Want to Dismantle Police? This is what you will get...in your neighborhood.

You get the same thing when you have cops also.....thread fail....
Not hardly...response fail.
He lives in a podunk town in the middle of nowhere. He has no concept of what big city policing is except for what the corrupt media tells him.
I have lived in several large metropolitans and finally moved away from them...You my friend again assume what you know not.
I think most could say the same about you. 99% of the police go to work everyday and do an admirable job. Police are like everyone else. You get bad people in every line of work.
They do amazingly well considering the names they are called, the hostile work environment and the fact that they have no idea when the next person that reaches for a pocket or an other area may come out with a gun.
You get the same thing when you have cops also.....thread fail....
Not hardly...response fail.
He lives in a podunk town in the middle of nowhere. He has no concept of what big city policing is except for what the corrupt media tells him.
I have lived in several large metropolitans and finally moved away from them...You my friend again assume what you know not.
I think most could say the same about you. 99% of the police go to work everyday and do an admirable job. Police are like everyone else. You get bad people in every line of work.
They do amazingly well considering the names they are called, the hostile work environment and the fact that they have no idea when the next person that reaches for a pocket or an other area may come out with a gun.
I never thought about it any differently.
You get the same thing when you have cops also.....thread fail....
Not hardly...response fail.
How come these changes were not made many decades ago? If it is a Prog thing, you had power. All over. At the federal level you had many opportunities. At the local levels, many areas have been Prog Socialist since Eisenhower was President. Many warning were made over the years. And the abuses were not just the African Americans. And it is in Non Prog areas or Mixed Political views areas also. There are people who have gotten raw deals who have not seen closure. So there will still be a lot of bitterness that will drag on the nation. For there are people who will seek their vengeance by any means. And that can mean not doing anything to stop the ongoing expansion of the tyranny.
You get the same thing when you have cops also.....thread fail....
Not hardly...response fail.
How come these changes were not made many decades ago? If it is a Prog thing, you had power. All over. At the federal level you had many opportunities. At the local levels, many areas have been Prog Socialist since Eisenhower was President. Many warning were made over the years. And the abuses were not just the African Americans. And it is in Non Prog areas or Mixed Political views areas also. There are people who have gotten raw deals who have not seen closure. So there will still be a lot of bitterness that will drag on the nation. For there are people who will seek their vengeance by any means. And that can mean not doing anything to stop the ongoing expansion of the tyranny.
The Drug War fueled the increase in the govt's power until 9/11...Now we see the end results of what that policy wrought.
You get the same thing when you have cops also.....thread fail....
Not hardly...response fail.
How come these changes were not made many decades ago? If it is a Prog thing, you had power. All over. At the federal level you had many opportunities. At the local levels, many areas have been Prog Socialist since Eisenhower was President. Many warning were made over the years. And the abuses were not just the African Americans. And it is in Non Prog areas or Mixed Political views areas also. There are people who have gotten raw deals who have not seen closure. So there will still be a lot of bitterness that will drag on the nation. For there are people who will seek their vengeance by any means. And that can mean not doing anything to stop the ongoing expansion of the tyranny.
The Drug War fueled the increase in the govt's power until 9/11...Now we see the end results of what that policy wrought.
Oh, you're one of those "drug war" conspiracy idiots.
You get the same thing when you have cops also.....thread fail....
Not hardly...response fail.
How come these changes were not made many decades ago? If it is a Prog thing, you had power. All over. At the federal level you had many opportunities. At the local levels, many areas have been Prog Socialist since Eisenhower was President. Many warning were made over the years. And the abuses were not just the African Americans. And it is in Non Prog areas or Mixed Political views areas also. There are people who have gotten raw deals who have not seen closure. So there will still be a lot of bitterness that will drag on the nation. For there are people who will seek their vengeance by any means. And that can mean not doing anything to stop the ongoing expansion of the tyranny.
There's no such thing as a "victim's" in the United States of America. You live in the greatest nation on earth with greatest economic and educational opportunities in the world. Crybabies need to shut up. If you're on student aid and get arrested for throwing projectiles at police you should lose your student aid.
Does dismantle mean the same thing as defund, now? REALLY??
Same shit. Destroy the police, then destroy the social fabric of our nation, have your Marxist revolution and create an Orwellian dystopia with all power in hands of Washington DC. Have "PC" police patrol public places arresting people. Teach children to inform on their parents. Exactly the kind of country that Democrats want.
You get the same thing when you have cops also.....thread fail....
Not hardly...response fail.
He lives in a podunk town in the middle of nowhere. He has no concept of what big city policing is except for what the corrupt media tells him.
I have lived in several large metropolitans and finally moved away from them...You my friend again assume what you know not.
I think most could say the same about you. 99% of the police go to work everyday and do an admirable job. Police are like everyone else. You get bad people in every line of work.
They do amazingly well considering the names they are called, the hostile work environment and the fact that they have no idea when the next person that reaches for a pocket or an other area may come out with a gun.
In a single shift (and this is uncommon as an example) an officer might respond to a domestic dispute (one of most dangerous calls to) then respond to a fatal auto accident with someone smeared on the road, follow that up by saving someone's life with CPR. Go to a restaurant for lunch only to be told they don't serve police. Go home as the sun is coming up, watch CNN for a few minutes as they trash law enforcement. Go to bed. Get up at 3:00PM and get ready to do it again. Survive 30 years of this shit and you can get a retirement?
Does dismantle mean the same thing as defund, now? REALLY??
Same shit. Destroy the police, then destroy the social fabric of our nation, have your Marxist revolution and create an Orwellian dystopia with all power in hands of Washington DC. Have "PC" police patrol public places arresting people. Teach children to inform on their parents. Exactly the kind of country that Democrats want.
Bush2, get a grip! Stay away from the right wing propaganda for a few days, to clear your head.... it'll do wonders, for your sanity, and blood pressure too!!!

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