W Stays Silent

First, he's following a precedent of being respectful and not injecting himself into his successor's administration...second, not many would really give a shit about his opinion at this point. It's Obama's baby now.
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It's June 14, 2014. This is the headline on Drudge and the article he linked to:

W Stays Silent

Should he say something?

No point----he can stay silent and still get blamed for everything

And the Cons will blame Obama for everything. In reality, it is neither ones fault and all of this conflict in the Middle East is probably a good thing in the long run.
He is doing the right thing. He understands what decisions and criticisms Obama faces and the weight of the office. It's a pretty exclusive club.
He is a class act and would not criticize. Past presidents criticizing a sitting president wasn't done until Jimmy Carter started doing it.

It would be helpful to know what he really thinks.
He is a class act and would not criticize. Past presidents criticizing a sitting president wasn't done until Jimmy Carter started doing it.

It would be helpful to know what he really thinks.

It would be interesting to know what he thinks. I hope theres no one left in government who would mistake it as 'helpful'
omg you idiots don't even get shia websites. omg they know you are backing sunnis and leaving them to the wolves.

holy toledo guys. you have to see the websites. they now hate your guts.
omg you idiots don't even get shia websites. omg they know you are backing sunnis and leaving them to the wolves.

holy toledo guys. you have to see the websites. they now hate your guts.

Bill Nelson, and Marco Rubio are not backing ISIS, noone seems to have informed Crenshaw, his last "news item" about Iraq is dated 2013.
W is staying silent, but you lefties can count on Obama to be a total classless jackass who trashes his successor when he is out of office.
It's June 14, 2014. This is the headline on Drudge and the article he linked to:

W Stays Silent

Should he say something?

He did say something;

Former President George W. Bush's office says he won't weigh in, telling MailOnline that he has 'decided not to criticize his successor'

every time people talk to him, he proves he's got more class in his left nut than the entire dnc.

every time
He's following the example of his father which was after you leave office don't question or criticize the person who follows you which George H.W. Bush did with Clinton. George Bush also made it clear when he left office he was not going to get back in the public limelight and with the exception of promoting Decisions Points when it was released he hasn't unless you consider attending Texas Rangers games as being in the limelight.

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