Was US Army Retired Born in the USA?


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Lets have a look...
50YR Typography Expert Finds Proof Obama Used Different Birth Certificate For His Own ( 1 2)

Forger Of Obama's Birth Certificate Has Been Located And Fixing To Be Exposed ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

Official Federal Criminal Complaint Filed With FBI Against Obama ( 1 2)

Obama Called A 'Imposter' Serving In The White House Today (White House Livid) ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

'Your Forged'...Trump Declares Obama's Birth Certificate Fake

Obama's Original Long Form BC & HI Dept Of Heath Director Subpoenaed By Fed Court

They Must Be Really Scared: Obama Campaign To Sell Birth Certificate T-Shirts & Mugs ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

CEO Doug Vogt (Archive Index Systems) Says Obama Committed A Class B Felony In Hawaii

Trouble: USA Today Gallop Poll Has Only 47% Of Country Thinking Obama Was Born In USA ( 1 2)

Leaked Documents Reveal U.S. Requested Kenya Gov To Investigate 'African Birth'

The guilty dog is usually the one that barks the loudest. Put another way; he who smelt it is the one who dealt it.

Dude, get off of your obsession of where Obama was born already. You're not going to get any dirt on him if there is any dirt to be gotten; you're wasting bandwidth and everybody's time.

Get the fuck over it already.
Lets have a look...
50YR Typography Expert Finds Proof Obama Used Different Birth Certificate For His Own ( 1 2)

Forger Of Obama's Birth Certificate Has Been Located And Fixing To Be Exposed ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

Official Federal Criminal Complaint Filed With FBI Against Obama ( 1 2)

Obama Called A 'Imposter' Serving In The White House Today (White House Livid) ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

'Your Forged'...Trump Declares Obama's Birth Certificate Fake

Obama's Original Long Form BC & HI Dept Of Heath Director Subpoenaed By Fed Court

They Must Be Really Scared: Obama Campaign To Sell Birth Certificate T-Shirts & Mugs ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

CEO Doug Vogt (Archive Index Systems) Says Obama Committed A Class B Felony In Hawaii

Trouble: USA Today Gallop Poll Has Only 47% Of Country Thinking Obama Was Born In USA ( 1 2)

Leaked Documents Reveal U.S. Requested Kenya Gov To Investigate 'African Birth'

The guilty dog is usually the one that barks the loudest. Put another way; he who smelt it is the one who dealt it.

Dude, get off of your obsession of where Obama was born already. You're not going to get any dirt on him if there is any dirt to be gotten; you're wasting bandwidth and everybody's time.

Get the fuck over it already.

When are lefties going to learn to communicate without using cliches? "The guilty dog is usually...." If it isn't cliches it's the "F" word. It's a Constitutional requirement that a president be born in the USA. You lefties don't get to ask anyone else about their place of birth until you join the INS.
I heard this rumor but I thought it was just that...a rumor.

I wonder where he was born then? I heard South Africa.
Lets have a look...
50YR Typography Expert Finds Proof Obama Used Different Birth Certificate For His Own ( 1 2)

Forger Of Obama's Birth Certificate Has Been Located And Fixing To Be Exposed ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

Official Federal Criminal Complaint Filed With FBI Against Obama ( 1 2)

Obama Called A 'Imposter' Serving In The White House Today (White House Livid) ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

'Your Forged'...Trump Declares Obama's Birth Certificate Fake

Obama's Original Long Form BC & HI Dept Of Heath Director Subpoenaed By Fed Court

They Must Be Really Scared: Obama Campaign To Sell Birth Certificate T-Shirts & Mugs ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page)

CEO Doug Vogt (Archive Index Systems) Says Obama Committed A Class B Felony In Hawaii

Trouble: USA Today Gallop Poll Has Only 47% Of Country Thinking Obama Was Born In USA ( 1 2)

Leaked Documents Reveal U.S. Requested Kenya Gov To Investigate 'African Birth'

The guilty dog is usually the one that barks the loudest. Put another way; he who smelt it is the one who dealt it.

Dude, get off of your obsession of where Obama was born already. You're not going to get any dirt on him if there is any dirt to be gotten; you're wasting bandwidth and everybody's time.

Get the fuck over it already.

When are lefties going to learn to communicate without using cliches? "The guilty dog is usually...." If it isn't cliches it's the "F" word. It's a Constitutional requirement that a president be born in the USA. You lefties don't get to ask anyone else about their place of birth until you join the INS.

And all signs point to Obama being born in the USA. It has been that way for 49 years. Yet here this yutz is weekly telling us there is something just on the brink of being discovered that will blow the lid off of this supposed cover up.

You morons need to give it a rest already.

You're making Obama look good by making yourselves look so fucking stupid.
Oh I bet he does. We conservatives try to keep tabs on all the America haters.

Thats hilarious.

I didn't realize that Bruce Springsteen hated America?

Who knew?

One thing I have noticed about the hard right (not all conservatives but those on the hard right--lets be clear); they love America but hate Americans. Free expression is frowned upon, free speech is frowned upon, freedom of religion is frowned upon. Freedom of choice is really frowned upon by the hard right.

Doesn't make them Nazi's or Fascists; just wrong and ignorant. But in America; you have the right to be wrong and ignorant. Being proud of it is something they should stop.

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