VP debate tonight

Harris has a certain charisma ....Something Pence is surely lacking.

Harris will not be debating Pence, she will be debating Trump.
His horrid leadership during COVID, his lies and misinformation, his record on race.

Biden was soft on Trump, I doubt Harris will be

You are correct that Harris has some charisma and Pence does not and you are correct that Harris will be debating The Donald and not Mike Pence. Joe Biden is not actually the Democrat Candidate he's just the stooge to be thrown overboard if Biden/Harris win, most peoples should realise that Kamala Harris is the actual Democrat Candidate.

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist.

Harris is to his left and will play bad cop to Biden’s good cop.
Pence is nothing but a Yes Man

Joe Biden being put forward as a moderate is not what the Far Left want to hear, they were already freaking out on Twitter when he said he would not commit to the Green New Deal thing. Harris is to the Left sort of, but her record as California Attorney General is not a good one regarding Blacks considering she was responsible for putting more Black males in prison, we could also mention that the ONLY thing Joe Biden has to his NAME in 47 years in politics is a Crime Bill that also was responsible for targeting young Black males and putting them in prison.

I'm not sure if Mike Pence is combative enough to either mention these things and/or push them in the Debate.
Mostly, I agree

Like Biden said in the debate......I AM the Democratic Party

That means he is accountable for his own positions, not those at the extremes of the party. When Democrats realized they were on the verge of nominating Bernie, they threw on the brakes and threw their unified support to Biden.
That is because he is a moderate

Biden isn’t moderate but left leaning liberal...

He is not Bernie Sanders for sure but let be clear Harris will be President if Biden win in November, so people should focus on her and what she supports and less on Biden...
Although I do not plan to watch it Wednesday night (this senior citizen will be in bed by then), I think that it will be an informative & dignified debate.

Ms. Harris knows that she is on the cusp of becoming the first woman Vice President and maybe the first woman President. So she will be dignified and not too strident.

And Vice President Pence, of course, will be the soft-spoken gentleman that he has been for the last four years.

We can expect both parties to be respectful of each other and to obey the moderator's instructions.

It will be in stark contrast to the trainwreck in Cleveland.

That I agree with and even though Harris will try to paint Pence as Trump lap puppy the fact is she will do so while not trying to look unhinged...
Harris has a certain charisma ....Something Pence is surely lacking.

Harris will not be debating Pence, she will be debating Trump.
His horrid leadership during COVID, his lies and misinformation, his record on race.

Biden was soft on Trump, I doubt Harris will be

You are correct that Harris has some charisma and Pence does not and you are correct that Harris will be debating The Donald and not Mike Pence. Joe Biden is not actually the Democrat Candidate he's just the stooge to be thrown overboard if Biden/Harris win, most peoples should realise that Kamala Harris is the actual Democrat Candidate.

Joe Biden is a moderate and pragmatist.

Harris is to his left and will play bad cop to Biden’s good cop.
Pence is nothing but a Yes Man

Joe Biden being put forward as a moderate is not what the Far Left want to hear, they were already freaking out on Twitter when he said he would not commit to the Green New Deal thing. Harris is to the Left sort of, but her record as California Attorney General is not a good one regarding Blacks considering she was responsible for putting more Black males in prison, we could also mention that the ONLY thing Joe Biden has to his NAME in 47 years in politics is a Crime Bill that also was responsible for targeting young Black males and putting them in prison.

I'm not sure if Mike Pence is combative enough to either mention these things and/or push them in the Debate.
Mostly, I agree

Like Biden said in the debate......I AM the Democratic Party

That means he is accountable for his own positions, not those at the extremes of the party. When Democrats realized they were on the verge of nominating Bernie, they threw on the brakes and threw their unified support to Biden.
That is because he is a moderate

More like a puppeted cucked shill.
Kamala is a cum catcher. Ask Willie.

It is Trump who dates and marries whores

And Joey Xi was Schtupping Jill back in the early 70's while she was still married to his then friend Bill Stevenson... Kinda the Kettle calling the pot. Eh?

