Want to end illegal immigration?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
As I see the decision personally:
It seems as though we have several Objectives - in no particular order:
  1. Prevent the illegals form coming (back) over
  2. Get the illegals to leave
  3. Prevent illegals from taking jobs away from american citizens
  4. Prevent illegals from sucking from the tit of the american taxpayer (in the form of education, healthcare etc.)
However the best idea is to eliminate the minimum wage in the USA.
As I see the decision personally:
It seems as though we have several Objectives - in no particular order:
  1. Prevent the illegals form coming (back) over
  2. Get the illegals to leave
  3. Prevent illegals from taking jobs away from american citizens
  4. Prevent illegals from sucking from the tit of the american taxpayer (in the form of education, healthcare etc.)
However the best idea is to eliminate the minimum wage in the USA.
The best way to end illegal immigration is to put anyone that hires them, or aids them in any way, in prison for life without the possibility of parole. After the first one or two are sentenced, and word gets out, illegal immigrants wont have a job, a place to live, medical care, food, or anything else here in this country. Problem solved.
Short, sweet, and to the point, Sonny.
I think the illegals are getting their social security cards now and all the benefits it offers. I would imagine they will be voting for Hillary. Unless, of course, Trey Gowdy can get her put in prison. That woman is evil.
The best way to stop illegal flood of immigrants to the USA is to get rid of our lazy Government. President who is a descendant of late immigrants himself can't help too UNFORTUNATELY. Strick measures will save the country if they are constant.
As I see the decision personally:
It seems as though we have several Objectives - in no particular order:
  1. Prevent the illegals form coming (back) over
  2. Get the illegals to leave
  3. Prevent illegals from taking jobs away from american citizens
  4. Prevent illegals from sucking from the tit of the american taxpayer (in the form of education, healthcare etc.)
However the best idea is to eliminate the minimum wage in the USA.

1. Secure the border and make return after deportation a felony.
2. Require 10 years self-support/paying taxes before permanent residency granted.
3. What jobs? Do you want to pay $40/hr for yard cleanup?
4. See #2 above.

Who else is going to fund Social Security/Medicare for the next 30 years?
As I see the decision personally:
It seems as though we have several Objectives - in no particular order:
  1. Prevent the illegals form coming (back) over
  2. Get the illegals to leave
  3. Prevent illegals from taking jobs away from american citizens
  4. Prevent illegals from sucking from the tit of the american taxpayer (in the form of education, healthcare etc.)
However the best idea is to eliminate the minimum wage in the USA.

1. Secure the border and make return after deportation a felony.
2. Require 10 years self-support/paying taxes before permanent residency granted.
3. What jobs? Do you want to pay $40/hr for yard cleanup?
4. See #2 above.

Who else is going to fund Social Security/Medicare for the next 30 years?

It's already a felony to be deported and then come back. No, illegal aliens should not be granted any kind of residency in our country since they violated our immigration laws. You must be joking that illegal aliens are only doing yard cleanup. They have taken over every blue-collared job in this country and it is pure nonsense that we'd have to play ridiculous wages for an American to do those jobs once again.

