WASHINGTON POST: "Pence wins, Trump loses in vice-presidential debate"

The win-loss scenario in the Vice-President is usually about which ticket benefited the most. It is widely conceded that Pence looked calm and didn't get overly distracted. It is widely conceded that Governor Pence mostly lied. So the ticket got no benefit. The debate clips will more likely appear in Clinton-Kaine ads in the coming weeks.

Maybe the ads-makers won't use this one, but here is an example:

"Donald Trump -- Donald Trump can't start a Twitter war with Miss Universe without shooting himself in the foot. Donald Trump doesn't have a plan. He said, I have a secret plan, and then he said I know more than all the generals about ISIL. And then he said, I want to call the generals to help me figure out a plan and finally, he said, I”m gonna fire all the generals, He doesn’t have a plan. But he does have dangerous ideas. Here’s four. He trash talks the military. The military is a disaster. John McCain is no hero. The generals need all to be fired and I know more than them. He wants to tear up alliances. NATO is obsolete, and we’ll only work together with Israel if they pay big-league. Third, he loves dictators. He’s got kind of a personal Mount Rushmore -- Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-Il, Muammar Gadhafi and Saddam Hussein. And last, and most dangerously, Donald Trump believes -- Donald Trump believes that the world will be safer if more nations have nuclear weapons. He said Saudi Arabia should get them. Japan should get them. Korea should get them. And when he was confronted with this and told, wait a minute, terrorists could get those -- proliferation could lead to nuclear war, here’s what Donald Trump said, and I quote, go-ahead folks, enjoy yourself. I’d love to hear Governor Pence tell me what’s so enjoyable or comical about nuclear war."

9:49 PM
Governor Pence?

9:49 PM
Did you work on that one a long time cause that had a lot of really creative lines in it.

9:50 PM
Well, I’m going to see if you can defend any of it.

9:50 PM
Look, I can defend, I can make it very clear to the American people. After traveling millions of miles as our Secretary of State, after being the architect of the foreign policy of this administration, America is less safe today than it was the day that Barack Obama became president of the United States. It is absolutely inarguable. We've weakened America's place in the world.

Trump got trashed, Governor Pence basically complimented Senator Kaine for having been newly creative about it!

The remarks about Trump could even be said, "A Basket of Deplorables," 50% of whom are Vladimir Putin, Kim Jon-II, Muammar Gadhaft, and Saddam Hussein(?)! Pence made himself look good by not getting into a defense of Donald Trump. There is a creative compliment, ready for multiple releases in Clinton-Kaine campaign ads.

An actual ad could even include Gary Johnson, on record, "After Five Days I still can't name a foreign leader I admire!"

Trump Clearly can!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Maybe new Basket of Deplorables can sign on to William Tell Child Endangerment Chapter of NRA(?)!)

Gee, I wonder why the active duty military support Trump 2 to 1 over the Bosnian war veteran Hillary?

Calm the fuck down asshat, this'll get settled in about a month, jeez.
Cutting through the BS spouted by Kaine and attempting to digest something real to take away from the debate:

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on immigration and the refugee issue is the correct position, why then are ICE and also the Border Patrol Unions endorsing Trump and Pence?

If Hillary's and Kaine's positions on law enforcement and law enforcement bias is the correct position, why then has the 30,000 member Police & Law Enforcement Union endorsed the Trump-Pence ticket?

If Hillary's and Kaine's position on foreign relations, ISIS, Middle Eastern policies, IRAQ, Libya, Russia, China, the Military, etc., is the correct position, why then are active duty military endorsing the Trump-Pence ticket by a margin of 2 to 1?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Not only is it possible, but many are even proud of it.

Go out and call a cop stupid. Your BLM brothers can march and burn this very night.

Pffffffffffffffffft, you're emotionally unstable.
Pence won his first 2020 debate against a 2016 VP candidate and Trump is the loser! Pretty shrewd of Pence to work it without tarnishing himself with the Trump taint for the 2020 election cycle!

