Wall Street adviser: Actual unemployment is 37.2%, 'misery index' worst in 40 years


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
Don't believe the happy talk coming out of the White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department when it comes to the real unemployment rate and the true “Misery Index.” Because, according to an influential Wall Street advisor, the figures are a fraud.

In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.

Marotta, who recently advised those worried about an imploding economy to get a gun, said that the government isn't being honest in how it calculates those out of the workforce or inflation, the two numbers used to get the Misery Index figure.

“The unemployment rate only describes people who are currently working or looking for work,” he said. That leaves out a ton more.

“Unemployment in its truest definition, meaning the portion of people who do not have any job, is 37.2 percent.

read more:
Wall Street adviser: Actual unemployment is 37.2%, 'misery index' worst in 40 years | WashingtonExaminer.com
Cool story Bro, and since you found it online, it must be true. I'd suppose it probably is true if you never left your home and 37% of your household is unemployed. If you asked my coworker, he would one-up you and tell you that ACTUAL unemployment is closer to 65%. If you argue, he calls you a socialist liar.

Sound a lot like the OP of this thread.

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