This is what people think of your president. A laughing stock to the world.

"The world" seems to have a pretty accurate view of our two leading presidential candidates.

They see the Democratic incumbent as an old and fading man, but a man who is nevertheless stable, solid, and represents America well.

They see the GQP challenger as a petulant, ignorant, overgrown child (much like the view held by many former members of his own cabinet and staff) who represents the very worst of America.

They are deeply concerned about what happens if the latter wins, and who will move in and take America's global place if he does.
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"The world" seems to have a pretty accurate view of our two leading presidential candidates.

They see the Democratic incumbent as an old and fading man, but a man who is nevertheless stable, solid, and represents America well.

They see the GQP challenger as a petulant, ignorant, overgrown child (much like the view held by many former members of his own cabinet and staff) who represents the very worst of America.

They are deeply concerned about what happens if the latter wins, and who will take America's global place if he does.
I would describe it as a choice of driving down an old crappy dirt road vs driving off a cliff.
"The world" seems to have a pretty accurate view of our two leading presidential candidates.

They see the Democratic incumbent as an old and fading man, but a man who is nevertheless stable, solid, and represents America well.

They see the GQP challenger as a petulant, ignorant, overgrown child (much like the view held by many former members of his own cabinet and staff) who represents the very worst of America.

They are deeply concerned about what happens if the latter wins, and who will move in and take America's global place if he does.

Other countries, first and foremost, want what is best for them. Biden is bringing the US down to their level. For example, Biden isn’t interested in asking for additional money from those NATA European countries that are shortchanging us based on our longstanding agreement. Guess what, they like that because they continue to rely on us to protect them while they build some additional bird houses in their parks. Another example is countries in the UN, many of which are highly biased against Israel(and the US when we aren’t protecting them) so not surprisingly they would prefer a Biden presidency over a Trump presidency. The list goes on, but you must realize that the lack of patriotism for the US that has run rampant in the Democratic Party is not shared in most other nations around the world. Most look out for their home countries first.
MSN More and more people are waking up to the realization that Joe Biden, just doesnt have the mental capacity to be the president of the United States. The people of the United States are moving away from the gaff machine towards the Orange Man Bad, because they want someone who can actually communicate.

View attachment 952114
Some have known this for


Watch Fox News, America

They show the gaffes and the stumblings all the time
The One World Order. Elites scratch each other's back, while fucking the little guy. Exposed by the 45th President of the US.
Trump qanon.jpg
More and more people are waking up to the realization that Joe Biden, just doesnt have the mental capacity to be the president of the United States.

I am going to disagree with you on your thread title as something to worry about.

I heard the same things about Trump know what ? I could have cared less.

I really don't care if Europe thinks Biden is a moron or if they think he walks on water.

The day Trump is sworn in, the aristocrats in Europe will start going off on him (and in some cases with good cause).

Could care less.

I care about America.

Biden is bad for America. He's always been bad for America. He is a jerk.

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