Zone1 Wanna Be Catholic


Jan 25, 2025
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I've been a regular at Mass for over 30 years. I admire the Mass & the majority of the Catechism. I am pursuing RCIA or OCIA. However, due to the position taken below & a couple of other things, I struggle with the Believe all Catholic beliefs requirement. I feel that the Church should focus on the reason WHY the people are breaking into the US. Instead they are focusing on Trump's policy. Frustrating. What say you Catholics? Can you help me?


I've been a regular at Mass for over 30 years. I admire the Mass & the majority of the Catechism. I am pursuing RCIA or OCIA. However, due to the position taken below & a couple of other things, I struggle with the Believe all Catholic beliefs requirement. I feel that the Church should focus on the reason WHY the people are breaking into the US. Instead they are focusing on Trump's policy. Frustrating. What say you Catholics? Can you help me?
Yes, it’s dumb these Catholics are bellyaching about deportation.

They don’t seem to understand what “inhumane treatment” actually is. See Gaza and how Hamas treats hostages.

Returning criminals safely to their country of origin isn’t inhumane treatment. It is inhumane to leave criminals free in your society to steal, rape and kill.

I went through RCIA myself. They taught us that there are bad priests, bad bishops, and bad popes…..but the church endures them. In order to make the church better we need to take part in it, get better people to become priests and bishops, and those types will eventually be kicked out.

Just like MAGA has made the GOP infinitely better than what it was, we can do the same with the Catholic Church. Running away to a heretical denomination only ensures your damnation for rejecting Christ and his church.
I struggle with the Believe all Catholic beliefs requirement.

So do I.

And I was born & raised roman catholic...and I still am. But the most important thing is my personal relationship with Jesus! I wont let ANYBODY stand in between that...not even a catholic priest!

I rarely go to church any more...I like the community part of church, but I don't care for the authoritarian attitudes. Or the holier than thou attitudes. However, those things are not enough to get me to turn my back on my religion. In many ways, catholics have it right.
I've been a regular at Mass for over 30 years. I admire the Mass & the majority of the Catechism. I am pursuing RCIA or OCIA. However, due to the position taken below & a couple of other things, I struggle with the Believe all Catholic beliefs requirement. I feel that the Church should focus on the reason WHY the people are breaking into the US. Instead they are focusing on Trump's policy. Frustrating. What say you Catholics? Can you help me?
Catholicism holds a strong belief in the separation of Church and State. President Trump's first priority is to protect and defend the United States, manage trade and transportation within the United States. Catholic Bishops should understand the President's priority is to citizens of the United States.

Here is an idea: Why not, in this area, have Church and State work together on this instead of the current willy-nilly rush across borders? The Church outside the US can help explain the need. The Church within the US can help with finding homes and employment. The government can help with the legalities that both guests and/or potential new citizens face.

Because of separation between Church and State, the Church has no right and no business telling governments they shouldn't enforce their own laws, basically commanding the State, "Here's what you should do. Here is what you should not do." They should be offering help, advice, information on what some are suffering in their homeland and why the only solution is to bring them (legally) into the U.S.
Can not say I have much respect for the Catholic Church.
They were responsible for some of the most horrific atrocities during the inquisition. They helped Nazis escape during WW2. They convinced people to give away property and money to the church when they were dying by telling them it would be a way into heaven.
I could continue but I will let it lie there.
Every religion has bad actors.
Can not say I have much respect for the Catholic Church.
They were responsible for some of the most horrific atrocities during the inquisition. They helped Nazis escape during WW2. They convinced people to give away property and money when they were dying by telling them it would be a way into heaven.
I could continue but I will let it lie there.
Every religion has bad actors.
For the same reason you should not have much respect for governments, businesses, corporations--or individuals, for that matter. The Catholic Church was also responsible for the most humane and compassionate acts during the Inquisition and World War II. And so were governments, businesses, corporations, and individuals.

It is better to research/study the entire history not just the dark areas. By the way, do you only watch and read horror shows, stories, events? If not, isn't it good the embrace the total, not just the bits and pieces of the whole?
For the same reason you should not have much respect for governments, businesses, corporations--or individuals, for that matter. The Catholic Church was also responsible for the most humane and compassionate acts during the Inquisition and World War II. And so were governments, businesses, corporations, and individuals.

It is better to research/study the entire history not just the dark areas. By the way, do you only watch and read horror shows, stories, events? If not, isn't it good the embrace the total, not just the bits and pieces of the whole?
I was raised catholic.
I always have problems with a lot of business, individuals and especially government.
So do I.

And I was born & raised roman catholic...and I still am. But the most important thing is my personal relationship with Jesus! I wont let ANYBODY stand in between that...not even a catholic priest!

