Want to see a winger squirm? Ask them why Trump makes his shit overseas.

Bullshit. Prices didn't go down when they moved manufacturing overseas. Just the quality. The prices stayed the same or went up. The motive for going overseas was pure profit. And the tax breaks given to companies moving manufacturing offshore.
What complete BS. List the code that incentives off shoring. It doesn't exist. Repeating an asinine talking point makes you an ???


Fact Check: Tax Breaks for Shipping Jobs Overseas
Bullshit. Prices didn't go down when they moved manufacturing overseas. Just the quality. The prices stayed the same or went up. The motive for going overseas was pure profit. And the tax breaks given to companies moving manufacturing offshore.
What complete BS. List the code that incentives off shoring. It doesn't exist. Repeating an asinine talking point makes you an ???


Fact Check: Tax Breaks for Shipping Jobs Overseas
So to be clear, you want to change what exactly? What code do you want changed? I own a business, so I am curious. I'll give you enough rope.... good luck.
It's clear, those who support Trump are mentally incompetent or sociopaths.

Nope that's projection...no way you could support Screech and have a conscious.
Completely selfish:
she let a child rapist off
ripped off charities
let people die in Benghazi, lied about it to the families and the nation.
covered up her husbands sexual abuse and trashed the women, just like she did the raped child
she is so pro abortion its disgusting.
She is a despicable human being

Just for starters
They'll start to give you reasons not even the Donald has given. They'll find any excuse and say its smart business to fuck Americans. They'll tell you at least he's running his pie hole about it and thats important.

I find it hard to believe that a person who claims they can fix America alone cant seem to bring the jobs he created back to America. But he's going to bring other peoples jobs back....oh and make Mexico pay for a wall....and solve the California drought.

But bringing back his own jobs? :nono:

Feel free to list all the manufacturing facilities belonging to Trump where he makes this stuff.
It's true. They moved jobs overseas because of our stupid government regulations. Hell, Malaysia does not prevent 11 year olds from working in sweatshops 12 hours per day. What we need to do is to go back to the way things were done in this country in 1890!

It's true. They moved jobs overseas because of our stupid government regulations. Hell, Malaysia does not prevent 11 year olds from working in sweatshops 12 hours per day. What we need to do is to go back to the way things were done in this country in 1890!


Wow, you really don't understand......it's no wonder people vote democrat....they have no information or knowledge on politics or economics

Other countries do not have our regulation
AND They don't allow our products in
AND we don't use our power to force them to be fair.

For example, Mexico has a 60 billion surplus
before NAFTA it was 1.6 billion and sometimes we had a suplus
So why do we let it continuously go up?
Why don't we say either make it fair(_- 2billion) or we walk..
Now if we stopped trading with Mexico, they lose ALOT more than we do, so they HAVE to work with us.
Trump would do that, Hilary would do business as usual.
It's true. They moved jobs overseas because of our stupid government regulations. Hell, Malaysia does not prevent 11 year olds from working in sweatshops 12 hours per day. What we need to do is to go back to the way things were done in this country in 1890!

I know this is tough for you on the left to grasp...but not wanting stupid legislation like Cap & Trade passed...does not mean you want to return to the days of child labor and sweatshops.
It's clear, those who support Trump are mentally incompetent or sociopaths.

Nope that's projection...no way you could support Screech and have a conscious.
Completely selfish:
she let a child rapist off
ripped off charities
let people die in Benghazi, lied about it to the families and the nation.
covered up her husbands sexual abuse and trashed the women, just like she did the raped child
she is so pro abortion its disgusting.
She is a despicable human being

Just for starters

Lies, lies and more lies.

She didn't let a child rapist off. As a young lawyer, she was appointed to defend an accused rapist. She did not get an acquittal. She arranged a plea bargain.

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist, Laughed About It

What charities did she rip off? Links please.

She did not "let people die in Benghazi". Seven Republican investigations say everything in you post is false.

If she covered up Bill's sexual behaviours, why have none of these women sued, other than Paula Jones? Why have these other women denied these stories when questioned under oath? Not one of them has gone on record in a creditable publication. The National Enquirer is not creditable.

Hillary is pro choice. That means the woman has the right to choose. That is s woman's RIGHT, under the Constitution.

And you're a total liar.
You say that with such GED confidence.....:lol:

I would put that GED up against your Trump U certificate anyday.
Do you really believe you are a smart person obo? Why? Maybe you could point out a post that is well thought out and presented at a writing level above the third grade.

If you can't do that, stfu about anything. Ok? LMAO.
You say that with such GED confidence.....:lol:

I would put that GED up against your Trump U certificate anyday.
Do you really believe you are a smart person obo? Why? Maybe you could point out a post that is well thought out and presented at a writing level above the third grade.

If you can't do that, stfu about anything. Ok? LMAO.
Did you get your GED on-line too....what progress....:lol:

And yes, I am far more intelligent than you.....never mind, you wouldn't understand...:lol:
Wages here are too high? So we need americans to do the labor for thd same wages as they do overseas? You condone this?
Middle class wages start at nothing less than $15 hour plus benefits, sick leave, a little vacation time and health ins. Anything less should not be co sidered middle class. This notion that we ecpect americans to work for miserable wages needs to stop.

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