W. Virginia becomes #26 right to work state

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Yahoo, put a fork in it Unions are D.E.A.D....


West Virginia, a suffering coal mining state shaped by the sometimes-bloody history of its organized labor, is set to become the 26th state with a so-called right-to-work law.

In House and Senate party-line votes Friday, lawmakers rebuked a veto Thursday by Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin. The move will solidify a law that proponents say will draw in business and give workers more freedom over their ties to unions, but which opponents say is solely meant to undercut unions. The law becomes effective July 1.

Along similar partisan lines Friday, the Legislature dealt another blow to unions by overriding a second Tomblin veto, of a law that will eliminate the state's prevailing wage on public construction projects. The law becomes effective in May.

Lawmakers Vote to Make W. Virginia Right-to-Work State
Unions had a place and a time and we have all ultimately benefited from them, but they got greedy and overplayed their hand too many times. Now the pendulum is swinging back in the other direction.
Only idiots and corporate scum are happy when unions are taken away. Right to work is the beginning of chiseling away at workers wages, etc. I hope miners who have to work underground are making g at least $70 per hour as they ate sacrificing their health so some company can pay them a pittance. Boy Americans ate dumb.
Yahoo, put a fork in it Unions are D.E.A.D....


West Virginia, a suffering coal mining state shaped by the sometimes-bloody history of its organized labor, is set to become the 26th state with a so-called right-to-work law.

In House and Senate party-line votes Friday, lawmakers rebuked a veto Thursday by Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin. The move will solidify a law that proponents say will draw in business and give workers more freedom over their ties to unions, but which opponents say is solely meant to undercut unions. The law becomes effective July 1.

Along similar partisan lines Friday, the Legislature dealt another blow to unions by overriding a second Tomblin veto, of a law that will eliminate the state's prevailing wage on public construction projects. The law becomes effective in May.

Lawmakers Vote to Make W. Virginia Right-to-Work State
Right to work is the only way to go...
Americans hate unions more thanCEOs because they aren't very bright. If the working g class ever comes together loooooook out. That's why po!iticians have to keep them fighting against each other. While the CEO laughs at them behind their backs.
That'll help the miners. Maybe we can go back to 16 hr. days, script for bogus company stores, and protesters murdered and massacred by the owners. Wheeeee!
My brother recently moved from WV to PA. He was getting paid $8.50 an hour at a lumber mill to bust his ass for 8 hours a day. He moved here and immediately got a job at a steel mill getting paid over $20 an hour for over 12 hours a day. I'm sure he misses that right to work state. :thup:
Unions are run by shit bags, the smoke and mirrors have made you out a fool...
Yahoo, put a fork in it Unions are D.E.A.D....


West Virginia, a suffering coal mining state shaped by the sometimes-bloody history of its organized labor, is set to become the 26th state with a so-called right-to-work law.

In House and Senate party-line votes Friday, lawmakers rebuked a veto Thursday by Democratic Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin. The move will solidify a law that proponents say will draw in business and give workers more freedom over their ties to unions, but which opponents say is solely meant to undercut unions. The law becomes effective July 1.

Along similar partisan lines Friday, the Legislature dealt another blow to unions by overriding a second Tomblin veto, of a law that will eliminate the state's prevailing wage on public construction projects. The law becomes effective in May.

Lawmakers Vote to Make W. Virginia Right-to-Work State

Why is it so important to you that more Americans work for less?

How does that make your life better?
Hey look you we want you to work hard for $12 an hour and you can survive on it.

Not bad when you can rent a two bedroom house on a half an acre for $400 a month that's 25% of your monthly salary .

Compared to paying 50% of your monthly salary on rent..

God damn we always said liberals are soooooo FUCKING bad with math and economics .

Housing's new crisis: Half your income for rent
RIP a beautiful state. Sure my father in law and brother in law will be thrilled to hear their jobs may be lost or their wages cut because the greedy CEO's can now do so. This is horrible news. Of course only morons would CHEER people losing well paying jobs...fucking idiots.

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