Warmers nervous over Trump administration


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Global Warmers are worried about the new Trump administration.

Trump, who has made comments in the past that climate change is a fraud.

Warmers are worried they might become victims of a "witch hunt"

I wonder if they are worried about unjustified attacks,

or the fact they've been boldly proclaiming climate change and now that someone might request the facts, they don't have any
More worried the grant money will dry up and have to go back to flipping burgers

what's wrong guys?

what we have been doing has worked so well, so why stop?

if only we could place more restrictions on American industry and business then the world would be a better place for everybody

if only...
Global Warmers are worried about the new Trump administration.

Trump, who has made comments in the past that climate change is a fraud.

Warmers are worried they might become victims of a "witch hunt"

I wonder if they are worried about unjustified attacks,

or the fact they've been boldly proclaiming climate change and now that someone might request the facts, they don't have any
Here's something you might want to keep in mind regarding the "global warming" issue.
Satellite footage clearly shows the North Polar Icecap disappearing.
Glaciers across the globe are rapidly disappearing.
Our oceans are heating up and as a result, coral reefs which supply food for the fish are dying off.
98% of scientists insist that global warming is real.
The remaining percentage of scientists that are in denial, are hired by the fossil fuel industries. They are paid to say it's not real.
Scenario, 98 engineers are observing a three century old rope bridge across a chasm, all 98 conclude that if you walk across the rope bridge, you will fall to your death and some guy standing next to you says that, "hey you can do it." Do you actually go across or listen to the engineers?
Global Warmers are worried about the new Trump administration.

Trump, who has made comments in the past that climate change is a fraud.

Warmers are worried they might become victims of a "witch hunt"

I wonder if they are worried about unjustified attacks,

or the fact they've been boldly proclaiming climate change and now that someone might request the facts, they don't have any
Here's something you might want to keep in mind regarding the "global warming" issue.
Satellite footage clearly shows the North Polar Icecap disappearing.
Glaciers across the globe are rapidly disappearing.
Our oceans are heating up and as a result, coral reefs which supply food for the fish are dying off.
98% of scientists insist that global warming is real.
The remaining percentage of scientists that are in denial, are hired by the fossil fuel industries. They are paid to say it's not real.
Scenario, 98 engineers are observing a three century old rope bridge across a chasm, all 98 conclude that if you walk across the rope bridge, you will fall to your death and some guy standing next to you says that, "hey you can do it." Do you actually go across or listen to the engineers?

the 98% has been debunked, even CNN Said it was 90%, even when you lie, you lose. You can't repeat shit and expect it to work.
Global Warmers are worried about the new Trump administration.

Trump, who has made comments in the past that climate change is a fraud.

Warmers are worried they might become victims of a "witch hunt"

I wonder if they are worried about unjustified attacks,

or the fact they've been boldly proclaiming climate change and now that someone might request the facts, they don't have any
Here's something you might want to keep in mind regarding the "global warming" issue.
Satellite footage clearly shows the North Polar Icecap disappearing.
Glaciers across the globe are rapidly disappearing.
Our oceans are heating up and as a result, coral reefs which supply food for the fish are dying off.
98% of scientists insist that global warming is real.
The remaining percentage of scientists that are in denial, are hired by the fossil fuel industries. They are paid to say it's not real.
Scenario, 98 engineers are observing a three century old rope bridge across a chasm, all 98 conclude that if you walk across the rope bridge, you will fall to your death and some guy standing next to you says that, "hey you can do it." Do you actually go across or listen to the engineers?

the 98% has been debunked, even CNN Said it was 90%, even when you lie, you lose. You can't repeat shit and expect it to work.
Even if the quote I heard on the news yesterday was wrong and CNN was right with 90%, That's 90% over 10% and those 10% are bought people.
The disappearing glaciers, melting icecap and Greenland, as well as the coral reef die off (per NOAA research) hasn't changed the overall fact.
The question remains, do you believe the "VAST" majority of scientists, or a few scientists paid by the fossil industries?
If you deny...I fail to understand any logical reasoning for denial.
Global Warmers are worried about the new Trump administration.

Trump, who has made comments in the past that climate change is a fraud.

Warmers are worried they might become victims of a "witch hunt"

I wonder if they are worried about unjustified attacks,

or the fact they've been boldly proclaiming climate change and now that someone might request the facts, they don't have any
Here's something you might want to keep in mind regarding the "global warming" issue.
Satellite footage clearly shows the North Polar Icecap disappearing.
Glaciers across the globe are rapidly disappearing.
Our oceans are heating up and as a result, coral reefs which supply food for the fish are dying off.
98% of scientists insist that global warming is real.
The remaining percentage of scientists that are in denial, are hired by the fossil fuel industries. They are paid to say it's not real.
Scenario, 98 engineers are observing a three century old rope bridge across a chasm, all 98 conclude that if you walk across the rope bridge, you will fall to your death and some guy standing next to you says that, "hey you can do it." Do you actually go across or listen to the engineers?

the 98% has been debunked, even CNN Said it was 90%, even when you lie, you lose. You can't repeat shit and expect it to work.
Even if the quote I heard on the news yesterday was wrong and CNN was right with 90%, That's 90% over 10% and those 10% are bought people.
The disappearing glaciers, melting icecap and Greenland, as well as the coral reef die off (per NOAA research) hasn't changed the overall fact.
The question remains, do you believe the "VAST" majority of scientists, or a few scientists paid by the fossil industries?
If you deny...I fail to understand any logical reasoning for denial.