Don't worry. He'll be all up in that Trump taint before it's over.
Tim Kaine Savaged on Twitter After Debate Trouncing

Tim Kaine keeps interrupting and is coming off as an obnoxious, arrogant bully. #VPDebate
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley)

Tim Kaine will unite Americans by interrupting every last one of them.
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty)

Tim Kaine cannot stop interrupting. He is coming off extremely defensive, petty, and untrustworthy just like his running mate #VPDebate
— Kayleigh McEnany

Tim Kaine looked like Richard Nixon in the famous LOSS to JFK. He looked sweaty and nervous.
— John (@NobamaDotCom)

Tim Kaine is so nervous. Anytime pence is making a good point, Kaine just interrupts and starts yelling. Embarrassing performance from him
— Griffin Peeples (@gpeeps22)

My take: Kaine turned in a worse performance than Dan Quayle. https://t.co/snEVBAYEsO
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz)

Trainwreck’: Clinton’s VP blows it
— Mike Barlow (@mikebarlow2)

Tim Kaine Savaged on Twitter After Debate Trouncing - Breitbart
There's no question Pence won the debate. He was clearly the adult in the room.
It does indeed set the bar higher for Trump. The saving grace for Trump, is he's not a polished candidate and he's not expected to win in a presidential debate in the first place.

Yeah, and once elected he can't be expected to be presidential either.
Is that how you explain why Bonobo was such a fucking joke as President?
Tim Kaine Savaged on Twitter After Debate Trouncing

Tim Kaine keeps interrupting and is coming off as an obnoxious, arrogant bully. #VPDebate
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley)

Tim Kaine will unite Americans by interrupting every last one of them.
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty)

Tim Kaine cannot stop interrupting. He is coming off extremely defensive, petty, and untrustworthy just like his running mate #VPDebate
— Kayleigh McEnany

Tim Kaine looked like Richard Nixon in the famous LOSS to JFK. He looked sweaty and nervous.
— John (@NobamaDotCom)

Tim Kaine is so nervous. Anytime pence is making a good point, Kaine just interrupts and starts yelling. Embarrassing performance from him
— Griffin Peeples (@gpeeps22)

My take: Kaine turned in a worse performance than Dan Quayle. https://t.co/snEVBAYEsO
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz)

Trainwreck’: Clinton’s VP blows it
— Mike Barlow (@mikebarlow2)

Tim Kaine Savaged on Twitter After Debate Trouncing - Breitbart

Only twits tweet or follow tweeters.
So many people trying to convince themselves that Pence won.......:lol:
Twitter - MSNBC Chris Matthews: #MikePence Won The VP Presidential Debate

CNN Poll – With 11% More Democrats – Shows Mike Pence Won VP Debate

There's no question Pence won the debate. He was clearly the adult in the room.
It does indeed set the bar higher for Trump. The saving grace for Trump, is he's not a polished candidate and he's not expected to win in a presidential debate in the first place.

Yeah, and once elected he can't be expected to be presidential either.
Is that how you explain why Bonobo was such a fucking joke as President?

Is that how you attempt to defend Trump?
Tim Kaine Savaged on Twitter After Debate Trouncing

Tim Kaine keeps interrupting and is coming off as an obnoxious, arrogant bully. #VPDebate
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley)

Tim Kaine will unite Americans by interrupting every last one of them.
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty)

Tim Kaine cannot stop interrupting. He is coming off extremely defensive, petty, and untrustworthy just like his running mate #VPDebate
— Kayleigh McEnany

Tim Kaine looked like Richard Nixon in the famous LOSS to JFK. He looked sweaty and nervous.
— John (@NobamaDotCom)

Tim Kaine is so nervous. Anytime pence is making a good point, Kaine just interrupts and starts yelling. Embarrassing performance from him
— Griffin Peeples (@gpeeps22)

My take: Kaine turned in a worse performance than Dan Quayle. https://t.co/snEVBAYEsO
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz)

Trainwreck’: Clinton’s VP blows it
— Mike Barlow (@mikebarlow2)

Tim Kaine Savaged on Twitter After Debate Trouncing - Breitbart

Only twits tweet or follow tweeters.

Whatever eases your bruised ego / psyche, F L. :p
Tim Kaine Savaged on Twitter After Debate Trouncing

Tim Kaine keeps interrupting and is coming off as an obnoxious, arrogant bully. #VPDebate
— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley)

Tim Kaine will unite Americans by interrupting every last one of them.
— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty)

Tim Kaine cannot stop interrupting. He is coming off extremely defensive, petty, and untrustworthy just like his running mate #VPDebate
— Kayleigh McEnany

Tim Kaine looked like Richard Nixon in the famous LOSS to JFK. He looked sweaty and nervous.
— John (@NobamaDotCom)

Tim Kaine is so nervous. Anytime pence is making a good point, Kaine just interrupts and starts yelling. Embarrassing performance from him
— Griffin Peeples (@gpeeps22)

My take: Kaine turned in a worse performance than Dan Quayle. https://t.co/snEVBAYEsO
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz)

Trainwreck’: Clinton’s VP blows it
— Mike Barlow (@mikebarlow2)

Tim Kaine Savaged on Twitter After Debate Trouncing - Breitbart

Only twits tweet or follow tweeters.

