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Why would blacks vote Republican?
For a better life. All dems do is give them handouts to keep them in a never ending cycle of generational poverty to keep their votes pouring in. If that's what someone wants then of course they will vote Democrat. But, there are a lot of blacks out there who have not only become successful but see the albatross democrats hang around black's necks, not to mention empty promises election after election after election.
For a better life. All dems do is give them handouts to keep them in a never ending cycle of generational poverty to keep their votes pouring in. If that's what someone wants then of course they will vote Democrat. But, there are a lot of blacks out there who have not only become successful but see the albatross democrats hang around black's necks, not to mention empty promises election after election after election.

What have Republicans done to make the lives of minorities better?
They do not even enter minority neighborhoods
Blacks have been leaving the Republican Party since the 1930s
And they're coming back because they're waking up. If you were Black and lived in Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, etc, would you keep voting democrat?
Why would blacks vote Republican?
Because the don't want to live under oppressive Demaklan rule....they would prefer a chance to keep more money they earned, they'd love a chance to actually earn money, they value freedom and equal opportunity....they don't want to be subject to people that simply think they are stupid, or believe they can't think for themselves....
How has helping people who are struggling devastated them?

What have Republicans done for minority communities other than build more prisons?
hahah I believe you are referring to Joey Xiden's racist 94 crime bill, signed by Clinton...the GOP emptied prisons by signing the Free Step Act.
Because the don't want to live under oppressive Demaklan rule....they would prefer a chance to keep more money they earned, they'd love a chance to actually earn money, they value freedom and equal opportunity....they don't want to be subject to people that simply think they are stupid, or believe they can't think for themselves....

What have Republicans done to increase salaries and put more money in peoples pockets? They repeatedly block increases to minimum wage, remove union protections, defund education
Republicans advocate school choice as a tool for white parents to pull their children out of black schools
School Choice gives more minorities a choice to go to private schools....something Joey XIden hates, he's hated black kids going to school with white kids even back in the 70s, out of fear his kids would would be in a "racial jungle"
hahah I believe you are referring to Joey Xiden's racist 94 crime bill, signed by Clinton...the GOP emptied prisons by signing the Free Step Act.
Republicans universally supported that legislation
School Choice gives more minorities a choice to go to private schools....something Joey XIden hates, he's hated black kids going to school with white kids even back in the 70s, out of fear his kids would would be in a "racial jungle"
Actually, it doesn’t.
A few may be able to transfer. The rest will be left in failing schools with less revenue
What have Republicans done to increase salaries and put more money in peoples pockets? They repeatedly block increases to minimum wage, remove union protections, defund education
cut taxes for them, lifted wages, drove down UE

Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low​



Pay gains during Trump’s first year in office best since the Great Recession​

Actually, it doesn’t.
A few may be able to transfer. The rest will be left in failing schools with less revenue
true...but the few that are, are better off..but you highlight the need to make school choice better to give more people a choice...so they don't have to suffer under Dem leadership in public education, like we see in places like Baltimore and Chicago
Whose fault are the failing schools? You can identify the problem, but your indoctrination won't allow you to be honest about who is responsible and how to fix the problem.

Dems are too busy trying to indoctrinate and groom rather than actually teach the things children need to know

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