Wasting stimulus money


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
State Audit Finds Stimulus 'Fraud, Waste, Abuse' - News Story - WSB Atlanta

State auditors went through emails and financial records from the DHS from 2009 and 2010. The same information was requested by Channel 2 Action News for an investigation in November, but Channel 2 producers were told a copy of the documents would cost $174,000.

The documents revealed DHS mismanaged millions of federal stimulus dollars meant to create jobs in Georgia, according to auditors.

“Apparent fraud, waste and abuse in low-income jobs program likely resulted from mismanagement and weak controls at the central office,” the report said in its opening paragraph.
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I wonder how many republican states did this on purpose?

I ewould guess Texas sins they misuse federal education funds, which explains a lot.

Texas Democratic Congressional Delegation: Stop Misuse of Federal Education Dollars – My Harlingen News

“We must prevent more misuse of federal education dollars. As you search the country for misuse of federal economic recovery dollars, you are unlikely to find a greater abuse than what happened to the $3.25 billion in federal education monies that never achieved their intended purpose for Texas school children,” said Rep. Doggett. “We were trying to strengthen local schools, not provide a slush fund for other purposes. This year with tight local budgets putting so many jobs for teachers on the line, we should be protecting them, not just protecting one job for Governor Perry, who has failed to balance his budget without federal help. Any future federal funds need to go directly to our local school districts, who know best how to apply these resources.”
Only a loon would blame the failure of Obamas keynote program on Republicans.... LMAO

Are we shovel ready yet?
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State Audit Finds Stimulus 'Fraud, Waste, Abuse' - News Story - WSB Atlanta

State auditors went through emails and financial records from the DHS from 2009 and 2010. The same information was requested by Channel 2 Action News for an investigation in November, but Channel 2 producers were told a copy of the documents would cost $174,000.

The documents revealed DHS mismanaged millions of federal stimulus dollars meant to create jobs in Georgia, according to auditors.

“Apparent fraud, waste and abuse in low-income jobs program likely resulted from mismanagement and weak controls at the central office,” the report said in its opening paragraph.

Gee, if only there had been some rules issued to control the outlay of funds or perhaps a good tracking mechanism or something beyond a simple bribe and go technique.

You are absolutely right. The Stimulus was a waste of money and should never have been used. The promise was that it would stimulate the economy and the effect was that it delayed the implementation of solutions because the people who were in charge of solving the problems only spent the money to continue the problems until the money ran out. As it did in Wisconsin.

Ignoring a problem seldom makes it go away.

The feds threw nearly $1 trillion at a problem they created and a shitload of the money got wasted?

Well, I'll be dipped! :rolleyes:
State Audit Finds Stimulus 'Fraud, Waste, Abuse' - News Story - WSB Atlanta

State auditors went through emails and financial records from the DHS from 2009 and 2010. The same information was requested by Channel 2 Action News for an investigation in November, but Channel 2 producers were told a copy of the documents would cost $174,000.

The documents revealed DHS mismanaged millions of federal stimulus dollars meant to create jobs in Georgia, according to auditors.

“Apparent fraud, waste and abuse in low-income jobs program likely resulted from mismanagement and weak controls at the central office,” the report said in its opening paragraph.

Are you for real bitch? Republicans Fought passing that Pile of Waste partly because they said this Shit would happen. Just Because Georgia Usually Votes Republican you are going to sit her and pretend fraud in Waste of the Stimulus Package was only Carried out by Republicans.

Sorry but normally I try and be Civil, But you really are a low down stupid fucking Bitch. You want to blame someone for the Massive Fraud and Waste of money the Stimulus Bill was. Fucking Blame the asshole who sold it to us, and the people who passed it.
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I wonder how many republican states did this on purpose?

Exactly where in your link does it say the People responsible for this waste are Republicans? Do you actually think just because Georgia Usually goes Republican In National Elections, That every single Public Servant in the State is a Republican? Do you actually believe this kind of Fraud and Waste has not happened in every single state, Carried out By Hacks from Both Parties?

