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CDZ Wall Will do nothing to stop drugs

There's merely one answer to drugs
I get it, you'll never admit reality, but you should try it- the truth shall set you free.

You have not presented reality. The reality is that walls do stop invasions and that includes drugs. No wall is going to stop 100% but it is meant to deter. I don't understand why some would deny that a wall is a deterrent while living behind them themselves. No, the only objection to the wall is that Democrats hate Trump and will not give him even 1 iota. They put their political ambitions and hatred for one man above everyone in the country and outside the country.
REALITY!!!! that's not a word you can use. Again, nobody on your side has addressed my facts.

How is a wall going to stop the tunnels?
How is a wall going to stop the HDD?
How is a wall going to stop the narco subs?

It will not and for that reason they will not reduce the drugs in anyway. Any reduction in unsophisticated groups walking drugs over the border will be offset by the more sophisticated means. You don't seem to comprehend that the big cartels have billions of dollars and can easily move drugs across the border at will by the methods I have just listed. If the demand for drugs increases then the cartels will easily import more drugs into the country using their sophisticated, unstoppable methods. It's simple economics...
The profit on illegal drugs is so high, drug transporters can afford just about any means needed to get them in the country. Stopping drug use by interrupting the flow into the country will never work. If you seal the Southern border, they'll use the northern border, seal the northern border they will use our 88,000 miles of shore.

Right now most of the drugs come through legal points of entry because it's the safest and cheapest way to bring in drugs. Walls are irrelevant when we talk about drugs coming into the country. It's just something Trump made up because it sounds good.

WIll you guys please stop with the "most drugs come through ports of entry" bullshit. It isn't true. Most drugs that are FOUND are found at ports of entry, which only means that we duh have tighter security at ports of entry and are thus finding the damn drugs. We have zero idea what is getting through
The wall around Obama's house won't keep drugs out of there either, but so what?

Some people managed to get over the Berlin wall once in a while, too, but they didn't tear it down; that's because it worked far more often than it failed. The wall will make it much easier to focus on the more elaborate and time-consuming pro smugglers, so it is indeed going to be effective, as will enforcing laws against hiring these criminal illegals and forcing Mexico to pay for the costs of those illegals to our courts and social services, including lost wages by Americans and the losses and expenses to the criminal activities of their citizens running amok here.

Is the Berlin Wall still standing? Is there some mental block that stands in the way of those wanting a wall so bad that they cannot see that the reasons other countries built a wall are not the same reasons extremists want a wall in the U.S.?
First, thanks for bringing up something I hadn't considered: that it looks bad, like the Berlin wall.

However, I consulted my cousin, who is a retired principal of a school in a border state and also who stays up to date on educational issues, which were patiently explained tome less than 2 weeks ago.

The reason I consulted was because I am not an educator, and I wondered what the impact was in this border state, which has millions of people in it.

It is far worse than I expected, and this is coming from one of the brightest, most experienced, and intellectually honest people I know.

Here's what I remember from the conversation:

Some years, a million children cross the border with their parents. The parents know their children are not getting education they need in Mexico, and the parents, while not refugees, prefer to bring them to America, which takes care of its people and doesn't kill, starve, or separate them into a contemptible class to be kept away from the upper echelons in Mexican society. They are willing to serve in the military and/or take menial jobs for the rest of their lives to educate their children in the USA.

The school-aged children brought here illegally and needing an education here is in the fourth grade. The child has no formal education before arriving here. What pressures schools the most is taking a 9-year-old child and cramming 3 years of school into a program that takes 6 years of learning. This forces the American school to try to teach more children faster than usual. That requires teachers with a phD to determine what is most important in the fields of Logic and math, history, bilingual communication and English, computer skills, music, art, sports, health and safety education, and all subjects grade schools need for competent standards.

The school-aged child brought here seldom speaks the English language. Teachers have to work on bilingual communications and parse time out to explain the same subject to two different groups. This is unfair in particular to children of foreign backgrounds from other countries besides Latin-speaking cultures. This takes time away from groups of American children who grow impatient if they're not learning something new, and parents are outraged to see lower test scores because not enough teacher time is there to teach their own children the basics of elementary school training. It also disables talented, gifted children from becoming the best that they can be.

