Zone1 Wanna Be Catholic

Because of separation between Church and State, the Church has no right and no business telling governments they shouldn't enforce their own laws, basically commanding the State, "Here's what you should do. Here is what you should not do."
The church has an obligation to criticize moral issues
Mary became pregnant by the Holy Spirit? How do we know that she did not have relations with another man? How do we know that it was the Holy Spirit
By fulfilled prophecy. Jesus fulfilled EVERY prophecy, including the virgin birth. I know that won't convince you, by NOBODY else has come close
Is the church worried that the books not included in its bible or the ones that are not in any bible might undermine its authority?
See I ask questions that a number of people are just willing to accept without asking
What other books are you asking about? Basically, Old Testament books that were used during the time of Jesus, and New Testament books written during Apostolic times comprise the Catholic Bible.
What other books are you asking about? Basically, Old Testament books that were used during the time of Jesus, and New Testament books written during Apostolic times comprise the Catholic Bible.
So you want a whole list?
Try Sirach, Tobit, Baruch, etc.
So you claim that you never said that yet do not come close to saying what you did mean.
I have to say that any religious organization that does not condemn and remove those that do not follow its creed but just shifts the offending priest to another diocese leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion
By fulfilled prophecy. Jesus fulfilled EVERY prophecy, including the virgin birth. I know that won't convince you, by NOBODY else has come close
Yet you have not shown that he fulfilled a prophecy by being born of a virgin birth. He only proved that he knew of certain prophecy’s and worked to fulfill them.
Yet to Jews he is not the messiah that has been foretold.
To Muslims he is not a proper prophet.
I could go on about other religions but I think you can understand
Yet you have not shown that he fulfilled a prophecy by being born of a virgin birth. He only proved that he knew of certain oprophecy’s and worked to fulfill them.
Yet to Jews he is not the messiah that has been foretold.
To Muslims he is not a proper prophet.
I could go on about other religions but Ithink you can understand
You are allowed to not believe. It means nothing to me. But the FACT that He fulfilled dozens of prophecies should cause you to believe the virgin birth. But believe or don't believe. You will KNOW in the near future.
You are allowed to not believe. It means nothing to me. But the FACT that He fulfilled dozens of prophecies should cause you to believe the virgin birth. But believe or don't believe. You will KNOW in the near future.
I do not expect anyone to allow me to believe or not believe.
If I tell you that I can walk through walls does it mean you are just going to take that on face value?
Even if I do not ask you to believe I am a savior or a prophet.
I do not expect anyone to allow me to believe or not believe.
If I tell you that I can walk through walls does it mean you are just going to take that on face value?
Even if I do not ask you to believe I am a savior or a prophet.
You want to be convinced. You'll have to do your own research. I don't care enough to waste my time
I don't care enough to waste my time ...

there in lies your issue -

mary and joseph never claimed the bizarre story written in the 4th century christian bible. they did not fear moses the liar and their false commandments is why they were protected and chosen by the heavens as exemplars for the coming 1st century events and the repudiation of judaism by jesus - particularly as a religion of apartheid, hereditary idolatry.
So you want a whole list?
Try Sirach, Tobit, Baruch, etc.
So you claim that you never said that yet do not come close to saying what you did mean.
I have to say that any religious organization that does not condemn and remove those that do not follow its creed but just shifts the offending priest to another diocese leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion
All the above are in the Catholic Bible. The Book of Tobit is between the book of Nehemiah and the Book of Tobit. Sirach (the Book of Ecclesiastes) is between Proverbs and the Song of Songs. The book of Baruch is between the Book of Lamentations and the Book of Ezekiel.

Are you sure you didn't Google, What books are not in Protestant Bibles? Here is the answer: 1 and 2 Maccabees, Tobit, Judith, Sirach, Wisdom and Baruch. These are the books that were in use during the time of Jesus and is why they are retained in Catholic Bibles. About a hundred years after Christ, Jews formalized their own Canon, and their Canon did not include the above books. Protestants decided since the Jews decided not to include them in their latest Canon, these books didn't need to be in the Protestant Old Testament either.

Did you personally know any of the priests convicted of sexual abuse? Was sexual abuse taught in Church or in Catholic schools or catechism classes? Possibly you missed Church all the times readings were from Ruth, Tobit, Sirach/Ecclesiastes, or Baruch? Did you read entire books about any of the Saints? Were you never inspired by any of their stories? What about appearances of Mary: Lourdes, Fatima, near Mexico City?

You say you were raised Catholic. What was it about your personal upbringing in the Catholic faith that had you deciding it wasn't for you?
The church has an obligation to criticize moral issues
Border laws are not moral issues. One can go through the legal process of entering a country. I believe you said you legally entered other countries? Was that a moral issue?
Border laws are not moral issues. One can go through the legal process of entering a country. I believe you said you legally entered other countries? Was that a moral issue?
Treatment of refugees is a moral issue
Even the Pope says so
I have to say that any religious organization that does not condemn and remove those that do not follow its creed but just shifts the offending priest to another diocese leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion
Parish transfers in the US stopped occurring decades ago.
Treatment of refugees is a moral issue
Even the Pope says so
Refugees also have the way of entering countries legally. And many do. If the process of of immigration, whether refugee or better life, needs reform, then work on reform. Throwing open the borders is not the answer. Entering illegally is not the answer because then worse problems than the legal way of entry will have to be faced.
The Catholic church is pro immigration because those south of the border are Catholics, and the church needs more asses in the pews. They lost plenty with the scandal and closed many churches because of it.
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