You do know we are still.leaving the last ice age right?

Glaciers have been melting since Chicago was under a mile high of them
Al Gore is full of shit

He sure is and he's made a fortune on this Climate change bullshit.

The climate changes. It always has. Back in the 11th or 12th century it snowed in July and people starved to death because they couldn't grow any food.

There was absolutely no carbon footprint back then dumbasses.

The Climate changes. It always has and it always will.
Global Warmers are worried about the new Trump administration.

Trump, who has made comments in the past that climate change is a fraud.

Warmers are worried they might become victims of a "witch hunt"

I wonder if they are worried about unjustified attacks,

or the fact they've been boldly proclaiming climate change and now that someone might request the facts, they don't have any
Here's something you might want to keep in mind regarding the "global warming" issue.
Satellite footage clearly shows the North Polar Icecap disappearing.
Glaciers across the globe are rapidly disappearing.
Our oceans are heating up and as a result, coral reefs which supply food for the fish are dying off.
98% of scientists insist that global warming is real.
The remaining percentage of scientists that are in denial, are hired by the fossil fuel industries. They are paid to say it's not real.
Scenario, 98 engineers are observing a three century old rope bridge across a chasm, all 98 conclude that if you walk across the rope bridge, you will fall to your death and some guy standing next to you says that, "hey you can do it." Do you actually go across or listen to the engineers?

the 98% has been debunked, even CNN Said it was 90%, even when you lie, you lose. You can't repeat shit and expect it to work.
Even if the quote I heard on the news yesterday was wrong and CNN was right with 90%, That's 90% over 10% and those 10% are bought people.
The disappearing glaciers, melting icecap and Greenland, as well as the coral reef die off (per NOAA research) hasn't changed the overall fact.
The question remains, do you believe the "VAST" majority of scientists, or a few scientists paid by the fossil industries?
If you deny...I fail to understand any logical reasoning for denial.

LOL....so 30,000 PhD and MA scientists are all being paid off by big oil!!! :bye1: OK!!

My Pruitt is bringing the massive bumpy cucumber on this starting in about 5 weeks......and I couldn't be happier. This AGW fraud has been exposed in recent years which is why on the list of concerns by voters in EVERY poll it comes in dead last...........which is the only thing that really matters here = the science is not mattering in the real world.

We all would have been paying :booze:DOUBLE :booze:for our electricity in 5 years had Hilda been elected.........while China is building 2-3 coal plants/month towards increasing coal production by......ready for this..........50% by 2050!! Only progressive k00ks think it is a good idea to stick a 12G in our mouths and pull the trigger while China and India go hog wild on coal for the next few decades.

Ye s0ns..........the big knobby is coming and all you dickhead suckers who buy the tale from the religion should be greasing up right about now.:bye1::bye1: Mr Pruitt is about to do the mega-insertion and will take bows after doing it!!:deal:
Oh....and certainly, minus 30 degrees in Chicago in mid-December should really rev up the folks to get behind this global warming crap!!:poke: Who cant see them right now as we speak sitting around the fireplace wearing their nut sack warmers and saying, "Shit......better get on the horn tomorrow with my representative and tell him something's gotta be done about this global warming 'cause it killing me here!"


Grease up s0ns......................

Maybe Trump will play the warmers like AGW lying leaders have played them.

He met with Fat Albert...it is said Ivanka is very concerned about AGW and will be advising her daddy about it. Maybe he comes out and says there is something to AGW and we need to do something about it...this will appease the dumb warmers...then Trump does absolutely nothing about AGW.

Could happen...plus warmers are extremely gullible people. They have to be to believe in the Church of AGW....right?
Global Warmers are worried about the new Trump administration.

Trump, who has made comments in the past that climate change is a fraud.

Warmers are worried they might become victims of a "witch hunt"

I wonder if they are worried about unjustified attacks,

or the fact they've been boldly proclaiming climate change and now that someone might request the facts, they don't have any
Here's something you might want to keep in mind regarding the "global warming" issue.
Satellite footage clearly shows the North Polar Icecap disappearing.
Glaciers across the globe are rapidly disappearing.
Our oceans are heating up and as a result, coral reefs which supply food for the fish are dying off.
98% of scientists insist that global warming is real.
The remaining percentage of scientists that are in denial, are hired by the fossil fuel industries. They are paid to say it's not real.
Scenario, 98 engineers are observing a three century old rope bridge across a chasm, all 98 conclude that if you walk across the rope bridge, you will fall to your death and some guy standing next to you says that, "hey you can do it." Do you actually go across or listen to the engineers?
I'm an engineer....and MMGW is a hoax...it's common knowledge.....
Global Warmers are worried about the new Trump administration.