The schools are not encouraged when these issues come up, and it robs existing elementary students here from having adequate teacher time.

It's not fair to American kids to take half the teacher's time on the 5 or 10% of illegal immigrants' children.

If you persist on allowing this educational fiasco to go on, you are going to have a society that is coming to regard illegal aliens as people cheating their children out of the taxes they have paid for a lifetime to devote the best the teacher has to a significant enough minority school population.

My educator of excellence cousin is dead-set against allowing this flood of aliens to destroy the educational opportunities of children who are already here,
Please reconsider what an open border is doing to the home team kids. Please let America's kids have their opportunities to learn unimpeded by constant interruptions while they are still kids. Don't let the do-gooders who get their kicks from the pet-rock fun of helping aliens supercede the job that needs to be done for the home team.

That's all I am asking. In my county, school taxes are already strangling not just parents but also seniors through sundry tax methods you may not be acquainted with. Seniors paying the taxes the law requires here will have to use up the savings they made for when they need nursing care facility issues their last few years of life.

You're causing senior citizens to lose their life's savings and have nothing to look forward to after they retire. Nothing they worked 40 or 50 years to have, except
Social Security that does not make ends meet in 95% of the households of senior citizens.

Wouldn't it just be easier to form a union with Mexico and its diverse states to share in the payment part? Or send Mexico a bill to educate its cast-offs through college?

This is nuts. You who are making up hate stories against the President on account of the wall that are massively unrepresentative of American kids, American parents, and American seniors.

I've never not shared when it comes to charity, and since I retired, it's all I do. I won't be able to when I lose my house and property because someday, my funds will all be gone from living on part of my savings, and having to fork over more than $15,000 every year to tax collectors in my county, state, and federal funds. I did the math. The school taxes I have to pay are 35% of the rest. I had to give up giving $100 a year to provide school necessities to the many impoverished-level children at the elementary schools across the street from my church, and cut out all other charitable giving to pay for the Schumer-Pelosi insistence that borders be wide open. That's just crazy.

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Liberals have completely lost touch with reality.

"walls don't work"

Really, why then did the DNC build a wall around their convention center in 2016?

I get it, you'll never admit reality, but you should try it- the truth shall set you free.

You have not presented reality. The reality is that walls do stop invasions and that includes drugs. No wall is going to stop 100% but it is meant to deter. I don't understand why some would deny that a wall is a deterrent while living behind them themselves. No, the only objection to the wall is that Democrats hate Trump and will not give him even 1 iota. They put their political ambitions and hatred for one man above everyone in the country and outside the country.
REALITY!!!! that's not a word you can use. Again, nobody on your side has addressed my facts.

How is a wall going to stop the tunnels?
How is a wall going to stop the HDD?
How is a wall going to stop the narco subs?

It will not and for that reason they will not reduce the drugs in anyway. Any reduction in unsophisticated groups walking drugs over the border will be offset by the more sophisticated means. You don't seem to comprehend that the big cartels have billions of dollars and can easily move drugs across the border at will by the methods I have just listed. If the demand for drugs increases then the cartels will easily import more drugs into the country using their sophisticated, unstoppable methods. It's simple economics...
The profit on illegal drugs is so high, drug transporters can afford just about any means needed to get them in the country. Stopping drug use by interrupting the flow into the country will never work. If you seal the Southern border, they'll use the northern border, seal the northern border they will use our 88,000 miles of shore.

Right now most of the drugs come through legal points of entry because it's the safest and cheapest way to bring in drugs. Walls are irrelevant when we talk about drugs coming into the country. It's just something Trump made up because it sounds good.

WIll you guys please stop with the "most drugs come through ports of entry" bullshit. It isn't true. Most drugs that are FOUND are found at ports of entry, which only means that we duh have tighter security at ports of entry and are thus finding the damn drugs. We have zero idea what is getting through
Excuse me, but border patrol agents may know who is right and who is wrong on this issue. Please share why you think few drugs are coming over in the backpacks of coyotes and some illegals who need drugs and money to keep up what standard of drug use they are already doing but won't be able to support children and habit at the same time.
Is the Berlin Wall still standing?

