Waging war: A US monopoly

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Question for you:

Two weeks ago, US marines began armed operations in ... ?:
a) Afghanistan
b) Pakistan
c) Iran
d) Somalia
e) Yemen
f) Central Africa
g) Northern Mali
h) The Philippines
i) Guatemala

If you opted for any answer, "a" through "h", you took a reasonable shot at it :eusa_silenced:

Asia Times Online :: Waging war: A US monopoly

To move in a positive direction and avoid further backlash, it is necessary that the West and U.S should take some concrete steps in terms of introducing certain regulations. There are already laws in place in many western countries, which legally and rightly punishes holocaust denial, anti-Semitic expressions, hate speeches, homophobic statements, racial slurs and even blasphemy against Christianity. Looking at the negative potential of such acts, is it not time to come up with such legislation?
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The only thing left of US Economy is the US Dollar and the Defense Budget. Seeing as how the Privately Owned Federal Reserve is destroying the Dollar through QE Unlimited, War is the ONLY healthy part of the State so it MUST be kept going.
Question for you:

Two weeks ago, US marines began armed operations in ... ?:
a) Afghanistan
b) Pakistan
c) Iran
d) Somalia
e) Yemen
f) Central Africa
g) Northern Mali
h) The Philippines
i) Guatemala

If you opted for any answer, "a" through "h", you took a reasonable shot at it :eusa_silenced:

Asia Times Online :: Waging war: A US monopoly

To move in a positive direction and avoid further backlash, it is necessary that the West and U.S should take some concrete steps in terms of introducing certain regulations. There are already laws in place in many western countries, which legally and rightly punishes holocaust denial, anti-Semitic expressions, hate speeches, homophobic statements, racial slurs and even blasphemy against Christianity. Looking at the negative potential of such acts, is it not time to come up with such legislation?

Not only no, but FUCK no. You have no understanding of the value of free speech, dipshit.

If your feelings were hurt by what I just said, do you want to outlaw it?

Grow a thick skin.

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