Warmer Arctic is the 'new normal'

What the hell do you care about the arctic or Antarctica?
Because losing that sea and land ice will produce a feedback loop effect, lowering the albedo of the planet, resulting in less of the Sun's energy being reflected back into space. Which will then result in more warming, resulting in the loss of even more land and sea ice. And so on.
According to ice core data gathered above the Arctic Circle, the Arctic is colder now than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years.
100% incorrect. First, the temperature at the top of the Greenland ice sheet cannot be generalized to global temps, or even just arctic temps. Second, the last actual data point in that chart is actually from 1855, before modern warming. Third, even if you had not made any of these errors or could ignore them entirely, this data does not inform us as to what effects our emissions of carbon will have on future climate, as this factor induces its own, independent warming effect on top of any natural variation.

You get an "F" for today.
Warmer Arctic is the 'new normal'

13 December 2017

A warming, rapidly changing Arctic is the "new normal" and shows no signs of returning to the reliably frozen region of the past.

This is according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Arctic Report Card.

Director of the administration's Arctic Researcher Program, Dr Jeremy Mathis, said the region did a great service to the planet - acting as a refrigerator.

"We've now left that refrigerator door open," he added.

Dr Mathis was speaking at the annual American Geophysical Union meeting in New Orleans, where Noaa presented its annual summation of Arctic science.

This is the 12th report the administration has produced. And although it pointed to "a few anomalies" in a recent pattern of warming in the Arctic region, Dr Mathis said: "We can confirm, it will not stay in its reliably frozen state."

"The thing I took that had the most resonance for me was we're able to use some really long-term records to put the Arctic change into context - going back more than 1,500 years.


good bye to the arctic and Antarctica in several centuries. and no, humans are too dumb to prevent it.

You can tell the self-destructive nature of human beings by how they view this news. Many view it as a chance to get newly available oil and coal to make themselves wealthier.

The animalistic drive to control and own resources in the environment, the very impulse that allows the offspring of animals with this drive at a high level to survive more readily, are also the reason their and other people's offspring will die. Immediate greed and satisfaction has brought the biosphere to the edge of collapse and these, the most ignorant and soulless among mankind, only see another opportunity to put their hand out and say "MINE" while they accelerate the destruction of the very biosphere they need to survive.

You don't think the leftist's whole "global warming" hoax is an "animalistic drive to control and own resources in the environment"?

Or is that merely a political ploy, the leftist's version of GW's "Weapons of Mass destruction", spread in order to legislate how billions of people will live from now on based entirely on an unproven assumption?

Delusion on a scale to be marveled at.
Brought to you by the media, parroted by media fed fools.
Brought to you by the media, parroted by media fed fools.

Wrong as always, genius. brought to you by the global community of scientists, peer reviewed by scientists, and accepted by literally every major scientific scociety on the planet.

but hey, what do they know?.. I'm sure you uneducated slobs will be presenting your mountains of science ANYTIME now....
Brought to you by the media, parroted by media fed fools.

Wrong as always, genius. brought to you by the global community of scientists, peer reviewed by scientists, and accepted by literally every major scientific scociety on the planet.

but hey, what do they know?.. I'm sure you uneducated slobs will be presenting your mountains of science ANYTIME now....
I have presented it many times, you crying little whores still spin and smoke and play.
Who is going to pay to move all the U.S. navy bases inland around the world? If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal, the real amount of pentagon spending is close to $1.7 trillion a year. That sociopath Trump will have it up over $2 trillion before he resigns.

If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal,

I have presented it many times
You have presented nothing, ever. you are an uneducated slob who knows less than nothing about this topic, and you present no actual challenge to any accepted, scientific theory, when you insulate yourself on a message board and scream into an echo chamber. An actual "presentation" or "challenge" would be for you to speak at universities, with mountains of published science in tow. or, to join a scientific society, and make arguments at meeting forums.

Of course, you would get laughed off of either stage within seconds, as anyone with even a shred of education or experience in any of these fields would immediately notice that you have not a clue what you are talking about.