Gee, i must have said I thought it was still standing ... let me check ... why, no didn't ... I said nothing lie that ...

Is there some mental block that stands in the way of those wanting a wall so bad that they cannot see that the reasons other countries built a wall are not the same reasons extremists want a wall in the U.S.?

Why is it Democrats are so determined to not build it? We know it has nothing to do with pointless spending, they're all for that and only that, so there must be something else ... oh yeah, because they lost to Trump, can't get over it, and they know it will seriously slow down their racist ethnic replacement agenda. Thanks for playing, but we already know why Democrats don't want a wall.
Trump's speech... wow what a fool.

The drugs come into the country by submarine, tunnel, by car/truck, shipping.

The amount of drugs walked over the border is very small.

Stopping that will have no effect on drugs in our country.

If you think "it's better than nothing" you are completely wrong because the price tag of a wall is high and it would be better to spend the money on more effective means.

Right now we stop such a minor amount of drugs coming into the country that it has no effect at all. A border wall will be the same, it will have no effect. If you want to stop drugs you need a better idea than a border wall, if you can't understand that I feel sorry for you.

How do you know that the amount of drugs brought over the border is "small"?
Trump's speech... wow what a fool.

The drugs come into the country by submarine, tunnel, by car/truck, shipping.

The amount of drugs walked over the border is very small.

Stopping that will have no effect on drugs in our country.

If you think "it's better than nothing" you are completely wrong because the price tag of a wall is high and it would be better to spend the money on more effective means.

Right now we stop such a minor amount of drugs coming into the country that it has no effect at all. A border wall will be the same, it will have no effect. If you want to stop drugs you need a better idea than a border wall, if you can't understand that I feel sorry for you.

How do you know that the amount of drugs brought over the border is "small"?

He doesn't.
Is the Berlin Wall still standing?

Gee, i must have said I thought it was still standing ... let me check ... why, no didn't ... I said nothing lie that ...

Is there some mental block that stands in the way of those wanting a wall so bad that they cannot see that the reasons other countries built a wall are not the same reasons extremists want a wall in the U.S.?

Why is it Democrats are so determined to not build it? We know it has nothing to do with pointless spending, they're all for that and only that, so there must be something else ... oh yeah, because they lost to Trump, can't get over it, and they know it will seriously slow down their racist ethnic replacement agenda. Thanks for playing, but we already know why Democrats don't want a wall.

This is the typical dishonest dumbassery we read from those who worship a freaking wall. You cannot rationally discuss the wall because you are a religious cultist with no moral standards.

Since we've locked horns on this, you know damn well I am not a Democrat and I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils.

NOT being able to speak for Democrats - I can say this:

The Democrats want the wall; it was their idea before you sickos started building a religion around the idea of a silly wall. They simply conned and flipped people like you. The Bible puts it this way:

"Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves." Matt. 23:15

The Scribes and Pharisees are the big government power brokers that want total control and you represent one of their proselytes.

Some day those who conned you into building that wall will have you inside a smaller wall. You're only advocating building your own prison.
The wall around Obama's house won't keep drugs out of there either, but so what?

Some people managed to get over the Berlin wall once in a while, too, but they didn't tear it down; that's because it worked far more often than it failed. The wall will make it much easier to focus on the more elaborate and time-consuming pro smugglers, so it is indeed going to be effective, as will enforcing laws against hiring these criminal illegals and forcing Mexico to pay for the costs of those illegals to our courts and social services, including lost wages by Americans and the losses and expenses to the criminal activities of their citizens running amok here.

Is the Berlin Wall still standing? Is there some mental block that stands in the way of those wanting a wall so bad that they cannot see that the reasons other countries built a wall are not the same reasons extremists want a wall in the U.S.?
First, thanks for bringing up something I hadn't considered: that it looks bad, like the Berlin wall.

However, I consulted my cousin, who is a retired principal of a school in a border state and also who stays up to date on educational issues, which were patiently explained tome less than 2 weeks ago.

