

Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!
As most of us know the wasabi you get from your grocery store or local restaurant is not real wasabi mainly due to its cost.
It's made from the horseradish root,some ground mustard seed and food coloring.
I finally said fuck it and went on a search to find the real deal. Finally found a place in Oregon that grows it,wasabi is very difficult to grow,in Japan it grows in the wild in clear streams with a pebbled bottoms,they also need a lot of shade. Turns out Oregon has the right weather as well.

Ordered a 4 oz. root for $50 bucks and a wasabi grater from Japan. I was going to get the traditional grinder thats made of shark skin but me being a environmentalist I decided to go with the stainless steel one......aw who the fuck am I kidding,I just read that the stainless ones work better. And besides,I can go catch a shark and skin the fucker myself for the cost of some dead shrimp.

Anyway,I cant wait to try it since I know I've never had the real deal.
Cant wait to show up at my favorite cajun joint order some fresh oysters and whip out my root....ya see what I did there.:laugh:
Most people havent.
Most everyone here knows the Wife and I are big time foodies.
The Wife and I are known to order $300 dollar Wagyu steaks,thats per steak.
You only live once and ya gotta eat so why not make it an adventure?

I ate a steak at a local steak house once. Bill was $35 just for me, and I about shit my pants when I saw that.
HereWeGoAgain Wow you are hardcore! I'd be interested to know how hot the "real thing" is compared to what we get in American Sushi joints.

From what I've been reading its not that hot compared to the fake stuff.
But then what do I know since I've never had the real deal either.
I kinda hope its not that big of a deal with the price and all.
If it turns out to be like Wagyu steak that'd be great,good once or twice a year but way to rich to eat on a regular basis.
Well? You got the stinking root! You started the thread. When are we dang gonna find out! I've been sucking down sushi and california roll for years wondering what I have been missing! Why don't you try some wasabi with a piece of your Wagyu steak?! :SMILEW~130:

Just ordered it this evening. Good chance I'll get it by Friday evening.
And I have a Wagyu steak in the freezer waiting for it. Gonna do it Benihana style,sliced 3/8 thick by two in long strips seared in its own fat for around 2 to 4 minutes depending on the fat content. We drag the bar stools into the kitchen and sit around the stove,might even get some saki to go with it....oh and of course a bit of Soy Sauce and sea salt.
The steaks a beauty though!!

I'll try and remember to take a few pics.
What the heck is Waygu steak? Is that a kind of cow?

The real deal is raised in Japan and the animals are pampered like children.
The best grade is A5 Wagyu as it has the best fat dispersal as in thin veins of fat running throughout the steak.
The price runs about $250 per pound and up.
I have one of these in the freezer,it's an A5 NY strip. It wasnt bad at $200 bucks.
When you hold the steak in your hand the fat starts melting just from your body temp.


They dont look any different than your average cow,but it's whats inside that counts.
Most people havent.
Most everyone here knows the Wife and I are big time foodies.
The Wife and I are known to order $300 dollar Wagyu steaks,thats per steak.
You only live once and ya gotta eat so why not make it an adventure?
If you want an adventure, have some fugu.

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