Warmer Arctic is the 'new normal'

No one knows what the temperature was 10240 years ago.
Actually, the people who have dedicated their lives to these scientific fields have a pretty good idea. Your mistake is to think that, because someone who knows less than nothing about this doesnt understand their science, then it can't be valuable knowledge.
There is no way you can know with any accuracy what the temps were thousands of years ago. Your continued snipes about me being stupid do not make you look like anything else but a bully jackass. Repeating it does not make it true.

Bully is his niche...I just pointed out that there is no actual data establishing a coherent link between the absorption of IR by a gas and warming in the atmosphere...and that there is no observed, measured data in existence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...now will he actually present some such data and show me that I am wrong or will he come up with some excuse, a logical fallacy, or attempt more bullying...or some combination of the three?
People who actually know something about the topic are skeptical as hell
Wrong. You conflate skepticism and doubt. The scientific consensus is clear. The doubters are free to publish their science. We're all waiting.
People who actually know something about the topic are skeptical as hell
Wrong. You conflate skepticism and doubt. The scientific consensus is clear. The doubters are free to publish their science. We're all waiting.

The doubters are free to publish their science.

As long as the warmers don't prevent them from publishing, eh comrade?
There is no way you can know with any accuracy what the temps were thousands of years ago.
Is that so, professor? Imagine how embarrassed the global scientific community will be, when they find out!
No they won't be embarrassed they will just continue to fake away with their "proof" that most people will not understand and the farce will continue.
What the hell do you care about the arctic or Antarctica? I'd gladly pay for the helicopter ride to drop your ass off in the middle of either one. Just send me a text message when you get tired of freezing, I'll send some sled dogs to retrieve the body.

Ok - I'm ready to go to Antarctica! Send the helicopter to pick me up at 1600 Pennsylvania ave, 20500. You can't miss me. I'm a Big loudmouth with red hair.
People who actually know something about the topic are skeptical as hell
Wrong. You conflate skepticism and doubt. The scientific consensus is clear. The doubters are free to publish their science. We're all waiting.

Do you have any idea how often the scientific consensus has been wrong in relatively new fields such as climate science? 65%?...75%?.....more?

Consensus is not a scientific term and among scientists, there are very few things that will create consensus...overwhelming empirical evidence is one...a trough full of money is another...I can't think of any others? Can you?

And since there isn't the first piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability, that just leaves money unless you can think of something else that might generate consensus among a group that are supposed to be among the most skeptical people on earth.
What the hell do you care about the arctic or Antarctica? I'd gladly pay for the helicopter ride to drop your ass off in the middle of either one. Just send me a text message when you get tired of freezing, I'll send some sled dogs to retrieve the body.

Ok - I'm ready to go to Antarctica! Send the helicopter to pick me up at 1600 Pennsylvania ave, 20500. You can't miss me. I'm a Big loudmouth with red hair.
Sending helicopters to the white house is a criminal offense - reported.
Who is going to pay to move all the U.S. navy bases inland around the world? If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal, the real amount of pentagon spending is close to $1.7 trillion a year. That sociopath Trump will have it up over $2 trillion before he resigns.

If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal,

Notice no one questioned the $1.7 trillion a year in pentagon spending.
What the hell do you care about the arctic or Antarctica? I'd gladly pay for the helicopter ride to drop your ass off in the middle of either one. Just send me a text message when you get tired of freezing, I'll send some sled dogs to retrieve the body.

Ok - I'm ready to go to Antarctica! Send the helicopter to pick me up at 1600 Pennsylvania ave, 20500. You can't miss me. I'm a Big loudmouth with red hair.
Sending helicopters to the white house is a criminal offense - reported.
You are a weak loser! Not a strong leader like me!
Who is going to pay to move all the U.S. navy bases inland around the world? If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal, the real amount of pentagon spending is close to $1.7 trillion a year. That sociopath Trump will have it up over $2 trillion before he resigns.

If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal,

Notice no one questioned the $1.7 trillion a year in pentagon spending.

That was only while Obama was around. We don't question or micro-manage our military any more. We just let them do what they do best, which is killing radical Islamic shitheads. That to me is easily worth $1.7 trillion.
Who is going to pay to move all the U.S. navy bases inland around the world? If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal, the real amount of pentagon spending is close to $1.7 trillion a year. That sociopath Trump will have it up over $2 trillion before he resigns.

If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal,

Notice no one questioned the $1.7 trillion a year in pentagon spending.

