is a debate between Pence and Harris, Trump is not involved.

In any event, there is no proof that the President pays for sex. Except perhaps the word of Convicted Extortionist Mike Avenatti.

He admitted it.

Actually, the President only admitted to paying hush money, not for prostitution.

Mr. Trump denied having relations with Ms. Daniels. And the evidence indicates she was mistaken. Daniels said that the man she was with had a small penis. President Trump testified in his debate with Little Marco that there is no problem there.

Wow what else was he going to say. Smfh.

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