Was FOX News Looking to Blame theShooting on Democrats and Liberals?

2) The shooter did side with Trump and attack the Paper over it's mocking Trump battle with Univision.

Shooter specifically did what Trump said his won people did during his rallies - threatened violence. The shooter who was angry over how the paper treated Trump finally followed through on threats. A few Trump supporters here have okayed and threatened violence too. (look at bear)
You're right about your bias not changing the facts, they're are no facts to change in your post
He definitely destroyed the economy for 8 years --- dow jones was at 4000, Trump took over and now the Dow is at 28,000 in less than a year.

Crime was rampant -- now crime is way down -- these facts make liberals mad because they want to see more crime and more white people dead

As much as I like Trump and seethe hatred for Obama and his minions, the Dow was not at 4000 when Trump took over.

It has gone up substantially since he was elected president but from 4000 to 28000? No, it's not even at 28 now. It's at 24000 and had its longest losing streak of the year just in the past week.

Don't claim to like Trump if you are going to lie about the job he has done as president. The economy was in ruins when Obama left office, real unemployment was at 11% -- in less than a year, Trump knocked it down to 3%,he has created more jobs in just his first year than the last 5 democrat presidents have done combined.

You are not a true Trump supporter, you are a lying Lib who is too ashamed to admit it

Please point out anything in my post that is not factually correct.

You've been on this forum for 23 days, I've been here for 4 years. You know NOTHING about me.

YOU are the only one who lied about the job he did as president. YOU lied saying the DOW went from 4000 to 28000 under Trump. THAT IS A FLAT OUT LIE.

You claimed the economy was "in ruins." While I'm certainly not going to say things were rosey, they weren't in ruins, they were stagnant. I've said that many times. GDP growth being 1% is not in ruins, it's just kinda blah. But Obama was handed a mess from Bush, but he just didn't really do much with anything. He basically tread water for 8 years then left.
He definitely destroyed the economy for 8 years --- dow jones was at 4000, Trump took over and now the Dow is at 28,000 in less than a year.

Crime was rampant -- now crime is way down -- these facts make liberals mad because they want to see more crime and more white people dead

As much as I like Trump and seethe hatred for Obama and his minions, the Dow was not at 4000 when Trump took over.

It has gone up substantially since he was elected president but from 4000 to 28000? No, it's not even at 28 now. It's at 24000 and had its longest losing streak of the year just in the past week.

Don't claim to like Trump if you are going to lie about the job he has done as president. The economy was in ruins when Obama left office, real unemployment was at 11% -- in less than a year, Trump knocked it down to 3%,he has created more jobs in just his first year than the last 5 democrat presidents have done combined.

You are not a true Trump supporter, you are a lying Lib who is too ashamed to admit it

Please point out anything in my post that is not factually correct.

You've been on this forum for 25 days, I've been here for 4 years. You know NOTHING about me.

YOU are the only one who lied about the job he did as president. YOU lied saying the DOW went from 4000 to 28000. THAT IS A FLAT OUT LIE.
I don't care if I've been here 5 minutes -- I know a fake Trump supporter when I see one

Trump himself said the economy under Obama was in ruins, the worst in decades--then Trump took office -- now it is the greatest economy in the history of our nation.

The fact you keep on trying to defend a proven terrorist and racist like Obama solidifies the fact you are no true Trump supporter.
I'm not defending Obama, I'm keeping things factual. Trump SAYS a lot of shit, that doesn't make it true. So your basis of whether the economy was "in ruins" was whether Trump said it was or not? DATS SOME FUNNY SHIT RITE DARE.

PROVE that the DOW went from 4000 to 28000 under Trump. YOUR CLAIM. Prove it or admit you lied.

You act like you've been here 5 minutes. Forum members are laughing their asses off at you saying I'm an Obama supporter. That's almost as good as saying the DOW went up 24000 pts under a year and a half of Trump! LOLOL

I'm one of the only forum members who is a staunch Trump supporter but will also point out the record debt he is running up. Everyone else seems to ignore it.
I'm not defending Obama, I'm keeping things factual. Trump SAYS a lot of shit, that doesn't make it true. So your basis of whether the economy was "in ruins" was whether Trump said it was or not? DATS SOME FUNNY SHIT RITE DARE.

PROVE that the DOW went from 4000 to 28000 under Trump. YOUR CLAIM. Prove it or admit you lied.
Now you are calling Trump a liar? but you support Trump

Not one time have you called Obama a liar nor said anything bad about him -- although you claim to hate him -- Trump warned me that liberals would try to infiltrate themselves into our midst -- but you have been thwarted sir

Good day!

Trump lies all the time. Being a Trump supporter doesn't mean I back everything he says. He says some stupid shit sometimes. But that doesn't mean I voted for Hillary.

In order to "win" you need to prove your claim, 4000 DOW to 28000 DOW under Trump. Last chance to prove it.

Ok well obviously you won't back up your claim. You lose. I win!

Thanks for lying!! You and Trump have a lot in common!

Thanks for playing!!
Whatever works for ya, bud! Trump said THOUSANDS of parents of Korean War victims contacted him asking for the remains of their kids to be returned. Do you REALLY think that happened? I don't think a SINGLE one contacted him. Why? Because those "parents" would be over 100 years old now. I even defended the orange moonbat when he said it, saying he meant relatives. BUT HE SAID PARENTS.

You're a liar!! Nice to establish yourself as a Trump dick sucker. The liberals on this forum are going to chew you up and spit you out. You'll be cannon fodder for them. This will be so fun to watch. :iyfyus.jpg:

Enjoy your stay.

Let me give you a piece of advice. If you make claims about shit, be ready to back it up. Resorting to instant personal attacks when told to back up your claims is a poor reflection on YOU, not the person you're attacking. You'll lose credibility really fast if you make that a habit.
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