That was only while Obama was around. We don't question or micro-manage our military any more. We just let them do what they do best, which is killing radical Islamic shitheads. That to me is easily worth $1.7 trillion.
Deplorables only care about the debt when a dem is in the white house. Within 40 years the pentagon will have to start moving navy bases inland. Who is going to pay for it?
Warmer Arctic is the 'new normal'

13 December 2017

A warming, rapidly changing Arctic is the "new normal" and shows no signs of returning to the reliably frozen region of the past.

This is according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Arctic Report Card.

Director of the administration's Arctic Researcher Program, Dr Jeremy Mathis, said the region did a great service to the planet - acting as a refrigerator.

"We've now left that refrigerator door open," he added.

Dr Mathis was speaking at the annual American Geophysical Union meeting in New Orleans, where Noaa presented its annual summation of Arctic science.

This is the 12th report the administration has produced. And although it pointed to "a few anomalies" in a recent pattern of warming in the Arctic region, Dr Mathis said: "We can confirm, it will not stay in its reliably frozen state."

"The thing I took that had the most resonance for me was we're able to use some really long-term records to put the Arctic change into context - going back more than 1,500 years.


good bye to the arctic and Antarctica in several centuries. and no, humans are too dumb to prevent it.

You remember what happened to the "boy who cried wolf"? No? You should read that fable. Might do you some good. Though I doubt it.
Who is going to pay to move all the U.S. navy bases inland around the world? If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal, the real amount of pentagon spending is close to $1.7 trillion a year. That sociopath Trump will have it up over $2 trillion before he resigns.

If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal,

Notice no one questioned the $1.7 trillion a year in pentagon spending.

Why would anyone question your fictional number?
Who is going to pay to move all the U.S. navy bases inland around the world? If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal, the real amount of pentagon spending is close to $1.7 trillion a year. That sociopath Trump will have it up over $2 trillion before he resigns.

If you count the thousands of black-ops we have going on like Niger and Nepal,

Notice no one questioned the $1.7 trillion a year in pentagon spending.

Why would anyone question your fictional number?
A high percent of Americans still believe what the government tells them. It's much easier than reality.
What the hell do you care about the arctic or Antarctica? I'd gladly pay for the helicopter ride to drop your ass off in the middle of either one. Just send me a text message when you get tired of freezing, I'll send some sled dogs to retrieve the body.

The amount of water in the Antarctic that would rise the oceans is great. It'll have a massive impact.
Warmer Arctic is the 'new normal'

13 December 2017

A warming, rapidly changing Arctic is the "new normal" and shows no signs of returning to the reliably frozen region of the past.

This is according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Arctic Report Card.

Director of the administration's Arctic Researcher Program, Dr Jeremy Mathis, said the region did a great service to the planet - acting as a refrigerator.

"We've now left that refrigerator door open," he added.

Dr Mathis was speaking at the annual American Geophysical Union meeting in New Orleans, where Noaa presented its annual summation of Arctic science.

This is the 12th report the administration has produced. And although it pointed to "a few anomalies" in a recent pattern of warming in the Arctic region, Dr Mathis said: "We can confirm, it will not stay in its reliably frozen state."

"The thing I took that had the most resonance for me was we're able to use some really long-term records to put the Arctic change into context - going back more than 1,500 years.


good bye to the arctic and Antarctica in several centuries. and no, humans are too dumb to prevent it.

On the west coast the liberal states are burning, they suck at being prepared ... I wish liberals were better stuarts of the environment instead of power hungry blowhards screwing things up constantly.

On the west coast the liberal states are burning, they suck at being prepared ... I wish liberals were better stuarts of the environment instead of power hungry blowhards screwing things up constantly..

They should have logged all those trees years ago and used them to build homes instead of needlessly burning them heating he planet & releasing all that carbon into the atmosphere. We have been burning oil transporting & importing lumber from far away rain forest to build homes with, instead of using our own to save the planet.
On the west coast the liberal states are burning, they suck at being prepared ... I wish liberals were better stuarts of the environment instead of power hungry blowhards screwing things up constantly..

They should have logged all those trees years ago and used them to build homes instead of needlessly burning them heating he planet & releasing all that carbon into the atmosphere. We have been burning oil transporting & importing lumber from far away rain forest to build homes with, instead of using our own to save the planet.

If liberal Democrats are in charge politically, it's almost a guarantee it's an environmental shit hole, to put it politely...:lol:

It's a shame they're sooo good at blaming everyone else .. :eusa_doh:

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