Was this all just a game to you?


Gold Member
Dec 17, 2015
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.

politics and religion alienate .. get in or out
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.

We are currently working on providing more safe places for you. Impatience pajama boys, sheesh.
I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Oh be quiet. If we didn't take politics seriously, this board would be empty domain space right now.

Yep, a game of keep away. Keep the hildabitch away form supreme court nominations. She lost.
Oh be quiet. If we didn't take politics seriously, this board would be empty domain space right now.


^ This is the type of childish behavior that validates my point.

The board is full, because you guys find politics to be fun. Hence, this is just a game.
Yep, a game of keep away. Keep the hildabitch away form supreme court nominations. She lost.

I believe that some individuals had strong convictions over what you just said.

I also believe that the vast majority were just uneducated children playing in a sandbox.
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.
The board is full, because you guys find politics to be fun. Hence, this is just a game.

Haha, no, some of us come here to honestly debate the issues. Politics are an influential part of our lives, thus we come here to discuss it.
Haha, no some of us come here to honestly debate the issues. Politics are in influential part of our lives, thus we come here to discuss it.

I have never seen you have an honest debate or discussion on my time here. The ranters are the ones that most believe politics are a game.
Yep, a game of keep away. Keep the hildabitch away form supreme court nominations. She lost.

I believe that some individuals had strong convictions over what you just said.

I also believe that the vast majority were just uneducated children playing in a sandbox.

Why? Because you disagree? You are truly overly dramatic. Trump may be an mass but he's not an idiot. He's not too stupid or too lazy to bother with proper handling of classified documents.

I'm hoping he surrounds himself with a strong cabinet and advisors. He has an impressive staff, so that's a good sign. His transition team has been stellar, another good sign. Markets are good. The sky is not falling. We've survived incompetent presidents before. I hate to think of the damage Hillary would have done. :::shudder:::
Yep, a game of keep away. Keep the hildabitch away form supreme court nominations. She lost.

I believe that some individuals had strong convictions over what you just said.

I also believe that the vast majority were just uneducated children playing in a sandbox.

Define uneducated, from what I've seen so far it's not having spent 16-20 years in the government halls of indoctrination to the point you can't hear opposing views and needs a safe place form those views. That ain't educated. An education prepares a person for the real world, not just the world of academia.

I've been saying all along that people were getting damn tired of all the regressive crap being shoved down their throats, what you just witnessed was a massive collective of puking that shit right back in regressive faces. Their fundamental transformation is not what America wanted.

Now you have regressives claiming that the hildabitch won the popular vote and the system needs to be changed, did any of those asshole have any concern for the majority of voters when they used the courts to force faghadist marriage on the rest of us. We warned of the coming backlash, they laughed. Who's laughing now?
Do the right thing and return to your home nation. You've disrespected my nation. You've broken my laws. I fully support Legal Immigration. I do not support Illegal Immigration. It has to end. We have to return to being a nation of laws again. That's the way it has to be. Sorry bout that.
I've been saying all along that people were getting damn tired of all the regressive crap being shoved down their throats, what you just witnessed was a massive collective of puking that shit right back in regressive faces. Their fundamental transformation is not what America wanted.

Many understood the sentiment. Me more than most.

However, you turned many off when your answer to the establishment was a narcissistic slimeball that has a reputation for screwing people over and vindictivelyt exploiting the law to go after his enemies.

Now you have regressives claiming that the hildabitch won the popular vote and the system needs to be changed, did any of those asshole have any concern for the majority of voters when they used the courts to force faghadist marriage on the rest of us. We warned of the coming backlash, they laughed. Who's laughing now?

The system needs to be eliminated, so we wouldn't of had to have either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton as president.

In fact, every president in United States history have been awful, with the notable exception of William Henry Harrison. I believe Donald Trump is going to be a fucking nightmare though, running an administration plagued with corruption and power plays.
Do the right thing and return to your home nation. You've disrespected my nation.

Nations are social constructs.

I cannot disrespect what never actually existed.

You've broken my laws.

Too bad for you.

I fully support Legal Immigration. I do not support Illegal Immigration. It has to end. We have to return to being a nation of laws again. That's the way it has to be. Sorry bout that.

Sorry about what?

I do not care about the opinions of feeble minded tools.
I believe that some individuals had strong convictions over what you just said.

I also believe that the vast majority were just uneducated children playing in a sandbox.

Hey Pajama boy, We want the border closed (why is that bad?). We want more people working (why is that bad?). We want less Govt, less waste, lower taxes. on and on and on and on. We don't want 1000 muslims per day dumped on welfare from God knows where. Yeah.......it is serious. We have to pay for it. your girlfriend.

We want the border closed (why is that bad?).

Because you have no moral right to deny others that which you do not own.

We want more people working (why is that bad?).

There are going to be less people working if you follow through on Donald Trump's uneducated anti trade policies.

We want less Govt, less waste, lower taxes. on and on and on and on.

Then why did you elect a left wing populist?

We don't want 1000 muslims per day dumped on welfare from God knows where.

What's the plan for that?

Donald Trump backed out early on his promise to control immigration based on religion.

Yeah.......it is serious.

Then prove it by not handing power over to authoritarian socialist dipshits.
Do the right thing and return to your home nation. You've disrespected my nation.

Nations are social constructs.

I cannot disrespect what never actually existed.

You've broken my laws.

Too bad for you.

I fully support Legal Immigration. I do not support Illegal Immigration. It has to end. We have to return to being a nation of laws again. That's the way it has to be. Sorry bout that.

Sorry about what?

I do not care about the opinions of feeble minded tools.

Hopefully soon, you won't have a choice. Illegal Immigration has to end. And it will. We will become a nation of laws again. And i don't give a damn how much that upsets Illegals and Communist/Globalist Democrats.

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