QUESTIONS Pence needs to ask
Kamala Harris (since the debate host won't )
1) Acosta was forced to Resign as Labor Secretary for a plea deal he did with Epstein as an AG years ago.
Why did you not step down as Senator for the exact same issue of offering a sexual predator a plea deal when you were an AG?
2) will you promise America that if elected you will not obstruct justice, tamper with, hide, or squelch the investigation of your party and the person who selected you
Joe Biden involved in the Russian hoax that colluded with Russia to take down a democratically elected US president thus involving Obama Hillary and Biden in treason? Will you promise not to protect or pardon him for his full scope of abuses of power including quid pro quo and pay to play schemes, during a transfer of power if he's impeached?
Tomorrow night. But Harris will still smoke him. She's a former prosecutor.
And he's got this thing about his wife being alone with another man...in a public place. :)
/——-/ Kamala will get twice as many votes in November as she got in the primaries—- heck, she may get three times as many.
They only going to discuss about things that Harris wants to discuss about. It is because pence is a part of the Deep state. he said something earlier at the Hamilton's play that he shouldn't have said.
But at this debate, they most likely are going to discuss about Chelsea Clinton's baby shower. What gifts they has brought to the shower and how much it cost.
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

there is about a 110% chance that the moderator and harris will accuse pence of being a racist, because that is all that the Dem know how do
MORE mocking from this administration as the virus ravages the freaking WHITE HOUSE:

Pence’s spokeswoman, Katie Miller, told NBC News, as she told Politico, “If Sen. Harris wants to use a fortress around herself, have at it.”

Not sure which is the worse disease: COVID or Trumpism.
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

there is about a 110% chance that the moderator and harris will accuse pence of being a racist, because that is all that the Dem know how do
Pence will be asked about his far right views on homosexuality
MORE mocking from this administration as the virus ravages the freaking WHITE HOUSE:

Pence’s spokeswoman, Katie Miller, told NBC News, as she told Politico, “If Sen. Harris wants to use a fortress around herself, have at it.”

Not sure which is the worse disease: COVID or Trumpism.

As COVID ravages the Trump administration, they still mock it
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

there is about a 110% chance that the moderator and harris will accuse pence of being a racist, because that is all that the Dem know how do
Pence will be asked about his far right views on homosexuality

What "far right" view is that? Whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden or that is was Adam and Steve? Homosexual Marriage failed repeatedly in the polls, even in California, the people said "no" to sodomy.
MORE mocking from this administration as the virus ravages the freaking WHITE HOUSE:

Pence’s spokeswoman, Katie Miller, told NBC News, as she told Politico, “If Sen. Harris wants to use a fortress around herself, have at it.”

Not sure which is the worse disease: COVID or Trumpism.

As COVID ravages the Trump administration, they still mock it

Will the country be better off if Biden is elected and he locks us down tighter than the President's Rear End in fear?
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

there is about a 110% chance that the moderator and harris will accuse pence of being a racist, because that is all that the Dem know how do
Pence will be asked about his far right views on homosexuality

What "far right" view is that? Whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve into the Garden or that is was Adam and Steve? Homosexual Marriage failed repeatedly in the polls, even in California, the people said "no" to sodomy.

God made Adam and Steve
Will Kamala and Vice President Pence get a query about the Pence Rule?

Comparing Kamala's torrid adulterous affair with Willie Brown with Pence's adherence to the Pence Rule where he refuses to have sex with broads he is not married to would show a real contrast between the 2.

Why would that come into play? You don't care about Trump paying for sex.
Tomorrow night. But Harris will still smoke him. She's a former prosecutor.
And he's got this thing about his wife being alone with another man...in a public place. :)

That stupid confused Moon Bat whore Harris couldn't even hold her own against Tulsi. Pense will make the bitch look like a fool.

Are they going to cut Pence's puppet strings.

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