I rarely go to church any more...I like the community part of church, but I don't care for the authoritarian attitudes. Or the holier than thou attitudes. However, those things are not enough to get me to turn my back on my religion. In many ways, catholics have it right.
All churches-religions have some truth in them. But, until 1830, none have the Authority to be authoritative. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the restored Church that Jesus Christ started and stayed authoritative until the last apostle, John the Revelator left and complete world apostasy began.
So I understand the religion.
What, specifically do you understand? For example, my brother and I understand the religion and we remain Catholic. You understand the religion, but are no longer a practicing Catholic.
What, specifically do you understand? For example, my brother and I understand the religion and we remain Catholic. You understand the religion, but are no longer a practicing Catholic.
You claim you understand it because you are still practicing Catholics and I can some how not understand it because I no longer practice it? To say that is disingenuous is just short of crazy.
I understand that many things are wrong and have been wrong with the church. I am willing to accept that. Are you?
You claim you understand it because you are still practicing Catholics and I can some how not understand it because I no longer practice it? To say that is disingenuous is just short of crazy.
I understand that many things are wrong and have been wrong with the church. I am willing to accept that. Are you?
I didn't say you cannot understand it. There is not intent, on my part, to attack. I'm genuine curious about what you understand, and why you no longer practice. Are you saying you heard about things wrong with the Church and made a decision based on that? Did you go to Catholic school, or did you attend CCE classes? If so, to what age?

Obviously, if I'm still studying, there continue to be many things I do not understand.
I've been a regular at Mass for over 30 years. I admire the Mass & the majority of the Catechism. I am pursuing RCIA or OCIA. However, due to the position taken below & a couple of other things, I struggle with the Believe all Catholic beliefs requirement. I feel that the Church should focus on the reason WHY the people are breaking into the US. Instead they are focusing on Trump's policy. Frustrating. What say you Catholics? Can you help me?

You might consider looking into American Orthodox Christianity. We're not political. The last time the Orthodox Church got political was to oppose Hitler in Europe during WWII.
I didn't say you cannot understand it. There is not intent, on my part, to attack. I'm genuine curious about what you understand, and why you no longer practice. Are you saying you heard about things wrong with the Church and made a decision based on that? Did you go to Catholic school, or did you attend CCE classes? If so, to what age?

Obviously, if I'm still studying, there continue to be many things I do not understand.
I found the past things as I said. I found the fact that the church would move a priest accused of sexual misconduct with women and boys rather than remove them.
I also remember a Protestant group gave out bibles to my class when I was in grade school. The priest told all Catholics to throw the Bible’s away. I asked why. I was told it was not our bible. I wondered that what was so different with the two bibles.
I asked a priest a number of questions once. One being if Mary really was a virgin then how did she become pregnant. All my questions were basically answered with it is a miracle and we do not question. That is the best you got?
I can understand a few bad actors but when there are so many in one organization that claims religion I have a problem with it
I found the past things as I said. I found the fact that the church would move a priest accused of sexual misconduct with women and boys rather than remove them.
Yes. The psychiatric association was advising both churches and school districts to go to their program, then move them. Many bishops told the association this did not work, did not work, did not work. The news media skipped past this and skipped past that teachers were being moved around for the same reason. How do I know? I was a reporter at the time. We were told to focus on Catholic priests, no one else.
I also remember a Protestant group gave out bibles to my class when I was in grade school. The priest told all Catholics to throw the Bible’s away. I asked why. I was told it was not our bible. I wondered that what was so different with the two bibles.
Catholic Bibles are/were different. First, Catholic Bibles include more books, and second, the translations differed. However, no priest ever told me I had to throw away my Protestant grandmother's Bible. That surprises me.
I asked a priest a number of questions once. One being if Mary really was a virgin then how did she become pregnant. All my questions were basically answered with it is a miracle and we do not question. That is the best you got?
Mary became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. What more did you want to know?
I can understand a few bad actors but when there are so many in one organization that claims religion I have a problem with it
Percentage wise, fewer priests were accused of sexual abuse than any other. All those teachers and other professions working with children....greater percentage the greater the pass it seems. Not that there should have been even one priest involved!
Yes. The psychiatric association was advising both churches and school districts to go to their program, then move them. Many bishops told the association this did not work, did not work, did not work. The news media skipped past this and skipped past that teachers were being moved around for the same reason. How do I know? I was a reporter at the time. We were told to focus on Catholic priests, no one else.

Catholic Bibles are/were different. First, Catholic Bibles include more books, and second, the translations differed. However, no priest ever told me I had to throw away my Protestant grandmother's Bible. That surprises me.

Mary became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit. What more did you want to know?

Percentage wise, fewer priests were accused of sexual abuse than any other. All those teachers and other professions working with children....greater percentage the greater the pass it seems. Not that there should have been even one priest involved!
So you are saying that it is okay to move priests around to another diocese rather than prosecute, or terminate just because other professions had those that did the same sexual abuse?
You say it is fine because they had fewer than all others combined?
I find that a bit unusual.

Mary became pregnant by the Holy Spirit? How do we know that she did not have relations with another man? How do we know that it was the Holy Spirit? How many have become pregnant be the Holy Spirit? Exactly how did it happen? By some magic, blinding light, maybe he turned into a human?
But yet they do not have a number of books such as Ruth. Why is it that these are not included? Is the church worried that the books not included in its bible or the ones that are not in any bible might undermine its authority?
See I ask questions that a number of people are just willing to accept without asking

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