War on sugar and alcohol next?

I'm struggling to come up with a connection between sugar, alcohol, cancer, ...and trannies.
Sugar is a poison for sure. But there is no connection with cancer. Doctors have no clue what causes it much less how to treat it.
So many things in our society that cause cancers. Only a handfull get any press though. But many of the clothes and furnitures we all wear and use contain chemicals which are known carcinogens. Preventing cancer consequently is pretty disingenuous. Chances are we're only going to target whatever's politically convenient, but not whatever's been politically advantageous like the chemicals Big Business makes and then contributes to political campaigns.

Can't prevent cancer. Best we can do is mitigate the risk factors lowering our chances of getting one. But we're all going to die from something eventually. Life itself is a terminal condition. So instead of approaching these health issues as if we fight them we're going to live forever, we need to accept reality. If we eliminated every risk factor we'd been thousands of years more primitive. Technology and industry has its costs.
Frome here:

[. . .]Diabetes is a transgender concern. While more research is needed, there are risk-factors related to hormone-use, as well as in transmen who do not take testosterone.

In addition to more specific risk factors, many transgender people have complicated relationships with our bodies, which may lead to our being overweight and/or physically inactive. These factors may lead to increased risk of diabetes. [...]

How hormone therapy may increase the risk for certain types of cancer is also worthy of consideration.

Right, Novasteve?
Most people don't know it...

... but it takes a lot of sugar...

... to make alcohol.

My dad used to make wine...

... and it takes 10 pounds of sugar to a 55 gal. barrel of wine.

Just as a sugar junkie gets depressed...

... when they don't have something sweet to eat...

... an alcoholic suffers withdrawal symptoms...

... when they don't have something to drink.
Waltkey's cracked it.

We all know trannies tend to be raging alcoholics.

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