But, in true "miketx" fashion, as you were being tossed out on your ignorant ass, you would declare victory. to me, that's the funny part. If I can take any amusement from you cackling, uneducated, denier fools, it's that you have this almost cartoonish habit of declaring victory after every single time you are beat down and exposed as knowing nothing about any of this. Come on, you have to admit, that's some funny shit. Imagine one of Mike Tyson's knockout victims getting up off the floor after being knocked out cold on live TV, then running around the arena declaring victory. You would laugh. You know it.
I have presented it many times
You have presented nothing, ever. you are an uneducated slob who knows less than nothing about this topic, and you present no actual challenge to any accepted, scientific theory, when you insulate yourself on a message board and scream into an echo chamber. An actual "presentation" or "challenge" would be for you to speak at universities, with mountains of published science in tow. or, to join a scientific society, and make arguments at meeting forums.

Of course, you would get laughed off of either stage within seconds, as anyone with even a shred of education or experience in any of these fields would immediately notice that you have not a clue what you are talking about.

But, in true "miketx" fashion, as you were being tossed out on your ignorant ass, you would declare victory. to me, that's the funny part. If I can take any amusement from you cackling, uneducated, denier fools, it's that you have this almost cartoonish habit of declaring victory after every single time you are beat down and exposed as knowing nothing about any of this. Come on, you have to admit, that's some funny shit. Imagine one of Mike Tyson's knockout victims getting up off the floor after being knocked out cold on live TV, then running around the arena declaring victory. You would laugh. You know it.
Continually attacking people and claiming they are uneducated makes look like a pretty sorry pos. Like most stains, you claim to know so much that just isn't so. I have stated my facts several times, and it's always spun off as lies and being uneducated like you have done. Regressives like you prove each day what sorry liars they are. Daily. And no I won't bother posting it again. This is where most regressive stains say, "So you admit you have nothing." lol
I have presented it many times
You have presented nothing, ever. you are an uneducated slob who knows less than nothing about this topic, and you present no actual challenge to any accepted, scientific theory, when you insulate yourself on a message board and scream into an echo chamber. An actual "presentation" or "challenge" would be for you to speak at universities, with mountains of published science in tow. or, to join a scientific society, and make arguments at meeting forums.

Of course, you would get laughed off of either stage within seconds, as anyone with even a shred of education or experience in any of these fields would immediately notice that you have not a clue what you are talking about.

But, in true "miketx" fashion, as you were being tossed out on your ignorant ass, you would declare victory. to me, that's the funny part. If I can take any amusement from you cackling, uneducated, denier fools, it's that you have this almost cartoonish habit of declaring victory after every single time you are beat down and exposed as knowing nothing about any of this. Come on, you have to admit, that's some funny shit. Imagine one of Mike Tyson's knockout victims getting up off the floor after being knocked out cold on live TV, then running around the arena declaring victory. You would laugh. You know it.
Continually attacking people and claiming they are uneducated makes look like a pretty sorry pos. Like most stains, you claim to know so much that just isn't so. I have stated my facts several times, and it's always spun off as lies and being uneducated like you have done. Regressives like you prove each day what sorry liars they are. Daily. And no I won't bother posting it again. This is where most regressive stains say, "So you admit you have nothing." lol
But you are an uneducated slob. Compared to the scientists specializing in these fields, even I am an uneducated slob, and I have a gtaduate degree. The dufference is I realize it, while a GED slapping fool like you thinks he is outsmarting people with more knowledge about this science in their morning poop than your entire family will ever possess, combined. Yes, it's very much like a paraplegic 6-year old claiming he knowcked out Mike Tyson last night. It's embarrassing.
I have presented it many times
You have presented nothing, ever. you are an uneducated slob who knows less than nothing about this topic, and you present no actual challenge to any accepted, scientific theory, when you insulate yourself on a message board and scream into an echo chamber. An actual "presentation" or "challenge" would be for you to speak at universities, with mountains of published science in tow. or, to join a scientific society, and make arguments at meeting forums.

Of course, you would get laughed off of either stage within seconds, as anyone with even a shred of education or experience in any of these fields would immediately notice that you have not a clue what you are talking about.