The reason I consulted was because I am not an educator, and I wondered what the impact was in this border state, which has millions of people in it.

It is far worse than I expected, and this is coming from one of the brightest, most experienced, and intellectually honest people I know.

Here's what I remember from the conversation:

Some years, a million children cross the border with their parents. The parents know their children are not getting education they need in Mexico, and the parents, while not refugees, prefer to bring them to America, which takes care of its people and doesn't kill, starve, or separate them into a contemptible class to be kept away from the upper echelons in Mexican society. They are willing to serve in the military and/or take menial jobs for the rest of their lives to educate their children in the USA.

The school-aged children brought here illegally and needing an education here is in the fourth grade. The child has no formal education before arriving here. What pressures schools the most is taking a 9-year-old child and cramming 3 years of school into a program that takes 6 years of learning. This forces the American school to try to teach more children faster than usual. That requires teachers with a phD to determine what is most important in the fields of Logic and math, history, bilingual communication and English, computer skills, music, art, sports, health and safety education, and all subjects grade schools need for competent standards.

The school-aged child brought here seldom speaks the English language. Teachers have to work on bilingual communications and parse time out to explain the same subject to two different groups. This is unfair in particular to children of foreign backgrounds from other countries besides Latin-speaking cultures. This takes time away from groups of American children who grow impatient if they're not learning something new, and parents are outraged to see lower test scores because not enough teacher time is there to teach their own children the basics of elementary school training. It also disables talented, gifted children from becoming the best that they can be.

The schools are not encouraged when these issues come up, and it robs existing elementary students here from having adequate teacher time.

It's not fair to American kids to take half the teacher's time on the 5 or 10% of illegal immigrants' children.

If you persist on allowing this educational fiasco to go on, you are going to have a society that is coming to regard illegal aliens as people cheating their children out of the taxes they have paid for a lifetime to devote the best the teacher has to a significant enough minority school population.

My educator of excellence cousin is dead-set against allowing this flood of aliens to destroy the educational opportunities of children who are already here,
Please reconsider what an open border is doing to the home team kids. Please let America's kids have their opportunities to learn unimpeded by constant interruptions while they are still kids. Don't let the do-gooders who get their kicks from the pet-rock fun of helping aliens supercede the job that needs to be done for the home team.

That's all I am asking. In my county, school taxes are already strangling not just parents but also seniors through sundry tax methods you may not be acquainted with. Seniors paying the taxes the law requires here will have to use up the savings they made for when they need nursing care facility issues their last few years of life.

You're causing senior citizens to lose their life's savings and have nothing to look forward to after they retire. Nothing they worked 40 or 50 years to have, except
Social Security that does not make ends meet in 95% of the households of senior citizens.

Wouldn't it just be easier to form a union with Mexico and its diverse states to share in the payment part? Or send Mexico a bill to educate its cast-offs through college?

This is nuts. You who are making up hate stories against the President on account of the wall that are massively unrepresentative of American kids, American parents, and American seniors.

I've never not shared when it comes to charity, and since I retired, it's all I do. I won't be able to when I lose my house and property because someday, my funds will all be gone from living on part of my savings, and having to fork over more than $15,000 every year to tax collectors in my county, state, and federal funds. I did the math. The school taxes I have to pay are 35% of the rest. I had to give up giving $100 a year to provide school necessities to the many impoverished-level children at the elementary schools across the street from my church, and cut out all other charitable giving to pay for the Schumer-Pelosi insistence that borders be wide open. That's just crazy.

For me, something was lost in translation. We might need a constitutional amendment that says only citizens qualify for a free education and the benefits and privileges of citizenship, but that still does not equal a wall.
Liberals have completely lost touch with reality.

"walls don't work"

Really, why then did the DNC build a wall around their convention center in 2016?

Wow, this statement shows how truly ignorant you are.

Walls work to keep law abiding people out of a convention center. They do not work to keep sophisticated criminals, with billions of dollars in resources, from smuggling billions of dollars worth of drugs into this country.

That would be check mate.

