Warren's prospects very dim in light of doubtful heritage claims


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Very few miscalculations in political history have been as ill timed as the one Elizabeth Warren just perpetrated. Picking open an old scab that had all but healed the flavor of this latest effort, apparently in preparation for a 2020 presidential run, seems more vindictive than anything else. She has managed to enrage an entire segment of the American populace that had up till now become more or less politically irrelevant... The Native American population.

As if they have not alteady endured enough humiliation they now find themselves having to fend off Pretenders who seek to piggyback on the already beleaguered heritage for what looks to be nothing more then sheer, unmitigated, selfish personal gain.

Having very little else to hold onto but their heritage it is understandable that they would be fiercely defensive of it. Armed with apparently nothing more than an urban legend from her childhood Warren ostensibly seeks some form of altruistic blood transfusion in what appears to be an inexplicable effort to fix a problem that didn't really exist .... However it exists in all of its full-blown Glory now.

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She just confirmed she is a LIAR, and a FRAUD three weeks prior to the Midterm elections. NOT SMART.
how a pale white, blond haired woman could get away with claiming what she did in the first place should let you know just how gullible leftist are.

so it's going to be hillary v Trump

Will hillary break the record for 'also rans'?
She just confirmed she is a LIAR, and a FRAUD three weeks prior to the Midterm elections. NOT SMART.

The Democrats are pissed at her because she's dragging them down into the mud with her just prior to the midterms. The negative publicity is apparently already showing up in the polls.

how a pale white, blond haired woman could get away with claiming what she did in the first place should let you know just how gullible leftist are.

so it's going to be hillary v Trump

Will hillary break the record for 'also rans'?

I don't know but I do know that we are living in the middle of an historic political climate that we are likely never to see again. Trump is well on his way to being the greatest president in American history. I say this even though I find his temperament disagreeable.
However there is no questioning the fact that he is easily the most effective and task-oriented executive ever to sit in that chair.

Only the most hardcore brain dead leftist liberal zombie would consider backing the lying psycho crone Warren for a presidential run. ... :cuckoo:
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The Democrats are pissed at her because she's dragging them down into the mud with her just prior to the midterms. negative publicity is apparently already showing up in the polls.


Exactly. And with Hillary bringing up Bill's past affairs, and defending them, they have two, unhinged women to try and explain right before a very important election. The DNC leadership is PISSED! Good!
damn, I'm trying to think of who they could win with.

they can't run a man, they have made that clear, so the CA gov and the nyc mayor are out.
Bern will make a run, but the dnc will fuck him over again.
none of the Congress critters are viable.

It's the Mooch.
how a pale white, blond haired woman could get away with claiming what she did in the first place should let you know just how gullible leftist are.

so it's going to be hillary v Trump

Will hillary break the record for 'also rans'?

Hillary just had her DNA test as well.

Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person

Hillary Clinton Releases DNA Test Results Proving She's Only Half Lizard Person
". . . The test, conducted by a renowned DNA expert, showed that only 50% of her blood comes from reptilian humanoids from space bent on destroying humanity. Many Washington insiders had claimed she was 100% reptile, but these claims are now known to be a hoax.

"I'm happy to announce that I'm only half reptile," she said on an interview Sunday evening. "I hope my critics will think twice before calling me a space reptile now, since that's only half true. I'm only part lizard person, thank you very much." . . ."
Only the most brain dead leftist liberal zombie would consider backing the lying psycho crone Warren for a presidential run. ... :cuckoo:

She may have had an outside chance before this latest fiasco. She picked the one issue that will most effectively scare off the big money doners. Nobody in this political climate is going to align themselves against an aggrieved minority group....and right now they are making it very plain that they are deeply aggrieved.

Only the most brain dead leftist liberal zombie would consider backing the lying psycho crone Warren for a presidential run. ... :cuckoo:
She's probably just hit the top 5 list when it comes to Democrat voters.
She's right up there with Crazy Maxine Waters.
Democrat voters like liars.
The more silly and outrageous the better.
damn, I'm trying to think of who they could win with.

they can't run a man, they have made that clear, so the CA gov and the nyc mayor are out.
Bern will make a run, but the dnc will fuck him over again.
none of the Congress critters are viable.

It's the Mooch.


I think you're right.

damn, I'm trying to think of who they could win with.

they can't run a man, they have made that clear, so the CA gov and the nyc mayor are out.
Bern will make a run, but the dnc will fuck him over again.
none of the Congress critters are viable.

They could run a Gay Man.
Warren and Rachel Dolezal should run for president on the same ticket.
Odd how people react to lies/liars.

If she had just left this alone it may have been okay. People would most likely have chalked it up to a childhood memory albeit an inaccurate one. Not content to let sleeping dogs lie she doubled down on the worst possible issue she could have picked.

She just confirmed she is a LIAR, and a FRAUD three weeks prior to the Midterm elections. NOT SMART.

If she was going to unload this she could at least have waited until late November. Her lack of concern in that regard demonstrates a troubling pattern of narcissism.

Only the most hardcore brain dead leftist liberal zombie would consider backing the lying psycho crone Warren for a presidential run. ... :cuckoo:

Well if this board is in the indication they'll be out with fangs dripping and claws scratching to defend her claims.


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