Warning Drivers Of Speed Traps With Flashing Headlights Is Free Speech

Another idiot federal judge repeals a law. Judges have no constitutional authority to repeal laws and furthermore, flashing headlights is NOT speech.

Don't you mean "overturned an unconstitutional law enacted by the nanny statists".


Judges ARE empowered to declare a law unconstitutional, are they not?


No they are not. Nowhere does the constitution give courts the authority to repeal laws. It's a power they gave to themselves years ago even though the constitution says they don't have it!!

flashing headlights is NOT speech.
Lol wow you really think the concept of freedom of speech as described in the 1st amendment only applies to actually sounding out words with your voice?

So I'm guessing you believe free speech doesn't apply to someone carrying a sign, or writing an article, deaf people using sign language, typing a post on this message board, etc.

Speech obviously must involve words whether spoken or written or typed or some other way. Nonverbal communication is not speech. If you had your way, walking naked thru an elementary school to protest anti-nudity laws would be protected "speech"!!

flashing headlights is NOT speech.
Lol wow you really think the concept of freedom of speech as described in the 1st amendment only applies to actually sounding out words with your voice?

So I'm guessing you believe free speech doesn't apply to someone carrying a sign, or writing an article, deaf people using sign language, typing a post on this message board, etc.

Speech obviously must involve words whether spoken or written or typed or some other way. Nonverbal communication is not speech. If you had your way, walking naked thru an elementary school to protest anti-nudity laws would be protected "speech"!!


There's limits to freedoms, sparky.

In North Carolina, women frequently protest for equal rights by going topless (yes, sans bra too).

Know why flag burning is legal? It's considered free speech by the courts.

Speech = communication, not words.

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