Trump, who has made comments in the past that climate change is a fraud.

Warmers are worried they might become victims of a "witch hunt"

I wonder if they are worried about unjustified attacks,

or the fact they've been boldly proclaiming climate change and now that someone might request the facts, they don't have any
Here's something you might want to keep in mind regarding the "global warming" issue.
Satellite footage clearly shows the North Polar Icecap disappearing.
Glaciers across the globe are rapidly disappearing.
Our oceans are heating up and as a result, coral reefs which supply food for the fish are dying off.
98% of scientists insist that global warming is real.
The remaining percentage of scientists that are in denial, are hired by the fossil fuel industries. They are paid to say it's not real.
Scenario, 98 engineers are observing a three century old rope bridge across a chasm, all 98 conclude that if you walk across the rope bridge, you will fall to your death and some guy standing next to you says that, "hey you can do it." Do you actually go across or listen to the engineers?
I'm an engineer....and MMGW is a hoax...it's common knowledge.....

Indeed.........since 2007, concern about AGW has fallen off a cliff amongst the public. Pew just did another poll........concern for climate change continues to be smack dab on the bottom of the list. Nobody is caring..........the science isn't mattering in the real world in 2016. Its all good......and now this guy Pruitt is going to be popping the giant hot poker in the eye of all the religion come January. I'll be laughing my balls off for sure.............:spinner:
Global Warmers are worried about the new Trump administration.

Trump, who has made comments in the past that climate change is a fraud.

Warmers are worried they might become victims of a "witch hunt"

I wonder if they are worried about unjustified attacks,

or the fact they've been boldly proclaiming climate change and now that someone might request the facts, they don't have any
Here's something you might want to keep in mind regarding the "global warming" issue.
Satellite footage clearly shows the North Polar Icecap disappearing.
Glaciers across the globe are rapidly disappearing.
Our oceans are heating up and as a result, coral reefs which supply food for the fish are dying off.
98% of scientists insist that global warming is real.
The remaining percentage of scientists that are in denial, are hired by the fossil fuel industries. They are paid to say it's not real.
Scenario, 98 engineers are observing a three century old rope bridge across a chasm, all 98 conclude that if you walk across the rope bridge, you will fall to your death and some guy standing next to you says that, "hey you can do it." Do you actually go across or listen to the engineers?
That's a dumb argument. And people are sick of being insulted by warming cultists. The argument isn't if climate changes, NYC was once under a mile of ice.

Come back with evidence that mankind changed the weather. It should be easy since all honest smart scientists have it in their possession.
Global Warmers are worried about the new Trump administration.

Trump, who has made comments in the past that climate change is a fraud.

Warmers are worried they might become victims of a "witch hunt"

I wonder if they are worried about unjustified attacks,

or the fact they've been boldly proclaiming climate change and now that someone might request the facts, they don't have any
Here's something you might want to keep in mind regarding the "global warming" issue.
Satellite footage clearly shows the North Polar Icecap disappearing.
Glaciers across the globe are rapidly disappearing.
Our oceans are heating up and as a result, coral reefs which supply food for the fish are dying off.
98% of scientists insist that global warming is real.
The remaining percentage of scientists that are in denial, are hired by the fossil fuel industries. They are paid to say it's not real.
Scenario, 98 engineers are observing a three century old rope bridge across a chasm, all 98 conclude that if you walk across the rope bridge, you will fall to your death and some guy standing next to you says that, "hey you can do it." Do you actually go across or listen to the engineers?

the 98% has been debunked, even CNN Said it was 90%, even when you lie, you lose. You can't repeat shit and expect it to work.
Even if the quote I heard on the news yesterday was wrong and CNN was right with 90%, That's 90% over 10% and those 10% are bought people.
The disappearing glaciers, melting icecap and Greenland, as well as the coral reef die off (per NOAA research) hasn't changed the overall fact.
The question remains, do you believe the "VAST" majority of scientists, or a few scientists paid by the fossil industries?
If you deny...I fail to understand any logical reasoning for denial.

My point is you just buy the bullshit, dont even question it

Because its a scam
People make money, th nose that lead it, bully and force others to go along
Such as the term denier.....public ridicule....thats propaganda
Or grants...,cut off your livelyhood if you speak out.

And it looks like these fucks are about to get paid back.........about fucking time!
The only people I listen to are the voices in my head. And they don't like no liberal assholes, I can tell you that.

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