Whatever eases your bruised ego / psyche, F L. :p

Wrong guy my partisanshithead friend. These "debates" aint worth anyone's time; pageantry, illusion, theater.
The left is offering its deal, lets us have hilly now and we will gift you Pence in 2024.

If you think 2020, then you believe that vomit is the new caviar.

Pence won't stand a chance at the presidency. He did move ahead of Cruz in the race for republican nominee though. Considering the success of the last several republican nominees, that doesn't mean much.
all of which means HRC apparently is going to thump Trump

Clinton is currently a 72 percent favorite in our polls-only forecast, up from 55 percent just before the debate. That corresponds to a roughly 4-percentage-point national lead for Clinton, about where the race was as of Labor Day — before a series of mishaps for her in mid-September. Our polls-plus model, which blends polls with an economic index and generally produces a more conservative forecast, has Clinton with a 69 percent chance instead. Election Update: How Big Is Hillary Clinton’s Lead?
No one (sane) cares about the debates.

However, the reprehensible media bias, now that is a reason to vote for Trump. Elections should not be bought.

And that just started didn't it.

No, but the bias is worse and worse, they almost take pride in incoherently reporting the exact opposite of reality at this point. For example, #323 richest man in the world is just not successful enough. It's the Orwellian scenario where if you take the news and interpret them the opposite way, you have the actual news. Not that they can be called news in the first place, because that would mean reporting the facts, not opinions.

Well it's all corporate business, what did you expect?
You mean the same corporate businesses that paid the Clintons millions in speaking fees? What does Bill tell Goldman Sachs for fifteen minutes that's worth a million bucks?
How to stay out of prison after committing dozens of sexual assaults and rapes on women? And let's not forget the fourteen year old sex slaves he raped on his buddie's 'Lolita Island'.
How many times did he fly there? Like 26 times?
All the old rwnj lies have crawled off to die, but dannyboys does not get it.
kaine is even more bizarre than bill or hillary.

Kaine is like a crazy version of Howard Dean, I wouldn't trust the guy to operate a bathroom faucet.

Everyone knows your predictability on such things.

Everyone knows you are a troll live with that.

Aw, poor thing.
That's enough of your pathetic rolling.
Permanent Ignore!
kaine is even more bizarre than bill or hillary.

Kaine is like a crazy version of Howard Dean, I wouldn't trust the guy to operate a bathroom faucet.

Everyone knows your predictability on such things.

Everyone knows you are a troll live with that.

Aw, poor thing.
That's enough of your pathetic rolling.
Permanent Ignore!

Now you're just trying to be hurtful aren't you. fuckwit.
Kaine is like a crazy version of Howard Dean, I wouldn't trust the guy to operate a bathroom faucet.

Everyone knows your predictability on such things.

Everyone knows you are a troll live with that.

Aw, poor thing.

^^^ still trolling, run along I think your mom is calling you.

Oh hey wait, let me post something so deep and awesome it'll floor ya;

Kaine is like a crazy version of Howard Dean, I wouldn't trust the guy to operate a bathroom faucet.

How 'bout now, profound?

I have read many of your posts, with few exceptions they were troll posts, the product of a small immature mind desperate for attention. I recommend you logoff your computer and spend some time working on getting your life turned around.
Everyone knows your predictability on such things.

Everyone knows you are a troll live with that.

Aw, poor thing.

^^^ still trolling, run along I think your mom is calling you.

Oh hey wait, let me post something so deep and awesome it'll floor ya;

Kaine is like a crazy version of Howard Dean, I wouldn't trust the guy to operate a bathroom faucet.

How 'bout now, profound?

I have read many of your posts, with few exceptions they were troll posts, the product of a small immature mind desperate for attention. I recommend you logoff your computer and spend some time working on getting your life turned around.

Funny thing about "trolling", it's accusation follows partisanshit lines.
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