Was Jesus Black, Mixed, or White?


Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2013
Breathing rarified air.
If you are bothered by the question I suggest you stop reading now. A comment was made in another thread concerning the appearance of God when he returns on judgement day and it got me to thinking about what people imagine God to look like. I further got to thinking about what Jesus looks as a sidebar.


Everyone knows that the mind thinks in images. I am starting this thread so I can document what I find and post it for others to use and also assist in finding the truth. I am using the King James version of the Bible to do my research. I will post images when possible to assist in visualization. I especially welcome any comments that point out flaws as I am looking for the truth. I am attempting to document the lineage of Jesus and Black people. If you make a clueless, ignorant comment on this thread I will put you on the ignore list which I believe will also put you on ignore for the whole site as well.
First I had to define "Black". I am confining this to all the people that are in Africa and the Middle East as discussed in the Bible. I found that there is more diversity in appearance in the Black population of Africa than all the other areas on earth combined. Africa is home to the tallest people in the world the Watusi and the shortest people the Mbutsi. There are light tan people and people so dark they are blue black. There are people with whats traditionally labeled European features (nose, hair) that come in all shades from blue black to light tan. The same diversity is present for people with what is traditionally labeled as Negroid features.
I have heard that he was descended from the Lost Tribes of Judea, and they were Black. It is very doubtful that he was White.
Blonde blue eyed scandinavian


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Ham (the son of Noah) is generally accepted as the father of Black people by scholars. However, I could find nowhere in the Bible that specifically points this out. This may be just bad translation and interpretation of the bible but it appears to be true as you will see later. Instead of pointing out race the Bible uses family lineage. So when we see these names think "Black".

Ham had 4 sons Genesis 10:6

Cush or (Kush) Literally means Black
These are the Nubians of Sudan and the Ethiopians.

Mizraim (which is the Hebrew word for Egypt)

Phut or (Put)

Canaanites the indigenous people of Israel and Palestine This also includes the Hivites, Jebusites, Hittites, Arvadites, Girgashites, Amorites, Arkites, Sinites, Sidon. There are more but this is enough for now.

Jebusites were the original builders of Jerusalem or Jebus. Judges 19:11 and Chronicles 11:4
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Ham (the son of Noah) is generally accepted as the father of Black people by scholars. However, I could find nowhere in the Bible that specifically points this out. This may be just bad translation and interpretation of the bible but it appears to be true as you will see later. Instead of pointing out race the Bible uses family lineage. So when we see these names think "Black".

Ham had 4 sons Genesis 10:6

Cush or (Kush)
These are the Nubians of Sudan and the Ethiopians.

Mizraim (which is the Hebrew word for Egypt)

Phut or (Put)

Canaanites the indigenous people of Israel and Palestine This also includes the Hivites, Jebusites, Hittites, Arvadites, Girgashites, Amorites, Arkites, Sinites, Sidon. There are more but this is enough for now.

Jebusites were the original builders of Jerusalem or Jebus. Judges 19:11 and Chronicles 11:4

hmmm my grandfather was german ....he used this ham and his sons as his excuse for being a bigot..this was his defense for the enslavement of blacks....now if you want to know where blacks came from....lets reach deeper in the racist bag.....goes back to cain and abel.....when cain leaves eden he is marked so no man will kill him......and he leaves eden..and goes to the land of nod....where he marries a monkey...

thanks you being easy to figure out.....
I imagine Jesus looked like any other white christian. Fair skin, blue eyes, flowing blonde hair

It was only other people from his region that looked otherwise
Abraham has a child with Hagar an Egyptian. the child is Ismael. Hagar was bragging about Ismael being the first born to Sara who was Abrahams wife. Sara later has a child with another woman Sara named issac. Hagar and Ismael are given the boot due to infighting but God goes on to bless ishmael to have a great nation. Isaac grows up to have twins Esau and Jacob. Esau marries a Hittite Jacobs name is changed to David and he becomes the father of the 13 tribes of israel. 1 of those 1 tribes was the tribe of Judah the father of the Jews. Judah marries a Canaanite woman by the name of Shuah (Bethshuah) Genesis 38:2-5 The children are mixed at this point.
Judah has a brother named Joseph that gets sold into slavery to some Egyptians by his brothers. Joseph flips the script and rises to prominence and trusted assistant to the Pharaoh. Joseph marries Asenath an Egyptian the daughter of Potipherah the priest of On Genesis 41:45 They have 2 sons Manasseh and Ephraim Genesis 46:20 These 2 are mixed. Later on down the line in time Moses is born. Not only does he hang out in Egypt but he later marries and Ethiopian woman. her name is not mentioned but God shows he doesnt like ugly and turns Moses sister Miriam into a leper for a week because she was bad talking Moses for marrying the Ethiopian woman.
A little further down the line Eleazar marries one of the daughters of Putiel (Put) and fathers Phinehas (which means black, the negro or mouth of bronze) Phinehas is the high priest of israel. Jericho is a Canaanite fortress city attacked by the Israelites and defeated by Joshua. A Canaanite harlot by the name of Rachab hid the spies Joshua sent and later married Salmon and has a son named Boaz who would be mixed. Boaz later has Obed with Ruth who is also a Canaanite. At this point Obed is mostly Black. Obed has Jesse (Matthew 1:5) no mention of the wifes race. jesse is the father of David who is the progenitor of you know who. Jesus. "Son of David" Isaiah 11:1-9 and Jeremiah 23:5-6 Joseph the father of Jesus and Mary were cousins and come from the same lineage.
Truly, why does it matter what He looked like while He was mortal? He is Immortal now. He is a personage of pure light. Im sure He would probably look light to our mortal eyes even if He was dark as a mortal.

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