Wal-Mart Bottled Water Comes From Sacramento Municipal Supply

Most of the bottled water you buy isn't spring water. Its just water in a small bottle which is great for horseback riding, motorcycling, walking, jogging and any other way it can be used.

The only real bottled spring water is from Poland Sprinig Maine. I've been there. Its real.

Does all that water come from the spring?? Don't know but most bottled water is just tap water made to look better than it is.

Put your own home water in the bottle and save a few bucks.

Uh -- there are a hell of a lot more springs than that dear. My entire neighborhood gets its water from a local spring and it doesn't even have a name.

When I lived in New Orleans I would fill my 5-gal jugs from a Kentwood dispenser. From another local spring, which is also real. Or from Abita, another local spring which is also real.

There are two kinds of bottled water on the shelves -- spring water, which is labeled as such, and "drinking water" which is simply tap water from wherever the factory is, put through some unspecified filtering. Dasani and AquaFina are two of the latter, sold by Coke and Pepsi respectively, for those who wise up to the worthless sugar-water that makes up the rest of their fare and still need something to drink in some environment carefully engineered to deny access to public water so that Coca-Cola, a tiny company valiantly struggling to stay afloat, pun intended, can make yet another buck.
I get bottled water, and only use tap water for dishwashing and the shower.
I had used bottled water until I read a well-documented article in Consumer Reports magazine on a researched study of all commercially available bottled water. The bottom line is no brand of bottled water is more pure than ordinary tap water which is processed in a Brita pitcher -- and some don't come close.

So I bought a Brita pitcher and have been using it for at least ten years. There is a distinct and very pleasant difference between water from the Brita pitcher and the tap water it processes. It tastes just as good as any of the bottled waters I've tried in the past ten years. And I've saved quite a bit of money, too.
Wal-Mart Bottled Water Comes From Sacramento Municipal Supply CBS Sacramento
This is exactly why household water use restrictions in California are ridiculous. Private business uses the vast majority of the water supply and just doesn't want to see a price hike for increased capacity.
Not defending Walmart here of course - companies shouldn't be allowed to do this in such an extreme time of drought.

The last I heard water is bottled at the local level so it makes sense that Sacramento walmarts are selling water bottled in the Sacramento area.

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