Who's going to fund the millions of illegal alien's SS/Medicare when they become the seniors in this country? Just keep increasing our population growth endlessly? We can get thru the baby boomer generation why perpetuated yet another one? We need to stabilize our population growth now and in the future.
I don't want to end "illegal immigration", it's a stupid concept to hate, the whole idea of artificially conceived borders is stupid. Let all of the working men from Mexico come over, they certainly work harder then most people here.
I don't want to end "illegal immigration", it's a stupid concept to hate, the whole idea of artificially conceived borders is stupid. Let all of the working men from Mexico come over, they certainly work harder then most people here.
Where are all of the jobs for ALL of us? Do we have an adequate supply of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country? How will everyone support themselves?
I don't want to end "illegal immigration", it's a stupid concept to hate, the whole idea of artificially conceived borders is stupid. Let all of the working men from Mexico come over, they certainly work harder then most people here.
Where are all of the jobs for ALL of us? Do we have an adequate supply of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country? How will everyone support themselves?
We have plenty of work available for everyone, well, we would if it weren't for the capitalists controlling what kind of work gets done.
I don't want to end "illegal immigration", it's a stupid concept to hate, the whole idea of artificially conceived borders is stupid. Let all of the working men from Mexico come over, they certainly work harder then most people here.
Where are all of the jobs for ALL of us? Do we have an adequate supply of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country? How will everyone support themselves?
We have plenty of work available for everyone, well, we would if it weren't for the capitalists controlling what kind of work gets done.
Then why do we have unemployment, people surviving via government assistance programs, and college kids living with parents and flipping burger for spending money? Why do we have so many part-time jobs, temporary jobs, and low wage jobs? Where are these jobs that you're talking about? What industries?
I don't want to end "illegal immigration", it's a stupid concept to hate, the whole idea of artificially conceived borders is stupid. Let all of the working men from Mexico come over, they certainly work harder then most people here.
Where are all of the jobs for ALL of us? Do we have an adequate supply of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country? How will everyone support themselves?
We have plenty of work available for everyone, well, we would if it weren't for the capitalists controlling what kind of work gets done.
Then why do we have unemployment, people surviving via government assistance programs, and college kids living with parents and flipping burger for spending money? Why do we have so many part-time jobs, temporary jobs, and low wage jobs? Where are these jobs that you're talking about? What industries?
You misunderstood, my point is, we, as a world, have plenty of work to get done, plenty of work available, the problem is, the capitalists control when this work is done. Unemployment is a symptom of capitalism, government assistance is a decent thing the state is doing, college is a for profit disease as it stands, and fast food employers love college students. Really? The capitalists love to give out part time and low wage jobs, more money for them.
I don't want to end "illegal immigration", it's a stupid concept to hate, the whole idea of artificially conceived borders is stupid. Let all of the working men from Mexico come over, they certainly work harder then most people here.
Where are all of the jobs for ALL of us? Do we have an adequate supply of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country? How will everyone support themselves?
We have plenty of work available for everyone, well, we would if it weren't for the capitalists controlling what kind of work gets done.
Then why do we have unemployment, people surviving via government assistance programs, and college kids living with parents and flipping burger for spending money? Why do we have so many part-time jobs, temporary jobs, and low wage jobs? Where are these jobs that you're talking about? What industries?
You misunderstood, my point is, we, as a world, have plenty of work to get done, plenty of work available, the problem is, the capitalists control when this work is done. Unemployment is a symptom of capitalism, government assistance is a decent thing the state is doing, college is a for profit disease as it stands, and fast food employers love college students. Really? The capitalists love to give out part time and low wage jobs, more money for them.
Ah, but you did say that we should have open borders and allow illegal immigrants to enter and work, did you not? So, the question remains, "where are all of these jobs for everyone? What industries? And, why import labor when our own work force is unemployed and living off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks? Doesn't make much sense, does it? Do you know something the rest of us don't? Where is the "plenty of work"?
I don't want to end "illegal immigration", it's a stupid concept to hate, the whole idea of artificially conceived borders is stupid. Let all of the working men from Mexico come over, they certainly work harder then most people here.
Where are all of the jobs for ALL of us? Do we have an adequate supply of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country? How will everyone support themselves?
We have plenty of work available for everyone, well, we would if it weren't for the capitalists controlling what kind of work gets done.
Then why do we have unemployment, people surviving via government assistance programs, and college kids living with parents and flipping burger for spending money? Why do we have so many part-time jobs, temporary jobs, and low wage jobs? Where are these jobs that you're talking about? What industries?
You misunderstood, my point is, we, as a world, have plenty of work to get done, plenty of work available, the problem is, the capitalists control when this work is done. Unemployment is a symptom of capitalism, government assistance is a decent thing the state is doing, college is a for profit disease as it stands, and fast food employers love college students. Really? The capitalists love to give out part time and low wage jobs, more money for them.
Ah, but you did say that we should have open borders and allow illegal immigrants to enter and work, did you not? So, the question remains, "where are all of these jobs for everyone? What industries? And, why import labor when our own work force is unemployed and living off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks? Doesn't make much sense, does it? Do you know something the rest of us don't? Where is the "plenty of work"?
These jobs exist, look around, the core problem is, the capitalists control what work gets done.
I don't want to end "illegal immigration", it's a stupid concept to hate, the whole idea of artificially conceived borders is stupid. Let all of the working men from Mexico come over, they certainly work harder then most people here.
Where are all of the jobs for ALL of us? Do we have an adequate supply of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country? How will everyone support themselves?
We have plenty of work available for everyone, well, we would if it weren't for the capitalists controlling what kind of work gets done.

No, what some of them do is I hire cheap, illegal labor to increase their profits and that creates a shortage of jobs for Americans.
I don't want to end "illegal immigration", it's a stupid concept to hate, the whole idea of artificially conceived borders is stupid. Let all of the working men from Mexico come over, they certainly work harder then most people here.

Who cares what you want? Our country has immigration laws just as every other country does and they are there for good reasons. Tell the United Nations that every country has artificially conceived borders (or it just us that shouldn't have borders) and while you're at it tell the Mexican government that they shouldn't have borders. What anti-Americans BS you spew! Mexicans nor any one else holds the corner of the market on working hard. The only reason they seem to work hard here is because they are afraid of being reported and deported. Take you anti- American lies BS elsewhere!!!!
I don't want to end "illegal immigration", it's a stupid concept to hate, the whole idea of artificially conceived borders is stupid. Let all of the working men from Mexico come over, they certainly work harder then most people here.
Where are all of the jobs for ALL of us? Do we have an adequate supply of self-supporting living wage jobs in this country? How will everyone support themselves?
We have plenty of work available for everyone, well, we would if it weren't for the capitalists controlling what kind of work gets done.

No, what some of them do is I hire cheap, illegal labor to increase their profits and that creates a shortage of jobs for Americans.
That's the capitalist for ya.

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