Wacky Allen West, black ex-Florida Congressman who rode in on Tea Party wave in 2010, wins Texas GOP chairmanship, President Trump congratulates him

the left say he is a war criminal. oh well...

Cool. I wondered what had happened to him. I read his book, it was really good.

the one about Texas not turning blue? havent gotten around to it. SOMEDAY!

the left say he is a war criminal. oh well...

Cool. I wondered what had happened to him. I read his book, it was really good.

the one about Texas not turning blue? havent gotten around to it. SOMEDAY!

Nah his biography. I will find it. It's called Guardian of the Republic. I didn't know he had another book out. Dang need to look that up.

the left say he is a war criminal. oh well...

Cool. I wondered what had happened to him. I read his book, it was really good.

the one about Texas not turning blue? havent gotten around to it. SOMEDAY!

Nah his biography. I will find it. It's called Guardian of the Republic. I didn't know he had another book out. Dang need to look that up.

"i am blessed by God that i fear no one on this earth. God put me here to be a fearless warrior" - yup, WACKY Allen West
Allen West was gerrymandered out of office by deep state after it was clear he wasn't going to be bought or "play ball" like all other CAREER politicians.

He was gerrymandered by republicans btw.

The left and their criminal members in office. Never question how pelosi, waters, and the rest get the money they get.

The left are hypocrites. Nothing new. They are marxists and they will the first to be lined up on a wall when they get the marxists in office that they want.

So, take delight in that about them. JoeB will be among the first.....

So...there is good news when they take power.
"Trust in God and believe in yourself" - Wacky West

is it too much sophistry on my part to infer that being true to yourself is the same as being true to God, i.e. that he is God?
"West is not the solution to any of the problems facing the party; he’s a manifestation of the kind of belligerent, obsessive, and bigoted thinking that backed them into the corner it’s now in, with a track record of political failure and little more to his name than a high Fox News Q score. It is the logical end-game for a party so high on its own supply it tried to hold a convention in a pandemic."
Alan West? That idiot that was kicked out of the military, and claimed he knew 80 house members that were communists? Give Sarah Palin a sex change, and paint on some black face, and you got Alan west.

You people seem to get a thrill out of smearing Blacks knowing you won’t get retribution because they are Conservative.
Alan West? That idiot that was kicked out of the military, and claimed he knew 80 house members that were communists? Give Sarah Palin a sex change, and paint on some black face, and you got Alan west.

You people seem to get a thrill out of smearing Blacks knowing you won’t get retribution because they are Conservative.

Wouldn't matter if A;an West was red with green stripes. He's still a disgusting pig.
Alan West? That idiot that was kicked out of the military, and claimed he knew 80 house members that were communists? Give Sarah Palin a sex change, and paint on some black face, and you got Alan west.

You people seem to get a thrill out of smearing Blacks knowing you won’t get retribution because they are Conservative.

Wouldn't matter if A;an West was red with green stripes. He's still a disgusting pig.

If I were a liberal, I’d be calling you a racist for calling Black man an animal just because you disagree with his politics. But, I’m a conservative and don’t believe in that pussy dog whistle bullshit.
Alan West? That idiot that was kicked out of the military, and claimed he knew 80 house members that were communists? Give Sarah Palin a sex change, and paint on some black face, and you got Alan west.

You people seem to get a thrill out of smearing Blacks knowing you won’t get retribution because they are Conservative.

Wouldn't matter if A;an West was red with green stripes. He's still a disgusting pig.

If I were a liberal, I’d be calling you a racist for calling Black man an animal just because you disagree with his politics. But, I’m a conservative and don’t believe in that pussy dog whistle bullshit.

If you were a liberal, you would understand the concept of being fair, no matter what the skin color might be. Being fair doesn't mean agreeing with everything a black person might say. It means giving a fair evaluation of what was said and done. Alan West is a pig.
All the more reason to keep a critical eye on Texas and watch out for voter Fraud. Democrats are of the “any means” mindset and will disregard ethics and legality to achieve their outcome.
Wacky? More latent racism from the angry left? The guy is a retired Army Lt. Col. and a former. Is he wacky because he is a republican?

No no, West is an Uncle Tom

West is something demoquacks should aspire to be but unfortunately they never can be.

West isn't on the left yard's plantation

the left say he is a war criminal. oh well...

He is a crazy right wing fruitcake. Further signs of the destruction of the Republican Party in Texas. The Arizona Republican party is led by crazy Kelli and Democrats own a majority of the House seats and are likely to win both Senate seats.
"he's not Lyin' Ted anymore, he's Beautiful Ted!" - Trump at Texas for Cruz 2018 rally
Lyin Ted won 60 percent of whites in 2018, Big Beto won 60 percent of non-whites. there are more whites in Texas, so Lyin Ted won the race!
if the Republican party in Texas ceases to look like the voters in Texas, there will not be a republican party in texas...if there's no republican party in texas, there will be no republican party in america

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