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

  • Mark Twain
Trump's speech... wow what a fool.

The drugs come into the country by submarine, tunnel, by car/truck, shipping.

The amount of drugs walked over the border is very small.

Stopping that will have no effect on drugs in our country.

If you think "it's better than nothing" you are completely wrong because the price tag of a wall is high and it would be better to spend the money on more effective means.

Right now we stop such a minor amount of drugs coming into the country that it has no effect at all. A border wall will be the same, it will have no effect. If you want to stop drugs you need a better idea than a border wall, if you can't understand that I feel sorry for you.

How do you know that the amount of drugs brought over the border is "small"?
1. Because we have intel from the DEA and Dept of Homeland Security detailing how the drugs enter the country based on informants, arrests, and seizures.
2. Here's a simple example:
Six Tons Of Cocaine Seized From Narco-Submarine
Just so you know, they are not walking 6 TONS of drugs across the border at a time... just so you know...
The wall around Obama's house won't keep drugs out of there either, but so what?

Some people managed to get over the Berlin wall once in a while, too, but they didn't tear it down; that's because it worked far more often than it failed. The wall will make it much easier to focus on the more elaborate and time-consuming pro smugglers, so it is indeed going to be effective, as will enforcing laws against hiring these criminal illegals and forcing Mexico to pay for the costs of those illegals to our courts and social services, including lost wages by Americans and the losses and expenses to the criminal activities of their citizens running amok here.
First of all most the people illegally entering the country today are not Mexicans. They are from Central America and the Caribbean. Second, why the fuck should the Mexican government spend money to protect our borders. That's our responsibility not theirs. Lastly 99% of the Mexican people don't illegally enter the US.
The wall around Obama's house won't keep drugs out of there either, but so what?

Some people managed to get over the Berlin wall once in a while, too, but they didn't tear it down; that's because it worked far more often than it failed. The wall will make it much easier to focus on the more elaborate and time-consuming pro smugglers, so it is indeed going to be effective, as will enforcing laws against hiring these criminal illegals and forcing Mexico to pay for the costs of those illegals to our courts and social services, including lost wages by Americans and the losses and expenses to the criminal activities of their citizens running amok here.
First of all most the people illegally entering the country today are not Mexicans. They are from Central America and the Caribbean. Second, why the fuck should the Mexican government spend money to protect our borders. That's our responsibility not theirs. Lastly 99% of the Mexican people don't illegally enter the US.

Don't try to confuse people with facts when their mind is already made up.
I get it, you'll never admit reality, but you should try it- the truth shall set you free.

You have not presented reality. The reality is that walls do stop invasions and that includes drugs. No wall is going to stop 100% but it is meant to deter. I don't understand why some would deny that a wall is a deterrent while living behind them themselves. No, the only objection to the wall is that Democrats hate Trump and will not give him even 1 iota. They put their political ambitions and hatred for one man above everyone in the country and outside the country.
REALITY!!!! that's not a word you can use. Again, nobody on your side has addressed my facts.

How is a wall going to stop the tunnels?
How is a wall going to stop the HDD?
How is a wall going to stop the narco subs?

It will not and for that reason they will not reduce the drugs in anyway. Any reduction in unsophisticated groups walking drugs over the border will be offset by the more sophisticated means. You don't seem to comprehend that the big cartels have billions of dollars and can easily move drugs across the border at will by the methods I have just listed. If the demand for drugs increases then the cartels will easily import more drugs into the country using their sophisticated, unstoppable methods. It's simple economics...
The profit on illegal drugs is so high, drug transporters can afford just about any means needed to get them in the country. Stopping drug use by interrupting the flow into the country will never work. If you seal the Southern border, they'll use the northern border, seal the northern border they will use our 88,000 miles of shore.

Right now most of the drugs come through legal points of entry because it's the safest and cheapest way to bring in drugs. Walls are irrelevant when we talk about drugs coming into the country. It's just something Trump made up because it sounds good.