But, in true "miketx" fashion, as you were being tossed out on your ignorant ass, you would declare victory. to me, that's the funny part. If I can take any amusement from you cackling, uneducated, denier fools, it's that you have this almost cartoonish habit of declaring victory after every single time you are beat down and exposed as knowing nothing about any of this. Come on, you have to admit, that's some funny shit. Imagine one of Mike Tyson's knockout victims getting up off the floor after being knocked out cold on live TV, then running around the arena declaring victory. You would laugh. You know it.
Continually attacking people and claiming they are uneducated makes look like a pretty sorry pos. Like most stains, you claim to know so much that just isn't so. I have stated my facts several times, and it's always spun off as lies and being uneducated like you have done. Regressives like you prove each day what sorry liars they are. Daily. And no I won't bother posting it again. This is where most regressive stains say, "So you admit you have nothing." lol
But you are an uneducated slob. Compared to the scientists specializing in these fields, even I am an uneducated slob, and I have a gtaduate degree. The dufference is I realize it, while a GED slapping fool like you thinks he is outsmarting people with more knowledge about this science in their morning poop than your entire family will ever possess, combined. Yes, it's very much like a paraplegic 6-year old claiming he knowcked out Mike Tyson last night. It's embarrassing.
Yet you continue to make assumptions about me that you know nothing about. Typical lying regressive butt stain.
100% incorrect. First, the temperature at the top of the Greenland ice sheet cannot be generalized to global temps, or even just arctic temps.

Of course they can be applied to past arctic temperatures...and since the same temperature spikes appear in the Vostok ice core data from Antarctica, they can rationally be generalized into global temperatures...unless of course you care to offer up a rational, scientifically valid hypothesis as to how the poles might show such spikes and dips in temperature while the middle ground does not.

Second, the last actual data point in that chart is actually from 1855, before modern warming.

So add a degree..if you like..that still leaves the modern arctic temperatures cooler than most of the past 10K years.

Third, even if you had not made any of these errors or could ignore them entirely, this data does not inform us as to what effects our emissions of carbon will have on future climate, as this factor induces its own, independent warming effect on top of any natural variation.

Since there are no observed, measured data made with instruments at ambient temperature that establish a coherent relationship between the absorption of IR by a gas and warming in the atmosphere...nor are that any observed, measured data that support the AGW hypothesis over natural variability, the assumption that our CO2 is having any effect at all on the cliamte is an unfounded, politically based assumption.

You get an "F" for today.

The only F today belongs to you... Not to worry...nothing more was expected.
Yet you continue to make assumptions about me that you know nothing about. Typical lying regressive butt stain.

It's your avatar...shallow thinkers often believe they can know everything about you by your choice of avatar. Such is the shallow nature of liberal thought.
No one knows what the temperature was 10240 years ago.
Yet you continue to make assumptions about me that you know nothing about.
They are fair assumptions. You know less than nothing about this topic, and you would get laughed out of the room in the company of anyone who did, in general. Those are facts, regardless of what I had for breakfast.
Yet you continue to make assumptions about me that you know nothing about. Typical lying regressive butt stain.

It's your avatar...shallow thinkers often believe they can know everything about you by your choice of avatar. Such is the shallow nature of liberal thought.
I enjoy that my avatar makes you girls all mad and such so that you lie and prove how sorry you are even more.
Yet you continue to make assumptions about me that you know nothing about.
They are fair assumptions. You know less than nothing about this topic, and you would get laughed out of the room in the company of anyone who did, in general. Those are facts, regardless of what I had for breakfast.

People who actually know something about the topic are skeptical as hell...do you know what the opposite of skeptical is? A: gullible.
No one knows what the temperature was 10240 years ago.
Actually, the people who have dedicated their lives to these scientific fields have a pretty good idea. Your mistake is to think that, because someone who knows less than nothing about this doesnt understand their science, then it can't be valuable knowledge.
Yet you continue to make assumptions about me that you know nothing about.
They are fair assumptions. You know less than nothing about this topic, and you would get laughed out of the room in the company of anyone who did, in general. Those are facts, regardless of what I had for breakfast.
I know that you and the rest are global warming fakers, duped by your scum pols. You cannot possibly know with any degree of accuracy what the weather was like thousands of years ago.
No one knows what the temperature was 10240 years ago.
Actually, the people who have dedicated their lives to these scientific fields have a pretty good idea. Your mistake is to think that, because someone who knows less than nothing about this doesnt understand their science, then it can't be valuable knowledge.

I understand science just fine...so well, in fact, that it is quite easy for me to recognize pseudoscience when I see it.
No one knows what the temperature was 10240 years ago.
Actually, the people who have dedicated their lives to these scientific fields have a pretty good idea. Your mistake is to think that, because someone who knows less than nothing about this doesnt understand their science, then it can't be valuable knowledge.
There is no way you can know with any accuracy what the temps were thousands of years ago. Your continued snipes about me being stupid do not make you look like anything else but a bully jackass. Repeating it does not make it true.

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