Wasserman Schultz: Wisconsin recall a ‘dry run’ for November


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Wasserman Schultz: Wisconsin recall a ‘dry run’ for November | The Daily Caller
“I think that he [Barrett] has a real opportunity to win,” Wasserman Schultz said. “We have put our considerable grassroots resources behind him. All of the Obama for America and state party resources, our grassroots network is fully engaged. And — well, I think what’s going to happen is that because of our on-the-ground operation, we have had an opportunity in this election, because especially given that Wisconsin is a battleground state, just like we did in the recall elections a year ago, to give this a test run.”

So, let's assume the polls are correct and Walker wins on the 5th. Since this was a 'dry run for November', according to Wasserman Schultz, that would mean the 'massive, significant, dynamic grassroots presidential campaign' in Wisconsin would be a failure.

Lets see how many Dimocrat dupes on USMB agree with her that it's a dry run.

Anyone? Anyone?

BTW... WI is a tossup right now, with 10 electoral votes.
Can you imagine Wasserman on Jeopardy?
Debbie: I will take ancient history for 500
Alex: Jesus And Moses
Debbie: Who were the first two saints to meet Abe Lincoln on the same day?
and now Debbie Wasserman on,,,,,are u dumber than a fifth grader.
Host: Ok, Mr Wasserman,,,What is the capitol of China?
Wasserman: I believe the correct answer is,,,,,,uhm,,,,,Japan?
The unions’ battle against Walker’s reforms has rested on the argument that the changes would damage public services beyond repair. The truth, however, is that the reforms not only are saving money already; they’re doing so with little disruption to services. In early August, noticing the trend, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that Milwaukee would save more in health-care and pension costs than it would lose in state aid, leaving the city $11 million ahead in 2012—despite Mayor Tom Barrett’s prediction in March that Walker’s budget “makes our structural deficit explode.”

The collective-bargaining component of Walker’s plan has yielded especially large financial dividends for school districts. Before the reform, many districts’ annual union contracts required them to buy health insurance from WEA Trust, a nonprofit affiliated with the state’s largest teachers’ union. Once the reform limited collective bargaining to wage negotiations, districts could eliminate that requirement from their contracts and start bidding for health care on the open market. When the Appleton School District put its health-insurance contract up for bid, for instance, WEA Trust suddenly lowered its rates and promised to match any competitor’s price. Appleton will save $3 million during the current school year.

Appleton isn’t alone. According to a report by the MacIver Institute, as of September 1, “at least 25 school districts in the Badger State had reported switching health care providers/plans or opening insurance bidding to outside companies.” The institute calculates that these steps will save the districts $211.45 per student. If the state’s other 250 districts currently served by WEA Trust follow suit, the savings statewide could reach hundreds of millions of dollars.

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I didn't think they could get anyone crazier than Howard Dean to head the DNC but hell's bells, they pulled it off.

I think the main requirement to head the DNC is to be able to get under the skin of Republicans.

In that regard, DWS was a good choice.
yup. just hearing her voice makes me want to commit ritual suicide..
Wasserman Schultz: Wisconsin recall a ‘dry run’ for November | The Daily Caller
“I think that he [Barrett] has a real opportunity to win,” Wasserman Schultz said. “We have put our considerable grassroots resources behind him. All of the Obama for America and state party resources, our grassroots network is fully engaged. And — well, I think what’s going to happen is that because of our on-the-ground operation, we have had an opportunity in this election, because especially given that Wisconsin is a battleground state, just like we did in the recall elections a year ago, to give this a test run.”

So, let's assume the polls are correct and Walker wins on the 5th. Since this was a 'dry run for November', according to Wasserman Schultz, that would mean the 'massive, significant, dynamic grassroots presidential campaign' in Wisconsin would be a failure.

Lets see how many Dimocrat dupes on USMB agree with her that it's a dry run.

Anyone? Anyone?

BTW... WI is a tossup right now, with 10 electoral votes.
Only if the Democrats win will it be a major deal if they lose the spin the other way will be so fast it might change the planet's orbit.
By saying it's a dry run, I take it they are trying out some new tactics (attack ads, cheating, etc) and if it works in WI, they'll go national with their bag of tricks.
She has now reversed herself and said that she doesn't believe that the Wisconsin recall vote has any effect on national elections because it only takes place in Wisconsin. Amazing..I think she may have learned that technique from Jimmy Carter ~shrug~ I dunno..
The only thing dry around here is DWS's and her........well.....nevermind, bad mental image.
She has now reversed herself and said that she doesn't believe that the Wisconsin recall vote has any effect on national elections because it only takes place in Wisconsin. Amazing..I think she may have learned that technique from Jimmy Carter ~shrug~ I dunno..

Actually, she has not reversed herself....lol.

The CNN piece was shot and aired today, 5/27/2012.


The C-SPAN pieces on 'Newsmakers', was shot on Friday, 5/25/2012, and just aired today.
Wisconsin recall: DNC’s Debbie Wasserman Schultz sees no national impact if Democrats lose - The Washington Post
The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee said Friday that if Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) doesn’t prevail over Gov. Scott Walker (R) in next month’s Wisconsin recall election, there won’t be any ramifications for Democrats nationally.

“I think, honestly, there aren’t going to be any repercussions,” Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said in a broad-ranging interview on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers.”

“It’s an election that’s based in Wisconsin. It’s an election that I think is important nationally because Scott Walker is an example of how extreme the tea party has been when it comes to the policies that they have pushed the Republicans to adopt,” Wasserman Schultz said. “But I think it’ll be, at the end of the day, a Wisconsin-based election, and like I said, across the rest of the country and including in Wisconsin, President Obama is ahead.”

So, 'first' she said it was just WI, and later said it was 'national'.
Now I know why liberals are always so pissed.

Just take a look at the women they must align with and possibly mate with:

Nancy Pelosi
Joy Behar
Rosanne Barr
Debbie W Shultz
Racheal Maddow
The other lesbian beast who got kicked off The View

Man. I'll take Palin, Liz Hasselback, the Fox News ladies any day!!!
Now I know why liberals are always so pissed.

Just take a look at the women they must align with and possibly mate with:

Nancy Pelosi
Joy Behar
Rosanne Barr
Debbie W Shultz
Racheal Maddow
The other lesbian beast who got kicked off The View

Man. I'll take Palin, Liz Hasselback, the Fox News ladies any day!!!

dude... I'm eating. At least I was.
So, let's assume the polls are correct and Walker wins on the 5th. Since this was a 'dry run for November', according to Wasserman Schultz, that would mean the 'massive, significant, dynamic grassroots presidential campaign' in Wisconsin would be a failure.

Lets see how many Dimocrat dupes on USMB agree with her that it's a dry run.

Anyone? Anyone?

BTW... WI is a tossup right now, with 10 electoral votes.

It won't be in November. Republicans haven't carried Wisconsin since 1984, they aren't about to start now.

The only thing that a failure to recall Walker will prove is that people aren't comfortable with recalls. Let us not forget that out of some dozen or so recall elections, only two guys were actually removed from office, one of them after he was caught cheating on his wife with the secretary and fled the juridiction. (Metaphorically, of course.)

I blame the both sides for using this tool frivilously. It should be used for outright misconduct, NOT "Well, he did stuff we didn't like, and we don't feel like waiting until the next election."

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