WIll you guys please stop with the "most drugs come through ports of entry" bullshit. It isn't true. Most drugs that are FOUND are found at ports of entry, which only means that we duh have tighter security at ports of entry and are thus finding the damn drugs. We have zero idea what is getting through
The point is drug traffickers enter through legal ports of enter because it's the easiness and cheapest way to bring drugs in. Only 1 in a hundred vehicles are searched and a lot less than that at our ports. Why would they take the risks of climbing walls and fences and crossing the desert carrying only a few kilos when they can bring hundred through ports of entry.
The wall around Obama's house won't keep drugs out of there either, but so what?

Some people managed to get over the Berlin wall once in a while, too, but they didn't tear it down; that's because it worked far more often than it failed. The wall will make it much easier to focus on the more elaborate and time-consuming pro smugglers, so it is indeed going to be effective, as will enforcing laws against hiring these criminal illegals and forcing Mexico to pay for the costs of those illegals to our courts and social services, including lost wages by Americans and the losses and expenses to the criminal activities of their citizens running amok here.
First of all most the people illegally entering the country today are not Mexicans. They are from Central America and the Caribbean. Second, why the fuck should the Mexican government spend money to protect our borders. That's our responsibility not theirs. Lastly 99% of the Mexican people don't illegally enter the US.

It’s Mexico’s border too, they just don’t enforce it.
The wall around Obama's house won't keep drugs out of there either, but so what?

Some people managed to get over the Berlin wall once in a while, too, but they didn't tear it down; that's because it worked far more often than it failed. The wall will make it much easier to focus on the more elaborate and time-consuming pro smugglers, so it is indeed going to be effective, as will enforcing laws against hiring these criminal illegals and forcing Mexico to pay for the costs of those illegals to our courts and social services, including lost wages by Americans and the losses and expenses to the criminal activities of their citizens running amok here.

Is the Berlin Wall still standing? Is there some mental block that stands in the way of those wanting a wall so bad that they cannot see that the reasons other countries built a wall are not the same reasons extremists want a wall in the U.S.?
First, thanks for bringing up something I hadn't considered: that it looks bad, like the Berlin wall.

However, I consulted my cousin, who is a retired principal of a school in a border state and also who stays up to date on educational issues, which were patiently explained tome less than 2 weeks ago.

The reason I consulted was because I am not an educator, and I wondered what the impact was in this border state, which has millions of people in it.

It is far worse than I expected, and this is coming from one of the brightest, most experienced, and intellectually honest people I know.

Here's what I remember from the conversation:

Some years, a million children cross the border with their parents. The parents know their children are not getting education they need in Mexico, and the parents, while not refugees, prefer to bring them to America, which takes care of its people and doesn't kill, starve, or separate them into a contemptible class to be kept away from the upper echelons in Mexican society. They are willing to serve in the military and/or take menial jobs for the rest of their lives to educate their children in the USA.

The school-aged children brought here illegally and needing an education here is in the fourth grade. The child has no formal education before arriving here. What pressures schools the most is taking a 9-year-old child and cramming 3 years of school into a program that takes 6 years of learning. This forces the American school to try to teach more children faster than usual. That requires teachers with a phD to determine what is most important in the fields of Logic and math, history, bilingual communication and English, computer skills, music, art, sports, health and safety education, and all subjects grade schools need for competent standards.

The school-aged child brought here seldom speaks the English language. Teachers have to work on bilingual communications and parse time out to explain the same subject to two different groups. This is unfair in particular to children of foreign backgrounds from other countries besides Latin-speaking cultures. This takes time away from groups of American children who grow impatient if they're not learning something new, and parents are outraged to see lower test scores because not enough teacher time is there to teach their own children the basics of elementary school training. It also disables talented, gifted children from becoming the best that they can be.

The schools are not encouraged when these issues come up, and it robs existing elementary students here from having adequate teacher time.

It's not fair to American kids to take half the teacher's time on the 5 or 10% of illegal immigrants' children.

If you persist on allowing this educational fiasco to go on, you are going to have a society that is coming to regard illegal aliens as people cheating their children out of the taxes they have paid for a lifetime to devote the best the teacher has to a significant enough minority school population.

