Warren Buffet: 'No Textbook Can Explain This Economy'


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Sometimes the old models become obsolete and their textbooks based on them also.
Warren Buffett says no textbook could have predicted the strange economy we have today
Buffet needs to throw out those textbooks.

We have a great economy because:
1) Regulations that once smothered economic growth are being slashed.

2) The US is right now the most promising market to invest in and so we are bringing in more capital from outside, and those tax cuts are helping as well.

3) Obama, quite rightly for the time, focused on bringing our financial industry from the brink of destruction by doing everything possible to recapitalize it. But now that the economy is in full roar, the old Keynesian approach is too slow and stifling. Trump has tossed that old economic model aside.

4) All the Doom prophesied has failed to manifest, sending investors into a one in a million self-fulfilling confidence march to prosperity.

5) The Hire American policies have expanded our consumer market to dramatic levels, and that has brought economic expansion with it and an upwardly moving recursive spiral.
Expanding employment brings progressives misery. Who knows, if they took some of the jobs going begging they might get a better outlook on life.

Wouldn't THAT piss 'em off!
It comes down to America just not allowing herself to be exploited anymore. Be it allies or most importantly China.

Tariffs send a message "you hit us, we hit you back, no problem". Consumer confidence is high because Americans believe Trump will defend their industries. They spend rather than sit and save. They receive wage increases, etc. which helps.

If the interest rate remained in Obama territory you could have hit 5%, it's insane. Manufacturing jobs are so valued in economies because they have a trickle down to other suppliers and industries. When you are just passing money around on Wall Street, it's far more narrow in scope. Trump focused on jobs, he understood this was key to growth. The Middle Class is returning it seems.
shockedcanadian We have to be allies with Pakistan... For 50 years its a web of stuff, Briish India, Muslim Pakistan. Muslim Pakistan is the Only Friend we GOT.
Sometimes the old models become obsolete and their textbooks based on them also.
Warren Buffett says no textbook could have predicted the strange economy we have today
Buffet needs to throw out those textbooks.

We have a great economy because:
1) Regulations that once smothered economic growth are being slashed.

2) The US is right now the most promising market to invest in and so we are bringing in more capital from outside, and those tax cuts are helping as well.

3) Obama, quite rightly for the time, focused on bringing our financial industry from the brink of destruction by doing everything possible to recapitalize it. But now that the economy is in full roar, the old Keynesian approach is too slow and stifling. Trump has tossed that old economic model aside.

4) All the Doom prophesied has failed to manifest, sending investors into a one in a million self-fulfilling confidence march to prosperity.

5) The Hire American policies have expanded our consumer market to dramatic levels, and that has brought economic expansion with it and an upwardly moving recursive spiral.

Don't forget frakking......our energy production has been incredible under Trump where it had to fight to get past obama and his regulations.......cheap energy means economic expansion...which is why democrats do everything they can to limit energy availability....
As I've posted over and over again, businesses are begging for workers who can read and write - offering all the training needed at decent wages.

If you wan't to work, you can find a job.
Sometimes the old models become obsolete and their textbooks based on them also.
Warren Buffett says no textbook could have predicted the strange economy we have today
Buffet needs to throw out those textbooks.

We have a great economy because:
1) Regulations that once smothered economic growth are being slashed.

2) The US is right now the most promising market to invest in and so we are bringing in more capital from outside, and those tax cuts are helping as well.

3) Obama, quite rightly for the time, focused on bringing our financial industry from the brink of destruction by doing everything possible to recapitalize it. But now that the economy is in full roar, the old Keynesian approach is too slow and stifling. Trump has tossed that old economic model aside.

4) All the Doom prophesied has failed to manifest, sending investors into a one in a million self-fulfilling confidence march to prosperity.

5) The Hire American policies have expanded our consumer market to dramatic levels, and that has brought economic expansion with it and an upwardly moving recursive spiral.

Don't forget frakking......our energy production has been incredible under Trump where it had to fight to get past obama and his regulations.......cheap energy means economic expansion...which is why democrats do everything they can to limit energy availability....
That is it in a nutshell. It’s all about energy.

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