Warning Drivers Of Speed Traps With Flashing Headlights Is Free Speech

That law of flashing lights at a speed trap has been around as long as I can remember in St. Louis.

The red light cameras is a bigger issue in St. Louis.
That law of flashing lights at a speed trap has been around as long as I can remember in St. Louis.

The red light cameras is a bigger issue in St. Louis.

No issue, people running red lights deserve to be busted.
That law of flashing lights at a speed trap has been around as long as I can remember in St. Louis.

The red light cameras is a bigger issue in St. Louis.

No issue, people running red lights deserve to be busted.

Hire more cops and set them up at the problem intersections. The red light camera in Missouri is not about public safety, but a tool for making money. Making a right on red is legal unless there is a sign posted at the intersection, the red light camera now captures folks making legal right turns at a red light and are getting ticketed. There has already been judgement in another county deeming it unconstitutional.

That law of flashing lights at a speed trap has been around as long as I can remember in St. Louis.

The red light cameras is a bigger issue in St. Louis.

No issue, people running red lights deserve to be busted.

Hire more cops and set them up at the problem intersections. The red light camera in Missouri is not about public safety, but a tool for making money. Making a right on red is legal unless there is a sign posted at the intersection, the red light camera now captures folks making legal right turns at a red light and are getting ticketed. There has already been judgement in another county deeming it unconstitutional.

No sympathy here, I've seen too many lives destroyed because motorists didn't want to wait that 30 seconds for the light to change.

Slow the hell down, people.
No issue, people running red lights deserve to be busted.

Hire more cops and set them up at the problem intersections. The red light camera in Missouri is not about public safety, but a tool for making money. Making a right on red is legal unless there is a sign posted at the intersection, the red light camera now captures folks making legal right turns at a red light and are getting ticketed. There has already been judgement in another county deeming it unconstitutional.

No sympathy here, I've seen too many lives destroyed because motorists didn't want to wait that 30 seconds for the light to change.

Slow the hell down, people.

I'm all for folks getting pulled over and getting a ticket. Employ more cops. Democrats are all about distribution of wealth.
Wait for a green light and keep your money in your pocket regardless.
I have flashed my lights to warn oncoming traffic of a speed trap, but I check to make sure the cop can't see me doing it. I look at it as an act of courtesy......:)
Warning Drivers Of Speed Traps With Flashing Headlights Is Free Speech

A federal judge in St. Louis ruled Monday that a driver flashing their lights to warn other drivers of an impending speed trap is protected free speech.

On November 22, 2012 Michael Elli received a ticket for flashing his lights to warn fellow drivers of a speed trap, according to Fox 2. The American Civil Liberties Union helped Elli fight the $1,000 ticket all the way to federal court.

Judge Henry Autrey of St. Louis ruled a driver has the right to flash their lights under the First Amendment. Autrey issued an injunction to stop Ellisville Police from enforcing the policy.
They OK'd this for Florida last year.
On a similar note, I won my red light camera ticket last Wednesday. And I now have a legitimate grievance against the judge, which I am pursuing.
Another idiot federal judge repeals a law. Judges have no constitutional authority to repeal laws and furthermore, flashing headlights is NOT speech.

he didn't repeal the law and yes, flashing headlights is indeed speech. it means danger, slow down, police ahead, slow down...or simply slow down.
I will warn oncoming drivers when the traffic is light and there is no work zone. Every once in a while, I zone out while on the highway......get lost in a song or something....and my speed may creep up. I appreciate others giving me a heads-up.

Now.....on the other hand....if I see an asshole on either side of the highway.....playing like a NASCAR driver or being an aggressive dick.....I'll dial *FHP and let them know.
Another idiot federal judge repeals a law. Judges have no constitutional authority to repeal laws and furthermore, flashing headlights is NOT speech.

he didn't repeal the law and yes, flashing headlights is indeed speech. it means danger, slow down, police ahead, slow down...or simply slow down.

It can also mean You are slowing down traffic move to the right..... that is why they call it Flash to Pass, at night it can also mean....Dim your lights or it is nighttime turn your lights on.
during the
Only a few states will cite you for flashing your lights.

I don't see how it can be deemed illegal to do so.

Face it people the fucking cops don't really care about highway safety they really care about revenue from speeding tickets.
When a semi is passing, it is courteous to flash your lights and let them know it is safe to come back in. They will often signal back to you a "thank you."
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On a similar note, I won my red light camera ticket last Wednesday. And I now have a legitimate grievance against the judge, which I am pursuing.

you won and have a grievance?
Yes. It turns out that when I went to court in mid-November (which turned out to be an arraignment, not a hearing on the ticket), the judge knew that I was within days of the 180 day limit to take me to court (I got the ticket back in June). From what I have heard from lawyers and cops, he should never have continued it to the end of January, which put me at well over 250 days.

I only plan on writing him and my councilman, asking for an explanation. It was a bogus ticket to begin with, and they dismissed it when I showed up to fight it, even before official business began.
On a similar note, I won my red light camera ticket last Wednesday. And I now have a legitimate grievance against the judge, which I am pursuing.

you won and have a grievance?
Yes. It turns out that when I went to court in mid-November (which turned out to be an arraignment, not a hearing on the ticket), the judge knew that I was within days of the 180 day limit to take me to court (I got the ticket back in June). From what I have heard from lawyers and cops, he should never have continued it to the end of January, which put me at well over 250 days.

I only plan on writing him and my councilman, asking for an explanation. It was a bogus ticket to begin with, and they dismissed it when I showed up to fight it, even before official business began.

Half the time, police officers don't show up to court for petty tickets, which gives you an automatic victory (as small as it may seem) but still the fact you arranged your time to go fight it is a minor hassle of your time.
Wait for a green light and keep your money in your pocket regardless.

Folks here in Missouri, though, really don't have to pay. What I mean by that is, if you don't pay, there really isn't any penalty against you. Sure they will tack on a penalty charge, but there is no points against your license, there is no warrant out for your arrest, no refusal to renew your driver's license and no marks on your credit score. So, therefore, it doesn't improve public safety since there is no real motivation against the driver. As messed up as that sounds, that's why they need to employ more officers.
you won and have a grievance?
Yes. It turns out that when I went to court in mid-November (which turned out to be an arraignment, not a hearing on the ticket), the judge knew that I was within days of the 180 day limit to take me to court (I got the ticket back in June). From what I have heard from lawyers and cops, he should never have continued it to the end of January, which put me at well over 250 days.

I only plan on writing him and my councilman, asking for an explanation. It was a bogus ticket to begin with, and they dismissed it when I showed up to fight it, even before official business began.

Half the time, police officers don't show up to court for petty tickets, which gives you an automatic victory (as small as it may seem) but still the fact you arranged your time to go fight it is a minor hassle of your time.
It was a clusterfuck. In order to fight the red light ticket I had to ignore it, triggering a regular $271 ticket, which I had to ignore, to get a court summons, to show up for an arraignment, to come back for a hearing.

All of this was on the advice of the Clerk of Courts.
When a semi is passing, it is courteous to flash your lights and let them know it is safe to come back in. They will often signal back to you a "thank you."

High beam them? Since when? You flip them on and off

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