My educator of excellence cousin is dead-set against allowing this flood of aliens to destroy the educational opportunities of children who are already here,
Please reconsider what an open border is doing to the home team kids. Please let America's kids have their opportunities to learn unimpeded by constant interruptions while they are still kids. Don't let the do-gooders who get their kicks from the pet-rock fun of helping aliens supercede the job that needs to be done for the home team.

That's all I am asking. In my county, school taxes are already strangling not just parents but also seniors through sundry tax methods you may not be acquainted with. Seniors paying the taxes the law requires here will have to use up the savings they made for when they need nursing care facility issues their last few years of life.

You're causing senior citizens to lose their life's savings and have nothing to look forward to after they retire. Nothing they worked 40 or 50 years to have, except
Social Security that does not make ends meet in 95% of the households of senior citizens.

Wouldn't it just be easier to form a union with Mexico and its diverse states to share in the payment part? Or send Mexico a bill to educate its cast-offs through college?

This is nuts. You who are making up hate stories against the President on account of the wall that are massively unrepresentative of American kids, American parents, and American seniors.

I've never not shared when it comes to charity, and since I retired, it's all I do. I won't be able to when I lose my house and property because someday, my funds will all be gone from living on part of my savings, and having to fork over more than $15,000 every year to tax collectors in my county, state, and federal funds. I did the math. The school taxes I have to pay are 35% of the rest. I had to give up giving $100 a year to provide school necessities to the many impoverished-level children at the elementary schools across the street from my church, and cut out all other charitable giving to pay for the Schumer-Pelosi insistence that borders be wide open. That's just crazy.

For me, something was lost in translation. We might need a constitutional amendment that says only citizens qualify for a free education and the benefits and privileges of citizenship, but that still does not equal a wall.
200 miles of wall is not going to make any real difference in the number of illegals entering the country each year. It should be painfully obvious that people will simply go around the wall if they can't tunnel under it or climb it. And they have plenty of border to choose from, 1800 miles on the southern border, 6,000 miles on the northern border and 88,000 miles of shoreline.

There are far better ways of cutting illegally immigration, a lot cheaper and a lot faster.
It will have no effect on drugs, that is fact. The same amount of drugs will still come into the country. The drugs come in by tunnel, submarine, car/tuck. Any extremely minor reduction in drug imports made by the wall will just be offset by an increase in the tunnels, submarines, trucks etc. This is what you don't seem to comprehend.

SO you think if we build the wall then crime will be reduced and the drug problem will be reduced? Do you really think that??? Do you really think that???????????? Didn't you think the war in Iraq was going to be a good idea too...

Here's you wall cut by the US military with a cheap saw from home depot, brilliant plan.

You know this how? Why has the existing wall/fence/barrier been effective in shutting down illegal aliens, drugs being brought into our country and human trafficking?

Perhaps you recall the "king" of tunnels, Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán. Billionaire drug runner. He has said that walls won't work against tunnels. I don't know about you, but when my opponent tells me something won't work, I KNOW exactly what is the best thing to do to defeat them.

Specifically, why are so many countries now building walls on their borders if they do not work?
The wall around Obama's house won't keep drugs out of there either, but so what?

Some people managed to get over the Berlin wall once in a while, too, but they didn't tear it down; that's because it worked far more often than it failed. The wall will make it much easier to focus on the more elaborate and time-consuming pro smugglers, so it is indeed going to be effective, as will enforcing laws against hiring these criminal illegals and forcing Mexico to pay for the costs of those illegals to our courts and social services, including lost wages by Americans and the losses and expenses to the criminal activities of their citizens running amok here.
First of all most the people illegally entering the country today are not Mexicans. They are from Central America and the Caribbean. Second, why the fuck should the Mexican government spend money to protect our borders. That's our responsibility not theirs. Lastly 99% of the Mexican people don't illegally enter the US.

It’s Mexico’s border too, they just don’t enforce it.
Their responsibiltiy is to protect Mexico. They have no responsibility to protect the US. I'm actually ashamed that the US with it's great wealth and powerful military would be telling a nation as poor as Mexico that they should be protecting US borders. That is absolutely ludicrous.
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