We told you so dumb ass. I was called a racist for months as I told you all how if we passed what Obama wanted, Not only would it not work, but it would be abused and wasted and stolen on a massive scale. It is unbelievable to me that you even had the nerve to make this post. I wish I could neg rep you 1000 times for it.
Only a loon would blame the failure of Obamas keynote program on Republicans.... LMAO

Are we shovel ready yet?

I don't want to speak for Truthmatters but I think the point was that Republicans are crooks not that the stimulus was a failure.

So you too Believe first that the waste in Georgia was completely the Fault of Republicans, and Second that the Stimulus Bill has not been abused and Wasted on an Epic Scale by Both Parties, and Third that ultimately the fault for that lies with the people who sold it to us, and passed it.

Then you are as stupid as she is.
This was the state that wasted this money NOT the feds

ATLANTA -- A scathing audit reveals major missteps on how Georgia’s Department of Human Services spent federal stimulus money, mistakes that likely cost Georgians thousands of jobs.
The succubus was designed as a bailout of wasteful state programs and cushy state bureaucrat benefit packages, you bloody twit.

The entire slush fund was a waste from the starting gate.
Only a loon would blame the failure of Obamas keynote program on Republicans.... LMAO

Are we shovel ready yet?

I don't want to speak for Truthmatters but I think the point was that Republicans are crooks not that the stimulus was a failure.

Speak for whom ever you wish. Don't be shy, this is a message board.

Obama himself admitted that he screwed up the Stimulus package at a Jobs Council meeting; "Shovel-Ready Was Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected".

Obamateurism of the Day « Hot Air
Tell me why this money was treated like this under a republican governor?

The study says that jobs were NOT created becazuse of this misuse.

That means the stimulus worked and would have worked ever better if this type of gaming the system had not been done by at least this republican govenernor.

I wonder how many other republicans whop appluaded when the leazdership announced that its most important priority was to end Obamas carreer?

party over country and party over the American peoples best interests.
Yeah every time we find wrong doing by the right its somehow the lefts fault too.

Very Rovian
Tell me why this money was treated like this under a republican governor?

The study says that jobs were NOT created becazuse of this misuse.

That means the stimulus worked and would have worked ever better if this type of gaming the system had not been done by at least this republican govenernor.

I wonder how many other republicans whop appluaded when the leazdership announced that its most important priority was to end Obamas carreer?

party over country and party over the American peoples best interests.

The only solution to this problem is a bigger Federal Government. We need more. More agencies, more regulations, and more federal unionized employees. In fact, I think Truthmatters should be the Vice Imperial Lieutenant Commander of the Department of Internet Communications. I am not sure if the Senate will insist on approval of the appointment, but let's give it a run around.
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Yeah every time we find wrong doing by the right its somehow the lefts fault too.

Very Rovian

I'll give you an example that hits close to home...

Our governor in Arizona is republican
Of the 5 county supervisors, 1 is DNC, 4 is GOP

Okay...the health department calls the other day and informs us that they now have a new capacity for the storage of public health preparedness (PHP) vaccines. This means they bought all new refrigerators and freezers and replaced the olds ones. Now...they had a great capacity before hand too...so what they had was working.

As you may, or may not know small pox vaccine is to be kept between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius. So if the 5-7 million people in suburban Phoenix are hit with smallpox, we have the capacity to keep doses on hand for a great many of them.

The problem is that Maricopa County will never get 5-7 million doses at one time. Because the vaccine expires very quickly. The costs would be outrageous. And--get this--the "push package" the CDC sends you if you're hit with small pox...has cold chain of storage capabilities built-in.

So...why did the County and the State--paragons of fiscal conservatism--buy these refrigerators with a grant from the DHS?

Because it could.

Why did these conservatives sign off on the purchases?

Why not? If you refuse it, other counties get the money.

What is being kept in the refrigerators currently?

Who knows. Probably Gardasil, PPD, and DPT. Admirable and necessary but did they need new units?

Just one area where waste is prevalent and both parties have their hands in the pie.

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