Was Hurricane Sandy Obama's November Surprise?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Did Obama use Karl Rove's Hurricane machine, the same one used to spawn Katrina and drown Chocolate City, in some sort of desperate last minute bid to show "leadership"?

Odd timing, that the Hurricane would strike in so late in the season and only hit mostly Blue states where Obama was way ahead anyway.

Makes ya wonder, no?
Did Obama use Karl Rove's Hurricane machine, the same one used to spawn Katrina and drown Chocolate City, in some sort of desperate last minute bid to show "leadership"?

Odd timing, that the Hurricane would strike in so late in the season and only hit mostly Blue states where Obama was way ahead anyway.

Makes ya wonder, no?

We've got to thank the Republicans for that one. By blocking Global Warming legislation they assured Obama got his name on TV and in the papers being presidential the whole week before the election. :clap2: :tongue: :clap2:
Did Obama use Karl Rove's Hurricane machine, the same one used to spawn Katrina and drown Chocolate City, in some sort of desperate last minute bid to show "leadership"?

Odd timing, that the Hurricane would strike in so late in the season and only hit mostly Blue states where Obama was way ahead anyway.

Makes ya wonder, no?

We've got to thank the Republicans for that one. By blocking Global Warming legislation they assured Obama got his name on TV and in the papers being presidential the whole week before the election. :clap2: :tongue: :clap2:

Global Warming Legislation would have outlawed hurricanes.

See how smart the Liberal Intellectual Elite is?
You people are real maroons. Can't figure out when your leg is being pulled? No wonder Mitt's going down the tubes, if that's the caliber of his support! :lmao:
Did Obama use Karl Rove's Hurricane machine, the same one used to spawn Katrina and drown Chocolate City, in some sort of desperate last minute bid to show "leadership"?

Odd timing, that the Hurricane would strike in so late in the season and only hit mostly Blue states where Obama was way ahead anyway.

Makes ya wonder, no?

We've got to thank the Republicans for that one. By blocking Global Warming legislation they assured Obama got his name on TV and in the papers being presidential the whole week before the election. :clap2: :tongue: :clap2:

Wow... The above post takes stupid to an entirely new level.
to add frosting to the cake, mittens was in his self-imposed press black-out (hiding from the press) prior to the storm too ;)

Romney's favorite song on zoso

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEKkJHSO8A0]Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks (Studio Version - Best Quality) - YouTube[/ame]
Did Obama use Karl Rove's Hurricane machine, the same one used to spawn Katrina and drown Chocolate City, in some sort of desperate last minute bid to show "leadership"?

Odd timing, that the Hurricane would strike in so late in the season and only hit mostly Blue states where Obama was way ahead anyway.

Makes ya wonder, no?

We've got to thank the Republicans for that one. By blocking Global Warming legislation they assured Obama got his name on TV and in the papers being presidential the whole week before the election. :clap2: :tongue: :clap2:

There is absolutely no evidence at all the global Warming caused Sandy, or Made sandy worse. The storms we have been seeing the last few years, are not different or worse than what we saw in the late 1950's. The only thing special about Sandy was that she hit in a bad place, at high tide, on a full moon.

You are a Delusional fool.

Further more, Obama's Little Bump he got for doing his fucking Job during and after the Storm, Is already gone, and now people are starting to get pissed in the North East.

I think it is hilarious of you, and people on the left, to act as if Obama simply doing his Job, and posing for some Photo ops after a storm is some kind of Game Changer.
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